How much is your vote worth?

and the inhabitants of ONE state overrule the inhabitants of 6-8 states.
After all, prairie is people too.
In the presidential election you vote might be worth more, or might be worth less, than you'd think.

In Wyoming for ever EC vote there are 195,000 people.
In Texas there are 722,000.

Hardly seems fair that a person in Wyoming's vote is going to be worth three and a half times more than a person's vote in Texas.

Beyond this a vote in a state which is all for one candidate will then further reduce a person's vote, or increase it.

A vote in Michigan, where the margin of victory was 0.27% was worth a lot more than a vote in DC where the margin of victory was 86%. Essentially all votes in Michigan meant something, but in DC only about 6% of Democrats' votes meant anything.

Also, there's an argument that the Founding Fathers wanted the candidates to care about the whole country, and not just large urban centers. However what exists now? An election where candidates only really care about certain states which will have close margins.

How much time did each candidate spend in each state? I can't find the figures, but I'd bet it's not equal to the population in that state. I'd guess closer states got much more attention, thereby making what the founders wanted not exist any more.

More than yours because the guy I voted for.......WON! See how that works?
Not me bro, I'm having a good laugh.

Hair Drumpf!!!

My enjoyment is only hampered by the effect he will have on Americans I like and admire.

But you guys need to sort out your electoral processes before you become an even bigger laughing stock.
Not me bro, I'm having a good laugh.

Hair Drumpf!!!

My enjoyment is only hampered by the effect he will have on Americans I like and admire.

But you guys need to sort out your electoral processes before you become an even bigger laughing stock.

The electoral process worked EXACTLY as was intended. Next time don't run such a shitty candidate and you will win.

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