How long are you willing to live like this

This is probably more of a rhetorical question but what the hell.
How long are you willing to be slaves?
What will it take for YOU personally to stand up and say I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore?
How many civil liberties are you willing to watch them strip from us?
How many rich people are you willing to reward, for theft and larceny, by paying them even more money?
How many manicures pedicures and massages for our elitists are you willing to pay for when you are probably having a hard time feeding your own family and paying your mortgage?
How many fat cats are you willing to watch retire early, off the money they have stolen from us, while you look at the possibility of never being able to retire?
How many laws are you willing to watch your president and leaders circumvent, when you personally can be arrested for stealing a five cent piece of bubble gum?
How many of our soldiers are you willing to watch die, while invading countries under false pretenses?
How much hatred from other countries, due to failed foreign policy are you willing to endure?

What will it take?
How far are you going to let them push you before enough is enough?

The roof IS on fire...
And it's about time we all started chanting...
"we don't need no water let the motherf@%&$r burn!"

You can tell people exactly what's going on and they:

a. don't believe
b. don't care
c. feel powerless
d. only care about god, gays & guns
e. benefit from bushanomics
f. don't know
g. don't wanna know
h. will never know
How many more tax dollars are YOU willing to let the government take from your pocket while claiming they are going to do something about any of the above?

And WHAT do you propose to do about it?

That's the 64 TRILLION dollar question, isn't it?

It's one I've been pondering since the late 60s.

So far, I have rejected: mass armed revolution (the masses are awake, but they're hiding undercovers); passive resistence, (Ghandi I'm NOT); working with the system to change it from the inside (by the time you reach a position where you can effect real chance, they own your soul); and becoming a lone wolf assassin (first of all, murder is immoral. secondly you can kill all the assholes you want, there's always more assholes to take their place).

I do not see a solution here, folks.

Even assuming the American people were ready for a revolution, revolutionary movements leading to better governments are as rare as hens' teeth.

And the system is so pervasive and in charge of nearly every aspect of our society, anything short of armed revolt is just so much window dressing.

I have just got to hand it to the Aemerican MASTER CLASS... they're smart as hell when it comes to retaining power and control over populations.

They know, what few oligarchies in history seem to have known...that the best way to keep the people enslaved is to keep telling them how free they are and to keep them reasonably well fed, and to amuse them with trinkets.

Bread and circuses, folks, bread and circuses.

I think education is our last best hope, to be honest.

And when I say edcuation, I do not mean education of the masses, I mean education of the MASTERS.

Certainly at least half of them understand that the moment the regime in charge is openly a repressive tyranny, its days are numbered.

The trick is to educate that half of the Master Class who apparently doesn't understand the symbiotic relationship between the people and the overlords.
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What do you mean by that exactly? They just want their team to win at all costs? Just curious

Yes. They don't really care what the candidates stand for as long as their candidate wins. Obviously, this is an oversimplification, but it does explain a few things. I was elated when Ross Perot gave the election to Bill Clinton in '92 and '96 and Ralph Nader gave GWB the election in '00. To me, that means that there are some who are starting to 'wake up' and not just vote for a candidate because they have a 'D' or an 'R' at the end of their name. I wish more people were this enlightened.
How many more tax dollars are YOU willing to let the government take from your pocket while claiming they are going to do something about any of the above?

And WHAT do you propose to do about it?
Actually none. I'm in the process of having myself removed from the federal income tax. I will still pay state taxes but the federal government can kiss my white ass.

I hate to be the one person who can see how bad this has become and the one option they have left us with... Revolution is our only hope at this point.
What else CAN we do? Write our congressmen? Peacefully protest? March on washington and demand (peacefully) that they give us our country back that they hijacked? Or maybe we should sit in a big circle and sing kum bi ya and hug eachother. Feel free to waste your time, but I think we all know NONE of that will work. The time for peaceful protest and/or debate is over.

