How Much Money have the American people saved by having the Government Shutdown?

No. They get paid whether they are at work or not.


If anything, we are losing money because they are being paid to do nothing...when they come back and the extra work piled up, we will pay double time for overtime for the workers, to get them to catch up.
Haven't saved a penny; even when the government was shutdown because a budget wasn't passed. Those employees sent home got paid anyway.
:lol::lol: Saved? Like one said, the Gov't employees get paid regardless.
No, we taxpayers didn't save a red cent in their salaries, BUT, there is a silver lining to having most of them staying home, instead of being at 'work'.

The amount of stupid decisions and spending waste dropped by 98%. :clap2:
Yea i'm actually all for our Congress only meeting a couple of times a year. They are simply in session way too much. The less they meet,the less damage they can do to our country. It seems so peaceful and pleasant when Congress is away on recess. Am i the only one who feels this way? Way too many Laws. How many more Laws do we really need? They don't need to be in session this much. Hey just my opinion anyway.
Oh, I disagree, they haven't passed any more corrupt legislation designed to destroy our nation or rob us during the storm either, so there must be some cost savings benefit............
Congress should only meet a couple of times a year. Seriously,how many more new Laws do we need? When they are away on recess there really is peace in the valley. That's how i feel anyway. In this case however,i don't think they saved much money. Government workers get paid whether they show up or not.

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