How Liberals think


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Great speech and makes a ton of sense within the first 10 minutes

[ame=]Understanding How Modern Liberals Think - YouTube[/ame]
This is one of the things he mentioned.
NARAL hosts ‘Screw Abstinence Party’
And a liberal with some logic.
Feit said the event “undermines NARAL’s credibility as an organization that is seriously concerned with unwanted pregnancies by playing into the right’s stereotypes about the left as a promiscuous bunch of libertines.”
yeah the Ron PAul thing, I'm not saying it's not true, it's just we need people to let us know, it's like the people who hate masons, I dont really care if someone is a mason or if they're not.

This leftwing guy backs up my original poster's point
[ame=]How Conservatives Think - TYT Nation - Adam Strange - YouTube[/ame]
Liberals think ?

I know I know, but he spells it out really really well. Basically he says that the left thinks all of the issues of the world come from people arguing and that is because of morality and therefor they try and stamp it out, which is why they support alot of crazy ass stuff......but it's a really good talk. And the second video basically says the same thing, but that no morality is positive and leads to I found that to be hilarious.
Liberals think ?

I know I know, but he spells it out really really well. Basically he says that the left thinks all of the issues of the world come from people arguing and that is because of morality and therefor they try and stamp it out, which is why they support alot of crazy ass stuff......but it's a really good talk. And the second video basically says the same thing, but that no morality is positive and leads to I found that to be hilarious.

I highly recommend Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict Of Visions". It is a tough read, but very informative and fits in with this thread.
Liberals think ?

I know I know, but he spells it out really really well. Basically he says that the left thinks all of the issues of the world come from people arguing and that is because of morality and therefor they try and stamp it out, which is why they support alot of crazy ass stuff......but it's a really good talk. And the second video basically says the same thing, but that no morality is positive and leads to I found that to be hilarious.

I highly recommend Thomas Sowell's "A Conflict Of Visions". It is a tough read, but very informative and fits in with this thread.
Oh I bet, II'll have to get that one. He speaks of what my OP did in a much faster, smaller way, where he said liberals want to get rid of ALL segragation, at what price?

[ame=]The Difference Between Liberal and Conservative - YouTube[/ame]
yeah the Ron PAul thing, I'm not saying it's not true, it's just we need people to let us know, it's like the people who hate masons, I dont really care if someone is a mason or if they're not.
That's fair.... And I agree.

This leftwing guy backs up my original poster's point
Well... See... It's the absolutes that is suggested that gets me. It's something both parties pretty much want to promote, and do a damn fine job of doing it. Hell... Look around here for examples they really aren't hard to find.

I think the main problem here is like 40% of the population is extreme right, 40% of the population is extreme left, and the 20% in the middle is deciding between the two extremes. The problem with that?


One party fucks some things up and fixes others
The other party fucks up with the first fixes, but fixes what the first party fucks up
And both the above parties fuck up some of the SAME things.

I'm sorry... I feel we need to get someone in there that will fix what both parties fuck up. That's someone who isn't republican or democrat. And while he ran as a republican, I think we can all agree Ron isn't republican.
yeah the Ron PAul thing, I'm not saying it's not true, it's just we need people to let us know, it's like the people who hate masons, I dont really care if someone is a mason or if they're not.
That's fair.... And I agree.

This leftwing guy backs up my original poster's point
Well... See... It's the absolutes that is suggested that gets me. It's something both parties pretty much want to promote, and do a damn fine job of doing it. Hell... Look around here for examples they really aren't hard to find.

I think the main problem here is like 40% of the population is extreme right, 40% of the population is extreme left, and the 20% in the middle is deciding between the two extremes. The problem with that?


One party fucks some things up and fixes others
The other party fucks up with the first fixes, but fixes what the first party fucks up
And both the above parties fuck up some of the SAME things.

I'm sorry... I feel we need to get someone in there that will fix what both parties fuck up. That's someone who isn't republican or democrat. And while he ran as a republican, I think we can all agree Ron isn't republican.

I agree with your main point, but the percentages are off, it's somwhere like %40 conservative, 25% liberal and the rest moderate.
The OP is good because it shows you what liberals want. They HATE HATE HATE the concept of morality, HATE IT, (ironic since they are morally superior in their comments, lol).

The problem is they dont like truth, facts, logic or reason, they think trying to find an answer (truth) leads to conflict (which is the cause of war, poverty and everything bad) and so to avoid conflict just make everything ok (After hearing this guy, he was a former liberal from Hollywood), which is why they excusse criminals, promescuity, drugs, things that damage people and families, because there is no right/wrong to them and the inner cities are the culmination of that thought, violence, sex, drugs, no hope, jobs, ect...
yeah the Ron PAul thing, I'm not saying it's not true, it's just we need people to let us know, it's like the people who hate masons, I dont really care if someone is a mason or if they're not.
That's fair.... And I agree.