I'm with ya ashamed american. Check out the Naomi Wolf interview and help make it viral.YouTube - Interview - Naomi Wolf - Give Me Liberty
I did and what scares me the most about that, and this whole situation is that easily 75% or more of americans have their heads too far up their own ass to see the light of day.
You could literally have these troops stationed in the u.s. rounding them and their families up, and they would still be covering their own ears, and mouth, humming the national anthem, too blindsided, shocked, and scared to accept reality.
You can tell people exactly what's going on and they:

a. don't believe
b. don't care
c. feel powerless
d. only care about god, gays & guns
e. benefit from bushanomics
f. don't know
g. don't wanna know
h. will never know
Don't forget
I. are so convinced of their own, and their governments greatness and infallibility that they will never accept the truth.

Look... there are people (some who post here, and who's retarted programmed logic will be seen in the following posts) that we will still be trying to show the truth to years from now, after a revolution has already taken place and we have established a new government.
They will still be waving their flags and singing the national anthem and wishing for the "gool 'ol days" when bush made them feel warm and fuzzy and patriotic as he bent them over the barrel and raped their civil liberties from them.
There are just some people who will always refuse to accept the reality of whats happening.
All we can do is let them sit on the sidelines while we burn this bitch down, and keep trying to shake some sense into them for decades to come after...

These are the same people who probably still believe that christopher columbus discovered america, a weather baloon fell to earth in roswell, 19 hijackers perpetrated 9-11, Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated kennedy as a "lone guman", and Jesus was 6 feet tall white/blond hair/blue eyes and pretty much looked like the long lost bee gee's member... And why shouldn't they, our government has payed good money to have them programmed into believing those things. :badgrin:

I'm sorry to disapoint the "good" americans by taking my head out of the sand... but I'm no longer stupid enough to believe the bullshit they spoonfeed us from pre-school to the grave.

Some day they will wake up and thank us, for doing THEIR job for them as they sat in the corner shaking and too catatonic to even ACCEPT reality, let alone do something about it. :wtf:

May the flaming begin... Please insert your programmed logic and die hard pro-U.S. rhetoric on the lines below, so that future generations can have something to be ashamed of also. :lol:
That's the 64 TRILLION dollar question, isn't it?

It's one I've been pondering since the late 60s.

So far, I have rejected: mass armed revolution (the masses are awake, but they're hiding undercovers); passive resistence, (Ghandi I'm NOT); working with the system to change it from the inside (by the time you reach a position where you can effect real chance, they own your soul); and becoming a lone wolf assassin (first of all, murder is immoral. secondly you can kill all the assholes you want, there's always more assholes to take their place).

I do not see a solution here, folks.

Even assuming the American people were ready for a revolution, revolutionary movements leading to better governments are as rare as hens' teeth.

And the system is so pervasive and in charge of nearly every aspect of our society, anything short of armed revolt is just so much window dressing.

I have just got to hand it to the Aemerican MASTER CLASS... they're smart as hell when it comes to retaining power and control over populations.

They know, what few oligarchies in history seem to have known...that the best way to keep the people enslaved is to keep telling them how free they are and to keep them reasonably well fed, and to amuse them with trinkets.

Bread and circuses, folks, bread and circuses.

I think education is our last best hope, to be honest.

And when I say edcuation, I do not mean education of the masses, I mean education of the MASTERS.

Certainly at least half of them understand that the moment the regime in charge is openly a repressive tyranny, its days are numbered.

The trick is to educate that half of the Master Class who apparently doesn't understand the symbiotic relationship between the people and the overlords.

"Master Class"?
You are kidding, right?
You can tell people exactly what's going on and they:

a. don't believe
b. don't care
c. feel powerless
d. only care about god, gays & guns
e. benefit from bushanomics
f. don't know
g. don't wanna know
h. will never know

What you MEAN to say is:

You can insist that things are different than what the facts reveal, and people won't listen.

Damn straight they won't, Bobo. You plead cases that fly straight in the face of the truth, and you insist your world view is the correct one, and everyone else is stupid.

You're wrong, and until you learn that it's not about your feelings and suspicions, but about what the facts prove..and until you move away from propoganda, you're never going to get anywhere with your arguments.

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