How many more lies did Barney Frank participate in???


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

Politicians lie. It's how they get into office, it's how they stay in office, it's how they advance their careers.

Their destructive lies and narcissistic behaviors are supported by their followers, supporters, sycophants and donors at nearly every turn.

And the American people don't appear to care, showing absolutely no indication that they're willing to hold these people accountable and change the system.

I don't understand, and I doubt that I ever will.

Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

98% of Americans were able to keep their plans.
Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

98% of Americans were able to keep their plans.

Link? I would wager maybe coverage was offered, however, after the cancellation of current plans because Obama knows what's best for your family and person

Now that he is retiring?

He's been retired for a long while now, Sherlock.
Every Democrat in Congress lied about the GSEs, Fannie and Freddy.

It because of their lies and their refusals to go along the Republicans and President G. W. Bush and the proposed reforms that we had that horrible housing crash.
Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

98% of Americans were able to keep their plans.

DO YOU REALIZE that what YOU said "98% of Americans were able to keep their plans." means there were according to
YOUR numbers less then 6,200,000 "UNINSURED" Americans! NOT 46 million as the below THIRD LIE shows!

GEEZ are you guys so stupid not to realize what numbers mean or do you just throw them out with no regard for their meaning??

LIE THREE Barney Frank went along with is a total LIE!!

President Obama said it in August 2009: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children.”

1) 10 million he counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

PLEASE EXPLAIN THEN HOW COME NOW Obama says there are less then 36 million because when he and Frank were pushing
46 million uninsured THEY were counting 10 million illegal citizens! NOW they say these 10 million shouldn't be counted!

2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.

Obama and others ALSO counted 14 million people that they didn't reach with Medicaid BEFORE ACA.
PLEASE it was Obama's fault for NOT enrolling these 14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BUT never were enrolled. ABLE to
be covered... that leaves 22 million that are supposedly uninsured!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

FINALLY why in the hell should 18 million people who HAVE no need (under 34) can afford (make over $50,000) could enroll with
employers' health plan DECIDE NOT to!!! Why are they counted as "uninsured' when they don't want it!

That leaves less then 4 million people that truly want and need coverage.

Another way to see how stupid and a BIG LIE!!!

301,219,252 insured people leaving of 310 million less then 8 million of which 18 million DoN"T WANT Coverage!!!
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Every Democrat in Congress lied about the GSEs, Fannie and Freddy.

It because of their lies and their refusals to go along the Republicans and President G. W. Bush and the proposed reforms that we had that horrible housing crash.

Pelosi Caught In Major Lie- Says Bush Didn't Warn Congress About Financial Crisis… Records Show He Warned Congress 17 Times in 2008 Alone

The White House released this list of attempts by President Bush to reform Freddie Mae and Freddie Mac since he took office in 2001.
Unfortunately, Congress did not act on the president’s warnings:

July: Congress heeds the President’s call for action and passes reform of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as it becomes clear that the institutions are failing.
Pelosi Caught In Major Lie- Says Bush Didn't Warn Congress About Financial Crisis? Records Show He Warned Congress 17 Times in 2008 Alone | The Gateway Pundit
Now that he is retiring?

He's been retired for a long while now, Sherlock.

Boy do I thank you for catching that very very critical mistake I made!
Boy that really has an immense bearing on the discussion here.

YOU are so right... Barney retired in January 3, 2013.
Barney Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I AM so so sorry for grossly misleading everyone!
Everyone!!! Please thank G.T. for such sharp eyed catching of this extremely important glaring ERROR!!
MEA CULPA...Я сожалею,Je mi líto, so sorry!!!
Now that he is retiring?

He's been retired for a long while now, Sherlock.

Boy do I thank you for catching that very very critical mistake I made!
Boy that really has an immense bearing on the discussion here.

YOU are so right... Barney retired in January 3, 2013.
Barney Frank - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I AM so so sorry for grossly misleading everyone!
Everyone!!! Please thank G.T. for such sharp eyed catching of this extremely important glaring ERROR!!
MEA CULPA...Я сожалею,Je mi líto, so sorry!!!

Doesn't change the fact that BF is the poster boy of the faggot lifestyle

Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

98% of Americans were able to keep their plans.

DO YOU REALIZE that what YOU said "98% of Americans were able to keep their plans." means there were according to
YOUR numbers less then 6,200,000 "UNINSURED" Americans! NOT 46 million as the below THIRD LIE shows!

GEEZ are you guys so stupid not to realize what numbers mean or do you just throw them out with no regard for their meaning??

LIE THREE Barney Frank went along with is a total LIE!!

President Obama said it in August 2009: “I don’t have to explain to you that nearly 46 million Americans don’t have health insurance coverage today. In the wealthiest nation on Earth, 46 million of our fellow citizens have no coverage.”
He said it dozens more times, including in June 2013: “We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children.”

