How John Did Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

It's what submissive authoritarians are notorious for, targeting with near inexplicable aggression those who would not submit to the Dear Leader. There is nothing new, or even mildly surprising about that.

BTW, Eye, here's what I meant to ask a few times... I always read your OPs with interest, and find myself, say, slightly turned off because of their being both ugly and hard to read - Bold italics is screaming as much as all-caps is.

If I may suggest:


A brief quote:

The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.

The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”

That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."​


Compare. You proceed as you please, of course.
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

It's what submissive authoritarians are notorious for, targeting with near inexplicable aggression those who would not submit to the Dear Leader. There is nothing new, or even mildly surprising about that.

BTW, Eye, here's what I meant to ask a few times... I always read your OPs with interest, and find myself, say, slightly turned off because of their being both ugly and hard to read - Bold italics is screaming as much as all-caps is.

If I may suggest:


A brief quote:

The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.

The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”

That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."​


Compare. You proceed as you please, of course.
***chuckles**** Old distinguish quotes and make them stand out. It's a print media thing...and meant to shout a bit. I'll give it some thought..I like the's distinctive...maybe just go with the bold?

As for my interest in the is not the vilification that intrigues's the propagation...both the speed...and the means. There's a hierarchy at work here..and it is fascinating to watch it evolve.
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."
Trump promised to hire the best people for his administration. Until they aren't. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself and will throw any and all under the bus when they are no longer useful. Except for family (so far).

I expect some great tell-all books once he's out of power.
As for my interest in the is not the vilification that intrigues's the propagation...both the speed...and the means. There's a hierarchy at work here..and it is fascinating to watch it evolve.

There is no "hierarchy" needed, just the herd's common propensity to bark and screech at anyone betraying a treasonous lack of subservience. That's enough for Rightardia to erupt.
We have never learned it's not good to get behind the enemy of your enemy. That noted, Trump asked for this himself.
Bolton managed to "get his head on a pike" symbolically of course, just the same way Schiff described it.
As for my interest in the is not the vilification that intrigues's the propagation...both the speed...and the means. There's a hierarchy at work here..and it is fascinating to watch it evolve.

There is no "hierarchy" needed, just the herd's common propensity to bark and screech at anyone betraying a treasonous lack of subservience. That's enough for Rightardia to erupt.
Because the Liberal Herd Mentality is superior!
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."

It prolongs the sham trial in the Senate, which inconveniences the Republicans in their attempts to wrap up this administration's covering up the impeachable acts by Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed). Pretty simple.
As for my interest in the is not the vilification that intrigues's the propagation...both the speed...and the means. There's a hierarchy at work here..and it is fascinating to watch it evolve.

There is no "hierarchy" needed, just the herd's common propensity to bark and screech at anyone betraying a treasonous lack of subservience. That's enough for Rightardia to erupt.
Hierarchy needed? Hmm...well, for us humans, hierarchy is inevitable..LOL!

But...that is not what I meant..what I meant is a hierarchy of dissemination...I bet if one looked at a cloud graph of the propagation of some memes and pithy sayings...we might see a distinctive pattern that would roughly correlate with real world molding of their respective narratives.
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."
...and this Twitter trolling tactic is exactly how Trump got elected -- and it is exactly how Trump may very well be re-elected ...

because there is no answer to it and there is no alternative....since most progressives kind of care about things being true or not...we don't just totally make up shit that we ALREADY KNOW IS FALSE....

Trumpers don't mind something they just said being exposed as a lie because they don't mind lies long as its a lie their base wants to believe...and republicans have been this way before Trump....

It's just that Trump's incompetence made this type of sycophancy more blatant....
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."
...and this Twitter trolling tactic is exactly how Trump got elected -- and it is exactly how Trump may very well be re-elected ...

because there is no answer to it and there is no alternative....since most progressives kind of care about things being true or not...we don't just totally make up shit that we ALREADY KNOW IS FALSE....

Trumpers don't mind something they just said being exposed as a lie because they don't mind lies long as its a lie their base wants to believe...and republicans have been this way before Trump....

It's just that Trump's incompetence made this type of sycophancy more blatant....

I laugh
Wake up and pay attention- John Bolton was always a target of the Pro Trump Brigade, Bolton was and will always be a poisonous snake. Trump was warned several time about this slime he would have been better off picking Tulsi Gabbard for Bolton's position
Bolton is a friggin nut. But so is Trump. They are both fucking nut jobs. The only difference is Bolton has some semblance of patriotism left. Trump does not. Trump is all about Trump and screwing over the country for personal and political gain. Bolton knows the truth and hopefully will tell it like it is.
Pretty cool op/ed...^^^warning^^^ it's the those who indulge in tin foil hats might want to button up!

Anatomy of a ‘smear’: How John Bolton became a target of the pro-Trump Internet

Describes a phenom we here see in action all the time---how do you feel about it?

A brief quote:

"The attacks, which unfolded vividly in the 24 hours after it became clear Bolton had potentially damaging information to share, crescendoed on conservative podcasts and cable television, as individual catchphrases — such as “Book Deal Bolton” — gained currency across the far-right firmament. By Tuesday, they offered a case study in how the pro-Trump Internet targets a perceived enemy, even an archconservative and war hawk.
The vilification of Bolton — branding him as a traitor and member of the “deep state,” a reference to a conspiracy theory favored by the president that a shadow government is working to thwart him — made use of misleading text as well as eye-catching memes. It moved from anonymous Twitter accounts with a few dozen followers to prime-time hosts on Fox News with an audience of hundreds of thousands. Finally, it made its way to Capitol Hill, when Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Tuesday described the eyewitness to activity at the heart of the president’s impeachment trial as a “disgruntled, fired employee who now has a motive, a multimillion-dollar motive, to inflame the situation.”

"Trump himself echoed some of the attacks Monday when he retweeted a post from Lou Dobbs of the Fox Business Network calling Bolton a “Rejected Neocon” and the “Deep State’s Last Desperate Act.”
That move, experts say, showcased how personal insults driven by online conspiracy theories — which Trump harnessed on his path to the presidency — remain fundamental to his hold on his base."
...and this Twitter trolling tactic is exactly how Trump got elected -- and it is exactly how Trump may very well be re-elected ...

because there is no answer to it and there is no alternative....since most progressives kind of care about things being true or not...we don't just totally make up shit that we ALREADY KNOW IS FALSE....

Trumpers don't mind something they just said being exposed as a lie because they don't mind lies long as its a lie their base wants to believe...and republicans have been this way before Trump....

It's just that Trump's incompetence made this type of sycophancy more blatant....

I laugh
Yea, I laughed when Lou Dobbs gushed all over the hiring of Bolton -- and how he went on and on heaping praises on Bolton....

Then immediately pretended that he never said any of I said...these trump years won't age well...

I also said these Bush years won't age well -- and it didn't stop you morons from hiring Bolton AGAIN...yall are pathetic
Billjeens I see you ignored my questions, I'm still waiting on your replies. When you mentioned things that you assumed that really happened, I'd like to see you post links to back up assumptions.
Billjeens I see you ignored my questions, I'm still waiting on your replies. When you mentioned things that you assumed that really happened, I'd like to see you post links to back up assumptions.

It's in the public domain.
You can even find the information in left wing Politico.
Probably not written as 1 +1 = 2
So you won't see it or understand it.
And that's okay.

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