How 'One Nation' Didn't Become 'Under God' Until The '50s Religious Revival


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched, according to writer Kevin Kruse. His new book is One Nation Under God.

How One Nation Didn t Become Under God Until The 50s Religious Revival WUNC

So as a raging bigot, it is your claim that the United States had no religious tradition until the 1950's - Batshit?

{Against a prevailing view that eighteenth-century Americans had not perpetuated the first settlers' passionate commitment to their faith, scholars now identify a high level of religious energy in colonies after 1700. According to one expert, religion was in the "ascension rather than the declension"; another sees a "rising vitality in religious life" from 1700 onward; a third finds religion in many parts of the colonies in a state of "feverish growth." Figures on church attendance and church formation support these opinions. Between 1700 and 1740, an estimated 75 to 80 percent of the population attended churches, which were being built at a headlong pace.}

Religion in Eighteenth-Century America - Religion and the Founding of the American Republic Exhibitions Library of Congress

You Communists are some dumb motherfuckers, bigot boi.
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched, according to writer Kevin Kruse. His new book is One Nation Under God.

How One Nation Didn t Become Under God Until The 50s Religious Revival WUNC



In the context of a Cold War against godless commies, far to many of which were here at home, Christianity became increasingly a political issue.

And the process has not slowed.

Indeed, now the atheists have moved to the point where they want to drive Christians and Christian beliefs/organization from the Public Square.
Is that a graphic of God giving it to Uncle Sam up the ass? :dunno:
Kinda graphic.

I think it's time we re-re-embraced a Religious Identity in this country.

It doesn't appear that the alternative is working out. :slap:

Bigot boi Batshit thinks that if he can destroy Christianity, America will accept Islam...

No one ever accused Batshit of being particularly bright...
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched, according to writer Kevin Kruse. His new book is One Nation Under God.

How One Nation Didn t Become Under God Until The 50s Religious Revival WUNC

Deany, are you still claiming to be an Orthodox Jew from Brooklyn?
Thumpers want everyone to think that we've been a christiocracy since our founding when that just aint the case. The Red Scare brought-out all this sky pixie gobbledegook.
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched, according to writer Kevin Kruse. His new book is One Nation Under God.

How One Nation Didn t Become Under God Until The 50s Religious Revival WUNC


That was true for the dollar bill but we have had coins with it printed since the Civil War.
It was minted in 1864.
History of In God We Trust
Congress passed the Act of April 22, 1864. This legislation changed the composition of the one-cent coin and authorized the minting of the two-cent coin. The Mint Director was directed to develop the designs for these coins for final approval of the Secretary. IN GOD WE TRUST first appeared on the 1864 two-cent coin.

Another Act of Congress passed on March 3, 1865. It allowed the Mint Director, with the Secretary's approval, to place the motto on all gold and silver coins that "shall admit the inscription thereon." Under the Act, the motto was placed on the gold double-eagle coin, the gold eagle coin, and the gold half-eagle coin. It was also placed on the silver dollar coin, the half-dollar coin and the quarter-dollar coin, and on the nickel three-cent coin beginning in 1866. Later, Congress passed the Coinage Act of February 12, 1873. It also said that the Secretary "may cause the motto IN GOD WE TRUST to be inscribed on such coins as shall admit of such motto."

The use of IN GOD WE TRUST has not been uninterrupted.

It was just expanded under Eisenhower
It's also offensive for the religious not to have it.

I don't trust in god. :dunno:

But then, I find Andrew Jackson (founder of the democratic party) far more offensive on the $20.

God's only crime is that he doesn't exist. Jackson has the Trail of Tears and the founding of the most evil party in American politics. (Slavery, Jim Crow, KKK, Interment Camps, Obamacare..)
so the country did just fine without it for almost 100 yrs? I say scrap it. Its offensive.

It's also offensive for the religious not to have it.
howso? Why do you need your sky pixie on fiat currency?

That's what I thought, you can't see the offensive of both sides just yours.
Why do you think our very 1st Amendment has Religion as the very first sentence?
Because our Creator gives us out rights. Not Men. This is what America is all about our Diversity and all inclusive acceptance of everyone, based on our Creator.
If we get rid of our Creator then we have no rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
The words on our money does you no harm and has been around for 151 years.
Do you think that there was no nonbelievers in our country for 151 years? They believed in diversity.
The words "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance and the phrase "In God we trust" on the back of a dollar bill haven't been there as long as most Americans might think. Those references were inserted in the 1950s during the Eisenhower administration, the same decade that the National Prayer Breakfast was launched, according to writer Kevin Kruse. His new book is One Nation Under God.

How One Nation Didn t Become Under God Until The 50s Religious Revival WUNC



In the context of a Cold War against godless commies, far to many of which were here at home, Christianity became increasingly a political issue.

And the process has not slowed.

Indeed, now the atheists have moved to the point where they want to drive Christians and Christian beliefs/organization from the Public Square.

Contrary to McCarthy's claims, the US wasn't filled with Communists. It's odd how that was a crazy claim by republicans back then, and it is now too. No surprise that Cruz and others such as Alan West are often compared to him though.
so the country did just fine without it for almost 100 yrs? I say scrap it. Its offensive.

It's also offensive for the religious not to have it.
howso? Why do you need your sky pixie on fiat currency?

That's what I thought, you can't see the offensive of both sides just yours.
Why do you think our very 1st Amendment has Religion as the very first sentence?
Because our Creator gives us out rights. Not Men. This is what America is all about our Diversity and all inclusive acceptance of everyone, based on our Creator.
If we get rid of our Creator then we have no rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
The words on our money does you no harm and has been around for 151 years.
Do you think that there was no nonbelievers in our country for 151 years? They believed in diversity.

All that is just nuts. The constitution isn't part of the bible, you idiot. It's a document written by men and ratified by men.

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