How nutty are they going to get?

You may be right--I bet the some republicans are tired of taking it on the chin and are ready for paybacks. I'm going to wait until he actually does something other than be a black democrat .

Well, that would be mighty kind of you!
Hell no, but I always thought most neocons had more manners than libs. Usually Dumb as posts, but impeccible manners....:eusa_angel:

There is such a thing as a sore winner. Take my neighbors mom, she called her last night to rub salt in her own daughters wound. Knowing full well her daughter worked on the McCain campaign. Thankfully my friend knows to stand strong. She's taking it as well as I am. Granted... I'm not OK with it. I will grit my teeth the next few weeks then get down to picking the people to take back the congress come 2010. Total party control is never good.
Well then, can I interest you in Alaska? You can hitch a ride with my in-laws. :D

Actually I've joked about moving there for years. I don't think this could even convince my husband that's what we need to do. He wants to find a tropical island in the Pacific and we just fall off the face of the earth.
Actually I've joked about moving there for years. I don't think this could even convince my husband that's what we need to do. He wants to find a tropical island in the Pacific and we just fall off the face of the earth.
well, that would be a little on the hot side, if you have that hives problem
Can't do the heat. I actually brake out in hives. It sucks. But I've never needed a thermometer when I get a fever.

You might consider Connecticut. We may be liberal, but we elected Joe Lieberman, have the second largest military industry, and besides we're the wealthiest state in the nation.

We like to make lots of money and then tax ourselves to death....

It's a liberal thing....
Unless Obama makes a MAJOR reach across the table, the divide between the sides will get a lot worse. I see the same thing being said on my end. Homeschooling parents looking at taking their kids into hiding out of the coming changes in schooling laws. Others are arming themselves. Several have decided to close their businesses by the end of the year and lay off all of their employees.

Well if they are that myopic I guess the country is better off without them. The best of us adapt. There is money to be made in every political climate.
My husband is freaked a bit too... His company decided to use yesterday to start laying people off. They cut the job he's been going to school to get. He was even debating himself if it's even worth it. "Why bother to try and make money when all he'll do is tax me" is what I'm hearing. Thankfully I talked my husband into going to school tonight and not throw it all away. However I haven't talked him into staying in Oregon. He wants as far away from the liberal hubs as possible.

Well he could find something that pays $249,999 and he'd be untouched. So what's he make now? A paltry $190,000?
Ya know it's kind of like dealing with tyrannical little kids who pitch a fit everytime they don't get what they want. They try to get you to the point that you'll give in just to have some peace.

From what I recall, after the 2000 election, liberals accepted the fact that GWB was President and were pretty mellow for the next several years. Most even supported the invasion of Iraq.

The real anti-Bush sentiment did start until things started going wrong in Iraq and only grew after a series of obvious blunders. We really did give him a chance.

I somehow get the feeling that Republicans are NOT going to give Obama a chance.

They don;t have a choice, really. He's got at least two years, minimum, but probably longer than that. And they have no excuse. Last Dem to have 57-43 majority in the Senate was .... Jimmy Carter, and he got absolutely NOTHING out of that Congress.... Having a huge majority doesn't always mean much, especially if Obama's agenda is not the same as House and Senate leadership....and apparently they are NOT very well aligned at the moment.
Unless Obama makes a MAJOR reach across the table, the divide between the sides will get a lot worse. I see the same thing being said on my end. Homeschooling parents looking at taking their kids into hiding out of the coming changes in schooling laws. Others are arming themselves. Several have decided to close their businesses by the end of the year and lay off all of their employees.

Homeschooling ain't a bad idea. Unless you just want your children on field trips to gay and lesbian marriages.

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