How many left wingers are calling for Trump to be killed, let us count them...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This list will be added to as the left wing continues to melt down, lose the small bit of rational thought they had and turns more violent.....

1) The actual attempt to assassinate him during the campaign.

2) we will include madonna saying she was going to blow up the White House...

3) the latest...Times Journo Calls for Assassination of President Trump

4) Charlie Sheen...Charlie Sheen Calls on God to Kill Donald Trump - Breitbart

5) friend of bill the rapist and hilary...Man calling himself 'Jesus Christ' arrested for Tweeting threat to kill Donald Trump at his inauguration with high powered rifle
My only question for them is this: Is he really worth spending the rest of your life in jail over and that is if you yourself are not given a death sentence because of it?

God bless you and him always!!!


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