1) 10 million he counted were not Americans... not citizens per the Census:
Proof: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau

PLEASE EXPLAIN THEN HOW COME NOW Obama says there are less then 36 million because when he and Frank were pushing
46 million uninsured THEY were counting 10 million illegal citizens! NOW they say these 10 million shouldn't be counted!

2) Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. That leaves 22 million.

Obama and others ALSO counted 14 million people that they didn't reach with Medicaid BEFORE ACA.
PLEASE it was Obama's fault for NOT enrolling these 14 million that were eligible for Medicaid BUT never were enrolled. ABLE to
be covered... that leaves 22 million that are supposedly uninsured!

3) 18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k. That leaves 4 million.

FINALLY why in the hell should 18 million people who HAVE no need (under 34) can afford (make over $50,000) could enroll with
employers' health plan DECIDE NOT to!!! Why are they counted as "uninsured' when they don't want it!

That leaves less then 4 million people that truly want and need coverage.

Another way to see how stupid and a BIG LIE!!!

301,219,252 insured people leaving of 310 million less then 8 million of which 18 million DoN"T WANT Coverage!!!

98% of Americans who HAD plans, you illiterate freak.
Now that he is retiring.. Barney thinks he can now tell the truth!

LIE One Barney Supported!!!!

Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people."
"The rollout was so bad, and I was appalled -- I don't understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis," Frank told HuffPost during a July interview.
"But frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it.
That wasn't true. And you shouldn't lie to people. And they just lied to people

Basically, yes (although that wasn't the only Obamacare-related thing the administration misled the public about).

Frank suggests that the Obama administration could have avoided some trouble by not making the promise. But the question is whether the law would have passed without an explicit vow that people could keep their plans and doctors.
Barney Frank on the White House Rollout of Obamacare: "They just lied to people." - Hit & Run :

Many prominent Democrats, including House Finance Chairman Barney Frank, opposed any legislation correcting the risks posed by GSEs.
House Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (D-MA) criticized the President's warning saying:
"these two entities - Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - are not facing any kind of financial crisis.
The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."
(Stephen Labaton, "New Agency Proposed To Oversee Freddie Mac And Fannie Mae," New York Times, 9/11/03)

With these TWO GIGANTIC LIES Frank Supported we have had two gigantic destructive forces in our economy..!

98% of Americans were able to keep their plans.

I am one of the two percent and I claim that 99.9 Percent of Obama supporters will quote the same fact as you just did, I did the research.
Every Democrat in Congress lied about the GSEs, Fannie and Freddy.

It because of their lies and their refusals to go along the Republicans and President G. W. Bush and the proposed reforms that we had that horrible housing crash.

Hmm ... can you tell me what bills Democrats blocked between 2003 and 2006, while Republicans controlled the Congress? Cite the bill numbers please, so I can look them up.


Politicians lie. It's how they get into office, it's how they stay in office, it's how they advance their careers.

Their destructive lies and narcissistic behaviors are supported by their followers, supporters, sycophants and donors at nearly every turn.

And the American people don't appear to care, showing absolutely no indication that they're willing to hold these people accountable and change the system.

I don't understand, and I doubt that I ever will.


No ... politicians don't lie at all:

[ame=]Flashback: Obama: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency. - YouTube[/ame]

Politicians lie. It's how they get into office, it's how they stay in office, it's how they advance their careers.

Their destructive lies and narcissistic behaviors are supported by their followers, supporters, sycophants and donors at nearly every turn.

And the American people don't appear to care, showing absolutely no indication that they're willing to hold these people accountable and change the system.

I don't understand, and I doubt that I ever will.


No ... politicians don't lie at all:

[ame=]Flashback: Obama: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency. - YouTube[/ame]

I think it is pretty damn transparent what he is doing.


"If, in fact, I could solve all these problems without passing them through Congress, I would do so. But we're also a nation of laws."



"With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that’s just not the case. // There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President."

Flashback: All The Times Obama Said It's Illegal To Grant Amnesty Through Executive Action


Politicians lie. It's how they get into office, it's how they stay in office, it's how they advance their careers.

Their destructive lies and narcissistic behaviors are supported by their followers, supporters, sycophants and donors at nearly every turn.

And the American people don't appear to care, showing absolutely no indication that they're willing to hold these people accountable and change the system.

I don't understand, and I doubt that I ever will.


Politicians lie to GET into office.

But when they lie while IN office, the media calls them out on lies while IN office can destroy political careers.

But now when the media calls them out on it?

They blame Fox News for being a propaganda spreader for the GOP.

And the beat goes on.

Politicians lie. It's how they get into office, it's how they stay in office, it's how they advance their careers.

Their destructive lies and narcissistic behaviors are supported by their followers, supporters, sycophants and donors at nearly every turn.

And the American people don't appear to care, showing absolutely no indication that they're willing to hold these people accountable and change the system.

I don't understand, and I doubt that I ever will.

I do understand.

I just don't have a working solution to it.

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