This leftwing guy backs up my original poster's point
Well... See... It's the absolutes that is suggested that gets me. It's something both parties pretty much want to promote, and do a damn fine job of doing it. Hell... Look around here for examples they really aren't hard to find.

I think the main problem here is like 40% of the population is extreme right, 40% of the population is extreme left, and the 20% in the middle is deciding between the two extremes. The problem with that?


One party fucks some things up and fixes others
The other party fucks up with the first fixes, but fixes what the first party fucks up
And both the above parties fuck up some of the SAME things.

I'm sorry... I feel we need to get someone in there that will fix what both parties fuck up. That's someone who isn't republican or democrat. And while he ran as a republican, I think we can all agree Ron isn't republican.

I agree with your main point, but the percentages are off, it's somwhere like %40 conservative, 25% liberal and the rest moderate.
The OP is good because it shows you what liberals want. They HATE HATE HATE the concept of morality, HATE IT, (ironic since they are morally superior in their comments, lol).
Well... I agree to disagree on the percentages.

I agree that logic isn't a liberals strong point. I've always felt that their hearts were bigger than their brains.
That's fair.... And I agree.

Well... See... It's the absolutes that is suggested that gets me. It's something both parties pretty much want to promote, and do a damn fine job of doing it. Hell... Look around here for examples they really aren't hard to find.

I think the main problem here is like 40% of the population is extreme right, 40% of the population is extreme left, and the 20% in the middle is deciding between the two extremes. The problem with that?


One party fucks some things up and fixes others
The other party fucks up with the first fixes, but fixes what the first party fucks up
And both the above parties fuck up some of the SAME things.

I'm sorry... I feel we need to get someone in there that will fix what both parties fuck up. That's someone who isn't republican or democrat. And while he ran as a republican, I think we can all agree Ron isn't republican.

I agree with your main point, but the percentages are off, it's somwhere like %40 conservative, 25% liberal and the rest moderate.
The OP is good because it shows you what liberals want. They HATE HATE HATE the concept of morality, HATE IT, (ironic since they are morally superior in their comments, lol).
Well... I agree to disagree on the percentages.

I agree that logic isn't a liberals strong point. I've always felt that their hearts were bigger than their brains.

Well numbers are numbers, so we can certainly disagree with that, as for liberals I dont even think their hearts are that great. The reason I say it, is because they dont try to modify any of their programs, they dont have any stated metrics for them to meet. You would think they would say lets do x and we should meet this goal and if not, change something, but they dont, they just pass it, gain more power, enslave a constituancy and then never revisit the program.
I agree with your main point, but the percentages are off, it's somwhere like %40 conservative, 25% liberal and the rest moderate.
The OP is good because it shows you what liberals want. They HATE HATE HATE the concept of morality, HATE IT, (ironic since they are morally superior in their comments, lol).
Well... I agree to disagree on the percentages.

I agree that logic isn't a liberals strong point. I've always felt that their hearts were bigger than their brains.

Well numbers are numbers, so we can certainly disagree with that, as for liberals I dont even think their hearts are that great. The reason I say it, is because they dont try to modify any of their programs, they dont have any stated metrics for them to meet.
Hearts don't have any concept of numbers. The will to do good is there, they just don't have any clue on how to do it.

You would think they would say lets do x and we should meet this goal and if not, change something, but they dont, they just pass it, gain more power, enslave a constituancy and then never revisit the program.
Yeah... Doesn't seem very smart.
Well... I agree to disagree on the percentages.

I agree that logic isn't a liberals strong point. I've always felt that their hearts were bigger than their brains.

Well numbers are numbers, so we can certainly disagree with that, as for liberals I dont even think their hearts are that great. The reason I say it, is because they dont try to modify any of their programs, they dont have any stated metrics for them to meet.
Hearts don't have any concept of numbers. The will to do good is there, they just don't have any clue on how to do it.

You would think they would say lets do x and we should meet this goal and if not, change something, but they dont, they just pass it, gain more power, enslave a constituancy and then never revisit the program.
Yeah... Doesn't seem very smart.

The problem with the will is I cant believe they're that dumb. I mean look at the innercities and crime rates, they have strict gun control, so you think that they might change something, but they dont... Again I used to think they were well intentioned, but it's been 40 years and a disaster and they dont want to change a thing, something else is up with these people, what I'm not quite sure, but the OP did open some eyes and it's very logical and fits with how liberals behave.

I mean the no profiliing thing is just stupid. No reason to search a 3 year old, but they do.....
Liberals hate America and think we deserved

What a comedian.

Liberals in Congress who all stood hand in hand (Dems and Reps) singing "God Bless America" on 9-12-2011?

Why hasn't this been moved to the flame zone where the "how do conservatives think" thread now resides?

There would seem to be just a bit of a double standard going on here.
Liberals think??????

Liberals don't think. Liberals recite indoctrinated talking points over and over and over and over and over..........

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