How much do they know?

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.
Just took a little ramble down in the Lakeview area of Oregon and northern Nevada. Stayed at a motel in Lakeview. And guess what is on the top of the US Message Board ads when I turn on the computer on arriving home? Motel rates for Lakeview. Ever wonder how much else they know about each of us?
Just took a little ramble down in the Lakeview area of Oregon and northern Nevada. Stayed at a motel in Lakeview. And guess what is on the top of the US Message Board ads when I turn on the computer on arriving home? Motel rates for Lakeview. Ever wonder how much else they know about each of us?

All of your information is sold.
Everything We Know About What Data Brokers Know About You - ProPublica

Democrats and GOP scouring database files to fine-tune sales pitch -

The Republicans and the Democrats both utilize this information so that they can call you.
You were sold out to marketers even before the internet...

We used to call them information warehouses in the '90s. Now, the special deals that you get with cards associated with say.....Speedway or Walgreens is sold as well.
The whole kit and caboodle is rather fantastic.

By fantastic I meant in a laugh hysterically with a box of razorblades in the bathroom kind of way and simply because that everyone is entitled to know all about you is sick.
Interesting in that I simply did not realize that everything we do was tracked to this degree by private businesses. Funny thing is, that the ad was for a hotel booking service. My wife makes our reservations in advance, and always asks, particularly when we are staying several days, what your best rate is. She equaled the rate they were bragging about.

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