CDZ How many Americans have been exposed to Covid-19?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Without the answer to this question (which can be determined by random testing) the numbers of "new cases" is utterly meaningless. Suppose 50% of our population has been exposed, but only 5% are showing any symptoms. Doubling the number of tests will double the number of positive results, even though nothing has actually changed. Further, only testing those who are showing symptoms exaggerates the numbers of new cases reported. Why doesn't the news media explain this?

After all the political dust settles, Covid-19 will be exposed as a new flu strain that originated in China, which mismanaged the outbreak locally and deliberately allowed it to spread to other countries. Older and obese people with preexisting health issues are at most risk from this virus, but it is not particularly dangerous to the general population. The number of deaths solely attributed to it will be shown to have been grossly exaggerated, but its damaging effects on our economy will last for decades.
Without the answer to this question (which can be determined by random testing) the numbers of "new cases" is utterly meaningless. Suppose 50% of our population has been exposed, but only 5% are showing any symptoms. Doubling the number of tests will double the number of positive results, even though nothing has actually changed. Further, only testing those who are showing symptoms exaggerates the numbers of new cases reported. Why doesn't the news media explain this?

After all the political dust settles, Covid-19 will be exposed as a new flu strain that originated in China, which mismanaged the outbreak locally and deliberately allowed it to spread to other countries. Older and obese people with preexisting health issues are at most risk from this virus, but it is not particularly dangerous to the general population. The number of deaths solely attributed to it will be shown to have been grossly exaggerated, but its damaging effects on our economy will last for decades.
Covid19 will a Statiction's heaven.
There will a lot of debate over the stats also.
U R right.
This Pandemic has been used as a political football for the Left.
The Left has been dishonest about it all along.
Without the answer to this question (which can be determined by random testing) the numbers of "new cases" is utterly meaningless. Suppose 50% of our population has been exposed, but only 5% are showing any symptoms. Doubling the number of tests will double the number of positive results, even though nothing has actually changed. Further, only testing those who are showing symptoms exaggerates the numbers of new cases reported. Why doesn't the news media explain this?

After all the political dust settles, Covid-19 will be exposed as a new flu strain that originated in China, which mismanaged the outbreak locally and deliberately allowed it to spread to other countries. Older and obese people with preexisting health issues are at most risk from this virus, but it is not particularly dangerous to the general population. The number of deaths solely attributed to it will be shown to have been grossly exaggerated, but its damaging effects on our economy will last for decades.

I knew that-----I didn't need the Newspapers to EXPLAIN it-----and even if the newspapers explained it------most americans would not understand. Right now do you believe that MOST AMERICANS understand that whether they think they had MUMPS or not----that they were probably EXPOSED to it? It is a fact that people DIE of the damned corona at a much much greater rate than die of mumps. In vitamin A deficient populations-----people die of measles. Do most
americans know that? It makes the news now and then. Who reads that sort of stuff and UNDERSTANDS it? Corona virus acts like a virus -----"catching" it and not getting sick is not a NEW THING. Seventy years ago POLIOVIRUS was all over the place----we did not all get sick but the world breathed a sigh of relief when SALK figured out how to control it. I was a baby but I REMEMBER THE WORD POLIO and "DON'T TOUCH"----swimming pools were closed (I think---or at least to me and my sibs). CORONA is new and anyone who claimed KNOWING how it would pan out was lying
It is a fact that people DIE of the damned corona at a much much greater rate than die of mumps.
How do we know what the actual death rate is for all people who have been exposed? (Not just those who are already sick.) And how many people have died solely due to the virus? The only thing we do know is that the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 has been grossly exaggerated.
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It is a fact that people DIE of the damned corona at a much much greater rate than die of mumps.
How do we know what the actual death rate is for all people who have been exposed? And how many people have died solely due to the virus? The only thing we do know is that the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 has been grossly exaggerated.

