How Muslims Think

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Easier to read if you click on "Printer Friendly Version".

[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think
by Daniel Pipes, New York Sun
June 27, 2006

How do Muslims worldwide think?

To find out, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press carried out a large-scale attitudinal survey this spring. Titled "The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other," it interviewed Muslims in two batches of countries: six of them with long-standing, majority-Muslim populations (Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey) and four of them in Western Europe with new, minority Muslim populations (France, Germany, Britain, and Spain).

The survey, which also looks at Western views of Muslims, yielded some dismaying but not altogether surprising results. Its themes can be grouped under three rubrics:

--A proclivity to conspiracy theories:
--Support for terrorism:
--British and Nigerian Muslims are most alienated:

for full article:
Adam's Apple said:
Easier to read if you click on "Printer Friendly Version".

[Pew Poll on] How Muslims Think
by Daniel Pipes, New York Sun
June 27, 2006

How do Muslims worldwide think?

To find out, the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press carried out a large-scale attitudinal survey this spring. Titled "The Great Divide: How Westerners and Muslims View Each Other," it interviewed Muslims in two batches of countries: six of them with long-standing, majority-Muslim populations (Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Nigeria, Pakistan, and Turkey) and four of them in Western Europe with new, minority Muslim populations (France, Germany, Britain, and Spain).

The survey, which also looks at Western views of Muslims, yielded some dismaying but not altogether surprising results. Its themes can be grouped under three rubrics:

--A proclivity to conspiracy theories:
--Support for terrorism:
--British and Nigerian Muslims are most alienated:

for full article:

Wow, just Wow!.

Disbelief that Muslims committed 9/11? Bin Laden took credit for it!

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