CDZ Four 10 hour days vs vs Five 8 hour days vs Three 12 Hour Days.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.
Ten hour days would be more than I could put up with but the extra day off might make up for it.
I'm a truck driver. I work 70+ hours a week.

What you described is a pansy ass schedule. Try 4am to 6pm 6 days a week.
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.
If you need regular hours, you shouldn't be doing construction in the first place. Go get a job at the DMV or something.
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.
If you need regular hours, you shouldn't be doing construction in the first place. Go get a job at the DMV or something.


Did you even read the thread lol.
I'm a truck driver. I work 70+ hours a week.

What you described is a pansy ass schedule. Try 4am to 6pm 6 days a week.

I have worked from 7am to dark (8 or 8:30pm) 7 days a week for 3 weeks at a time. And that was doing hard physical labor hanging fiber optic lines cross-country. Brutal schedule but I made a pile of money at it. Then we would get a week off.

It was also the fastest I have ever seen crews hang strand, then jig and lash fiber over long hauls. 4 crews working the schedule, so there were always 3 crews working. Paid production, so the more we go done the more we made. Those were some good years.
Did the ten hour days for awhile.
It was okay but forget about hanging out with your buddies and drinking some beer during the week.That shit will catch up to you real quick.
Add the fact that most everyone else was working that extra day was generally used for chores around the house.
Or in a worst case scenario the boss wants you to work on Friday because a "Hot" job came in.
That happened frequently.
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.

Working 4 10hr days is especially good if the job requires any setup. You get more done.

And having a 3 day weekend every weekend works for me. I like having one weekday off to get things done when banks, doctors ect are open.

Not sure I would want to do the split work week though. I'd rather work 4 days straight.
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.

Working 4 10hr days is especially good if the job requires any setup. You get more done.

And having a 3 day weekend every weekend works for me. I like having one weekday off to get things done when banks, doctors ect are open.

Not sure I would want to do the split work week though. I'd rather work 4 days straight.

Yeah that was the main thing about doctors. I needed a lot of dental work done, deep cleanings and repair at my gum line, so my employer gave me 10 hours 4 days, and it's stayed that way since. And yeah, the setup and take down times dont eat in the period as much.
Did the ten hour days for awhile.
It was okay but forget about hanging out with your buddies and drinking some beer during the week.That shit will catch up to you real quick.
Add the fact that most everyone else was working that extra day was generally used for chores around the house.
Or in a worst case scenario the boss wants you to work on Friday
I've found working 10 hours per day, 4 days a week, with 3 consectuve days off best for heavy labor/construction.

Mon Tues + Thursday Fri best for service (waiting/valet) to break to monotony and dread of 5 days in a joint.

The 5 day workweek was scientifically calculated to be the best for the owners/boss by Ford in early 1900's, but imo (and many others) not best for the employees state of mind.

5 days is miserable and weekends feel like a "intensive recovery" instead of a 2 days vacation when I do construction and 5 days feels like suicidal depression when I do service jobs.

I'm very happy with 4 days a week doing contruction right now at 10 hours a day, once in a while I throw in a 5th day (without overtime time as agreed to) for some extra cash for 4-8 hours.

I ahve nothing to godo to say about five days a week. Fuck it.

3 days a week (which I tried) makes the other 4 days boring as hell in construction; however, doing (example): Monday Tuesday *break* *break* Friday (16 hours) (break*break) at 12 hours 12 hours, 16 hours in service makes it really enjoyable and better to cater to my customers.
Back when I was in construction, we did 10 hour days, and we loved it. 3 days off was the deal. It was also cheaper for construction companies to operate in the 4 day work week instead of the five. Everybody wins, everybody happy, production way better, and less absenteeism by employee's. The pay was great also.

Then came the greed era. College graduates with all their damned ideas. Then came the Mitt Romney's to attempt to buy companies just so they could profit then shut them down or to sell them off after crippling them (Baine capital), right ? Then came deregulation or reorganization that destabilized otherwise solid companies, golden parachutes, government regulations, Nafta etc. Unbelievable when looking back at it all.

No wonder we have rioting in the streets today, and it ain't because of a rogue cop. It's way beyond that, and if not acknowledged then we are done. Biden will double down on the bullcrap, and the economy will completely break.
Did the ten hour days for awhile.
It was okay but forget about hanging out with your buddies and drinking some beer during the week.That shit will catch up to you real quick.
Add the fact that most everyone else was working that extra day was generally used for chores around the house.
Or in a worst case scenario the boss wants you to work on Friday
I worked 10 hours a day in construction (4 days a week), and drove a truck on Friday and Saturday part time. Talk about stacking it up. Good times. It's why I'm debt free today.
Did the ten hour days for awhile.
It was okay but forget about hanging out with your buddies and drinking some beer during the week.That shit will catch up to you real quick.
Add the fact that most everyone else was working that extra day was generally used for chores around the house.
Or in a worst case scenario the boss wants you to work on Friday
I worked 10 hours a day in construction (4 days a week), and drove a truck on Friday and Saturday part time. Talk about stacking it up. Good times. It's why I'm debt free today.

I supplemented my income through the stock market.
And even my dumbass was able to retire at 46.
I dont understand the youth of today,they dont want to work and when they do they expect top wages their first year out of college. As far as working two jobs? Shiiiit,forget that!!!
We can all agree wages today for most are way way way way way below the cost of barely hanging on. And we wonder why americans have to drink. It's their only escape from the hell they are in.

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