right----we don't know----but WE DO KNOW that people die of it-----based on some crap it does to the lungs-----and possibly a few other tissues. It is a destructive little critter. Over time and lots of autopsies-----more will be known-----as to the STATS you crave----that is a matter of extrapolations by people who do that stuff.
It is a fact that people DIE of the damned corona at a much much greater rate than die of mumps.
How do we know what the actual death rate is for all people who have been exposed? And how many people have died solely due to the virus? The only thing we do know is that the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 has been grossly exaggerated.

right----we don't know----but WE DO KNOW that people die of it-----based on some crap it does to the lungs-----and possibly a few other tissues. It is a destructive little critter. Over time and lots of autopsies-----more will be known-----as to the STATS you crave----that is a matter of extrapolations by people who do that stuff.
Then why haven't they done it? BTW, Influenza is a greater threat to children than Covid.
It is a fact that people DIE of the damned corona at a much much greater rate than die of mumps.
How do we know what the actual death rate is for all people who have been exposed? And how many people have died solely due to the virus? The only thing we do know is that the number of deaths attributed to Covid-19 has been grossly exaggerated.

right----we don't know----but WE DO KNOW that people die of it-----based on some crap it does to the lungs-----and possibly a few other tissues. It is a destructive little critter. Over time and lots of autopsies-----more will be known-----as to the STATS you crave----that is a matter of extrapolations by people who do that stuff.
Then why haven't they done it? BTW, Influenza is a greater threat to children than Covid.

there is not sufficient data yet nor do YOU have sufficient data to INDEPENDENTLY DECIDE that
"influenza"----whatevah you IMAGINE that is, is
"a greater threat to children"
When was the last time a flu killed 160,000 people in 6 months?

that might have happened---something like 1918 (?)
my grandmother (born 1899) was very sick with it and
just barely escaped dying-------the story that came to me was that it was complicated by double pnuemonia---which is the erstwhile way of saying both lungs. She managed to survive without a respirator-----but she lived to 98----so it seems she was made well. RE corona----keep in mind we actually do not YET know all that much about its NATURAL HISTORY or long term effects.
Without the answer to this question (which can be determined by random testing) the numbers of "new cases" is utterly meaningless. Suppose 50% of our population has been exposed, but only 5% are showing any symptoms. Doubling the number of tests will double the number of positive results, even though nothing has actually changed. Further, only testing those who are showing symptoms exaggerates the numbers of new cases reported. Why doesn't the news media explain this?

After all the political dust settles, Covid-19 will be exposed as a new flu strain that originated in China, which mismanaged the outbreak locally and deliberately allowed it to spread to other countries. Older and obese people with preexisting health issues are at most risk from this virus, but it is not particularly dangerous to the general population. The number of deaths solely attributed to it will be shown to have been grossly exaggerated, but its damaging effects on our economy will last for decades.
As a SWAG I'd say at this point in the game likely most.
there is not sufficient data yet nor do YOU have sufficient data to INDEPENDENTLY DECIDE that
"influenza"----whatevah you IMAGINE that is, is
"a greater threat to children"
Here it is, genius:

Best to not argue with your intellectual superiors.

best to read your citations------a whole bunch of guesswork and conjecture
I was tested on Thursday (because I’m having surgery next Tuesday). I will eventually have to have another test if/when they let us back into my office building. I will NOT consent to additional test OR whatever vaccine they come out with.
Without the answer to this question (which can be determined by random testing) the numbers of "new cases" is utterly meaningless. Suppose 50% of our population has been exposed, but only 5% are showing any symptoms. Doubling the number of tests will double the number of positive results, even though nothing has actually changed. Further, only testing those who are showing symptoms exaggerates the numbers of new cases reported. Why doesn't the news media explain this?

After all the political dust settles, Covid-19 will be exposed as a new flu strain that originated in China, which mismanaged the outbreak locally and deliberately allowed it to spread to other countries. Older and obese people with preexisting health issues are at most risk from this virus, but it is not particularly dangerous to the general population. The number of deaths solely attributed to it will be shown to have been grossly exaggerated, but its damaging effects on our economy will last for decades.
So all those news reports on Italy, and elsewhere, otherwise where we was supposedly watching hospitals being overrun with people dying from the new strain, refrigerator trucks being brought in to manage the carnage, videos of mass grave sites, people not allowed to be with their loved ones in death, cremation instead of burial was all a hoax ????? Not saying you aren't right, but if it was all a hoax, then we should be locking the perpetrators up big time. If the Democrats were a party to the hype in it all for political purposes, then they should be put under investigation, the election's cancelled until further notice, and indictments coming big time to those who attempted to use this in order to transform the world.

