How modern mathematics emerged from a lost Islamic library

I've never been to the Taj Mahal yet, but been to the Alhambra several times, and it matches the description you stated.
If Mohammed is the fifth of five prophets for Muslims, and the first four were, say, Noah, Lot, Moses, and Jesus -- it would still seem sacrilegious to Jews and Christians to deny that Lot's uncle Abraham is also a Prophet, although I suppose Abraham did not “preach” so directly to the Sodomites “as a prophet” to the same extent that his nephew Lot did --- but took counsel from Melchizedek, the priest of the Most High God, to who he gave the tenth of the spoils.

And the order of the ancient Aaronic priesthood was changed because the old covenant or testament was disannulled and made of no effect, and instead Jesus was appointed, eternally, High Priest after the order of Melchisedek, sacrificing Himself once and for all, that the blood of goats and rams need no longer be sprinkled or stricken on the doorposts as an atonement for the people ---
Abraham is considered a Prophet in Islam. ... :cool:
But then Abraham was still not a prophet to the Jews, who only recognized 17 prophets:
  1. Moses;
  2. the four major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel;
  3. the twelve minor prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
The House of Wisdom sounds a bit like make believe: no trace remains of this ancient library, destroyed in the 13th Century, so we cannot be sure exactly where it was located or what it looked like.

But this prestigious academy was in fact a major intellectual powerhouse in Baghdad during the Islamic Golden Age, and the birthplace of mathematical concepts as transformative as the common zero and our modern-day “Arabic” numerals.

Founded as a private collection for caliph Harun Al-Rashid in the late 8th Century then converted to a public academy some 30 years later, the House of Wisdom appears to have pulled scientists from all over the world towards Baghdad, drawn as they were by the city’s vibrant intellectual curiosity and freedom of expression (Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars were all allowed to study there).

An archive as formidable in size as the present-day British Library in London or the Bibliothèque Nationale of Paris, the House of Wisdom eventually became an unrivalled centre for the study of humanities and sciences, including mathematics, astronomy, medicine, chemistry, geography, philosophy, literature and the arts – as well as some more dubious subjects such as alchemy and astrology.

That's an interesting bit of history.
The Middle East was once the epicenter of the world intellectually then the religious zealots tore it all down
The Middle East was once the epicenter of the world intellectually then the religious zealots tore it all down
Don't forget Rome on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, and the brutal suppression of the arts and sciences during the Dark Ages throughout Europe under Roman Catholic religious zealots at the same time.
The Middle East was once the epicenter of the world intellectually then the religious zealots tore it all down
Don't forget Rome on the other side of the Mediterranean Sea, and the brutal suppression of the arts and sciences during the Dark Ages throughout Europe under Roman Catholic religious zealots at the same time.

religious zealots of any stripe are the enemy of knowledge
The moozies started their studies of library science with burning down the Alexandria library who Alexander the Great started and was building for millennia until Byzantium lost it to the moozies in the 7th century.

So, how did the moozies got suddenly sooo bookish in Baghdad?

The devil destroys to replace good with fake. Islamic mathematical principles are the foundation of the industrial revolution, a phenomenon unique to those geographical regions where that "knowledge" was applied. From there it destroyed the whole world.

But no worries, the moozies are not the first works of the devil neither in Baghdad nor in Alexandria. They had careful preparatory for themselves many times earlier, Babylon or the Hittites just to mention a few.
Rubbish. There was no 'Islamic Golden Age', there was three generations of a particular Persian family, who suppored a court made up of Jewish and Christian intellectuals whom they allowed intellectual freedom that didn't exist anywhere else in 'Islam'. Just because people adopted Muslim names doesn't mean they were Arabs, for one, especially not by the 12th century, and the source for math was most likely India, from Christian Nestorians invited by the Persian Court.

Muslims got their architecture from Jewish engineers and Christian Constantinople. Jewish engineers built the gardens of Damascus and the domes we see scattered around 'Islam', who mostly just took over churches and synagogues, same as they do now, the ones they don't destroy out of spite.
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