How many Rightwingers want the Swiss/France healthcare model?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Conservative poster TinyDancer thinks it's what we should do:

Hey The T, instead of neg-repping me with "WRONG" as the comment, why don't you come at it like a man and actually debate all these facts. Are you telling me these facts aren't facts? Or do they just completely fly in the face of all the propaganda you swallowed like a chicken shit?

I'd love to have an honest discussion over health care. Last great one I had was with Vaard over at Hannity.
Two awesome, your bang for your buck systems out there are the French and the Swiss.

No one wants to talk on your side. It's your side or the highway. And the Obamacare bill is a dogs breakfast and completely unwieldy.

Any other Rightwingers want to second that motion?
This isn't France or Switzerland. Also, Im not a "rightwinger". Whatever the fuck that is suppose to mean. The only locksteppers I see are the LOLberals. The poster appears to be a LOLberal.
This isn't France or Switzerland.

No shit, dumbass.

Also, Im not a "rightwinger".

Since I asked for Rightwinger responses, what the fuck are in the thread for, retard?

I guess you are a Rightwinger.

Whatever the fuck that is suppose to mean. The only locksteppers I see are the LOLberals. The poster appears to be a LOLberal.

I assure you, TinyDancer is no Liberal.
This isn't France or Switzerland.

No shit, dumbass.

Also, Im not a "rightwinger".

Since I asked for Rightwinger responses, what the fuck are in the thread for, retard?
I guess you are a Rightwinger.

Whatever the fuck that is suppose to mean. The only locksteppers I see are the LOLberals. The poster appears to be a LOLberal.

I assure you, TinyDancer is no Liberal.

And you called him a retard? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_hand:
many old people would shit themselves when you got rid of medicare.
We've had a couple of wingnut imbeciles weigh in.

How about actual conservatives with half a brain?

That's a rather high requirement for a rightwinger.
Oh, I like you! :lol:

Welcome to the forum.

When wanting to engage the wingnuts on this message board, please hit yourself in the head with a hammer 10 times first to make it a fair fight.

Because us Liberals are all about the fairness!
Universal coverage with mandatory private insurance (no public option) and consumer-driven:


Switzerland: A Case Study in Consumer-Driven Health Care - Forbes
We've had a couple of wingnut imbeciles weigh in.

How about actual conservatives with half a brain?

That's a rather high requirement for a rightwinger.
Oh, I like you! :lol:

Welcome to the forum.

When wanting to engage the wingnuts on this message board, please hit yourself in the head with a hammer 10 times first to make it a fair fight.

Because us Liberals are all about the fairness!

Well, at least you've finally explained what's wrong with you.

I bet you hit yourself in the head with a hammer 20 times, and the only reason you stopped was because you ran out of fingers and toes to count with.
Universal coverage with mandatory private insurance (no public option) and consumer-driven:


Switzerland: A Case Study in Consumer-Driven Health Care - Forbes

Switzerland provided the model for the Paul Ryan plan.

Swiss consumers, not employers or the government, primarily pay for the country’s health care expenses. In 2000, 43 percent of consumers’ payments were for insurance premiums (about 67 percent of total health care costs), 0.1 percent for deductibles and copayments (about 5 percent of total health care costs), and 28 percent for all other out-of-pocket payments, such as those for over-the-counter drugs (19 percent of the total).

No insurance plans offer complete coverage, and the Swiss may not buy insurance for these out-of-pocket payments. The required benefits range from hospital care to health spas. Insurers may also offer supplementary, optional policies for private hospital rooms or child care for sick parents. Demand is thus constrained by governmentally-controlled, mandated coverage and benefits that must be featured in all policies.

Imagine that, people have to pay their own money for coverage AND the insurance doesn't even cover everything. The American left would never stand for that. Health care should be free and cover everything.

Part of the reason for the success of health care in Switzerland, might be the Swiss themselves. They are an industrious people who don't prize laziness.
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Switzerland provided the model for the Paul Ryan plan.

Some variant of managed competition is the basis of virtually every reform plan in the U.S. over the past few decades.

Here's the Cato Institute in 2008:

Of all the countries with universal health care, Switzerland has one of the most market-oriented systems. [...]

The Swiss system is based on the idea of managed competition, the same concept that underlay the 1993 Clinton health care plan and Mitt Romney’s reforms in Massachusetts.

Managed competition leaves the provision of health care and health insurance in private hands but creates a highly regulated artificial marketplace as a framework within which the health care industry operates.

Swiss law requires all citizens to purchase a basic package of health insurance, an individual mandate. Coverage is close to universal, estimated at 99.5 percent. [...]

The term “basic benefits package” is somewhat misleading since the required benefits are quite extensive, including inpatient and outpatient care, care for the elderly and the physically and mentally handicapped, long-term nursing home care, diagnostic tests, prescription drugs, and even complementary and alternative therapies. [...]

Originally, insurers were required to be nonprofit entities, but that restriction was eliminated in 2002. Insurers cannot reject an applicant on the basis of health status, and all policies are community rated within a geographic area, meaning that the healthier pay higher premiums to subsidize the less healthy. One exception to community rating is for nonsmokers, who can receive premiums as much as 20 percent lower than smokers.

I suppose we can update that now by adding in Ryan and Obama's names with Clinton and Romney.

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