If the vote can't be relied upon due to Covid, then like every dam thing else the left wants to keep shut down, the election should be postponed due to Covid also.

Everything we have done to beat this thing prior to the election hasn't been enough, and that tell's me that this thing sure can be political now. If it is, then the election should be postponed due to further pending investigations needed.

I watched that Fauci say a few minutes ago that now temperature checks aren't accurate, so to use them as part of the safe gaurds for returning to school won't work. You are kidding me right ??? Factories in my area have been operating ever since this thing got here, and they have remained Covid free due to temperature checks, mask, and social distancing. Fauci is a political operative it seems, and he is working against this country instead of working for it maybe.

We absolutely can't shut the economy down, schools down or anything else critical to our economy, our well being mentally, and our strength as a nation. Those who think that we can keep this bullcrap up aren't being honest I don't think. Something ain't right people, something ain't right. Better open your eyes.
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So all those news reports on Italy, and elsewhere, otherwise where we was supposedly watching hospitals being overrun with people dying from the new strain, refrigerator trucks being brought in to manage the carnage, videos of mass grave sites, people not allowed to be with their loved ones in death, cremation instead of burial was all a hoax ?????

Over 90% of the deaths in Italy were elderly people with serious health conditions. Almost every death was attributed to Covid-19. Same as in the U.S. Actual death rate, if calculated the same way as other diseases, is probably 1/3 of what has been reported.

After the November elections, Covid will be found to be not as serious as initially thought, and the economy (and schools) will be reopened. Until the next time a crisis is needed...
So all those news reports on Italy, and elsewhere, otherwise where we was supposedly watching hospitals being overrun with people dying from the new strain, refrigerator trucks being brought in to manage the carnage, videos of mass grave sites, people not allowed to be with their loved ones in death, cremation instead of burial was all a hoax ?????

Over 90% of the deaths in Italy were elderly people with serious health conditions. Almost every death was attributed to Covid-19. Same as in the U.S. Actual death rate, if calculated the same way as other diseases, is probably 1/3 of what has been reported.

After the November elections, Covid will be found to be not as serious as initially thought, and the economy (and schools) will be reopened. Until the next time a crisis is needed...
So who was responsible for the videos showing the hospital's as if they were in a grave struggle against the virus while trying frantically to save those poor souls ??? Was I watching the leftist media attempting to make the thing way worse than it actually was ??? Was it all being hyped up for political purposes, otherwise a Hollywood script playing out before our very eyes ??? Why doesn't Trump have the answers for us, otherwise if this thing has been a huge political hoax played on us along with the world to date ??

Do you think maybe that the plan was so elaborate, that they have fooled everyone including him ???? We need answers.
So who was responsible for the videos showing the hospital's as if they were in a grave struggle against the virus while trying frantically to save those poor souls ??? Was I watching the leftist media attempting to make the thing way worse than it actually was ??? Was it all being hyped up for political purposes, otherwise a Hollywood script playing out before our very eyes ??? Why doesn't Trump have the answers for us, otherwise if this thing has been a huge political hoax played on us along with the world to date ??

The MSM is responsible for fake/misleading videos, as they always do. For example, they often show machine guns firing when they talk about semi-automatic rifles. They also use dated footage to portray current events, such as Trump's "cages" for immigrant children which were filmed during Obama's presidency.

President Trump is dealing with the Covid hoax as well as he can, just as he has done with the Russia, Ukraine, Obstruction and Impeachment hoaxes. The only thing he can do is wait them out until the truth becomes self-evident. Otherwise, he will be falsely portrayed as a mass murderer by the MSM propaganda machine. After the election he can tell Fauci and all the rest of them to go to hell, and try to rebuild our economy.

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