How many are collecting Govt paychecks doing nothing

Human beings whether children or not still need to interact with each other, because one can lose their skills or character if locked down, works from home, becomes introverted, anti-socialble, left to one's own devices etc. etc. etc.

Adult humans have plenty of ways to get human interaction.

PwC conducted a similar survey of 1,200 US office workers and 120 executives in 2020. 73% percent of those executives surveyed found that working remotely has been a success.

PwC survey also found that 72% of those workers surveyed would like to continue working from home for at least 2 days a week even when they can go back to the office full time. 32% said they would like to work from home permanently.

The same executives in the PwC survey expected to need 30% less office space in the next three years.

On a more personal experience...

My BIL has been working from home for more than 20 years. He has not had an office to to go during that whole time. He worked for ATT as a telecom engineer. When they downsized they got rid of all of them and contracted the work out. His last day with ATT was a Friday and on Monday he was working for the same person, but was now a contractor instead of an ATT employee. Over the last 20ish years he has had a few different employers, but has never had to go to an office the entire time.
The 72% and their thinking seems reasonable to me.
I get nothing from the government. I pay $145 a month Medicare premium and receive my Social Security, which is my money.

Alas, premiums only finance 25% of the cost of Medicare Part B and 15% of Part D. They're sort of like when state Medicaid programs make beneficiaries pay a token premium--a nice gesture, but not really a financing mechanism.

The reality is that Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries are getting out significantly more than they paid in.

Alas, premiums only finance 25% of the cost of Medicare Part B and 15% of Part D. They're sort of like when state Medicaid programs make beneficiaries pay a token premium--a nice gesture, but not really a financing mechanism.

The reality is that Medicare and Social Security beneficiaries are getting out significantly more than they paid in.

How about if I've been paying since 1965. If I had put that money in the bank drawing interest all those years, how much would I have?
How about if I've been paying since 1965. If I had put that money in the bank drawing interest all those years, how much would I have?
Same with the Healthcare Savings Account (HSA), where as right now I have a significant amount in that savings program, but if I would have had such a program at both my careers for the 40+ year's of work in my life, and especially if it would have been active the entire time, then I actually could retire on it just like a 401k or other type of retirement benefit today.

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