How many pro-abortion folks actually behave in accordance with their rhetoric?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
You tell me there's not a living being growing inside her, but you're not willing to put your hand on her stomach and tell her this while her baby kicks at you.
You tell me she's carrying a tumor or parasite, but you're not rushing her to the emergency room to have it pulled out.
You tell me the "clump of cells" growing in her is a cancer, but you're not offering her chemotherapy.
You tell me pregnancy is slavery, but you're not pushing for its abolition. In fact, most of you are doing the exact thing that causes women to become pregnant.
You tell me that abortion is fine because the unborn baby can't support her own life, but a slight majority of you recoil at the thought of the same argument being used to support infanticide.
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I have to thank you for disbelieving your own arguments, but I also have to admit that I can't respect them for that same reason. It kind of gives me some measure of hope that you choose not being a complete asshole over any sort of honesty or ideological consistency.

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