How Merkel fools stupid Germans


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Still believe in Covid-1984 scamdemic?
If someone makes sometimes the ranking of scores the idiot countries Germany without doubts will take the highest level.
Unbelievable how long Germans can tolerate the communist regime of Merkel

The translation from German:

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas spent the 150th anniversary of the founding of the German Empire with his friends in Turkey, for whose interests he has been campaigning very successfully in Germany for years. Together with his Turkish counterpart Mevlüt Cavusoglu, he posed for the cameras of the photographers - very well-behaved with a mask, of course. However, there are two versions of the scene: one for the German audience and one for the Turkish audience.

For the Turkish audience, face masks are apparently less important or even a hindrance. Popular educational demands in connection with the public, exemplary appearance of top politicians seem to be reserved for the version for the German public. "Deutsche Welle" carried both pictures - one with and one without masks. One with German text and the other with Turkish text.
Is Corona less contagious when the protagonists assume postures for Turkish readers and viewers? Or is Heiko Maas simply flexible and culturally sensitive? Possibly he assumes that Turks don't want to look at hooded politicians. And as an obedient guest, he then puts the mask aside and behaves as is expected of him.

Stupidly, both versions of his pose are now doing the rounds on social networks. Even in the milieu of the do-gooders and do-gooders, this is raising doubts about how seriously Maas takes his commitment to corona prevention. And how seriously he himself can still be taken with his behavior.

An appropriate reaction to the blunder would undoubtedly be to put Maas in quarantine for two weeks before he is allowed to go out among people in Germany again. Punishment is a must! And who knows what he caught unmasked in Ankara? It should be mentioned in this context: There are other diseases, not only Corona. Caution is the order of the day, and averting danger is the first duty of a citizen!


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