How Israel takes its revenge on boys who throw stones


Maybe Jstone would like to post a link to that facebook page so that we can all see just how sad his retorts are. His replies are no less sad than the ole "I have a girlfriend in another town!" bit from lonely nerds in jr high.

true story.

I don't have permission to post someone else's facebook page, shit-for-brains. You and that ugly skank on facebook could make paint peel, needledick :lol: :clap2:
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Non-binding UN resolution, dimwit. :lol:

There is no rule in international law prohibiting Israelis from residing on sovereign Israeli land.

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Martin Luther King, Jr....


Proposed Israeli law would formalize second-class status for Arab citizens

[ame=] The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa (9780375425462): Sasha Polakow-Suransky: Books[/ame]

From Publishers Weekly[/]

During the mid-1950s, the young state of Israel built diplomatic ties to postcolonial African nations on their common histories of oppression. But by 1987, Israel's alliances on the continent had completely changed—despite international sanctions, Israel maintained a close and covert relationship with South Africa; their military trade kept the Israeli economy vital and buttressed the faltering apartheid government. With recently declassified documents, Polakow-Suransky, an editor at Foreign Affairs, offers an important, provocative, and occasionally disturbing analysis of this clandestine alliance. He identifies two wars as decisive turning points in Israeli–South African relations. The 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories alienated former friends and won it new enemies; and the 1973 Yom Kippur War left the economy in shambles, and created a powerful incentive for Israel to export arms to and cultivate its relations with the South African government. The author concludes his smart and readable study with a charged epilogue in which he writes that, as evinced by its policies towards Palestinians, Israel itself risks remaking itself in the image of the old apartheid state. (June)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bogus book :lol:

Israel is not occupying Palestinian territory under international law.

And, the US continued conducting business with South Africa even during sanctions. South Africa - Relations with the United States


Marcello Pera, Former President of the Italian Senate
Israel is a Western democracy...Its parliamentary system, legal traditions, education and scientific research facilities and cultural achievements are as fundamental to it as to any other Western society. Indeed, in some of these areas, Israel is a world leader. Defending Israel means defending the values that made and sustain our Western civilization.

We must never forget that Israel is on our side in the battle against Islamism and terror. Israel stands on the front line of that fight as a bulwark of Judeo-Christian values. The belief that the democratic world can sacrifice Israel in order to placate Islamism is profoudnly wrong and dangerous. Appeasement failed in the 1930s and it will fail today.

Attempts to question Israel's basic legitimacy as a Jewish state in the Middle East are unacceptable to people who support liberal democratic values. The State of Israel was founded in the wake of Unite Nations Resolution 181, pass in 1947. It also arose out of an unbroken Jewish connection to the land that stretches back thousands of years. Israel derives its legitimacy from international law and from the same right to self-determination claimed by all nations

Israel's basic right to self-defense should not be questioned. Nor should it be forgotten that Israel faces unique security threats from terror groups such as Hezbolah and Hamas, and from Iran seeking nuclear weapons.

We must never forget that Israel is on our side in the battle against Islamism and terror. Israel stands on the front line of that fight as a bulwark of Judeo-Christian values.

Israel arose out of an unbroken Jewish connection to the land that stretches back thousands of years.

The State of Israel was founded in the wake of Unite Nations Resolution 181, pass in 1947.

The basis for his post is bogus. Resolution 181 was never implemented.

Proposed Israeli law would formalize second-class status for Arab citizens The Unspoken Alliance: Israel's Secret Relationship with Apartheid South Africa (9780375425462): Sasha Polakow-Suransky: Books

From Publishers Weekly[/]

During the mid-1950s, the young state of Israel built diplomatic ties to postcolonial African nations on their common histories of oppression. But by 1987, Israel's alliances on the continent had completely changed—despite international sanctions, Israel maintained a close and covert relationship with South Africa; their military trade kept the Israeli economy vital and buttressed the faltering apartheid government. With recently declassified documents, Polakow-Suransky, an editor at Foreign Affairs, offers an important, provocative, and occasionally disturbing analysis of this clandestine alliance. He identifies two wars as decisive turning points in Israeli–South African relations. The 1967 Six-Day War and Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories alienated former friends and won it new enemies; and the 1973 Yom Kippur War left the economy in shambles, and created a powerful incentive for Israel to export arms to and cultivate its relations with the South African government. The author concludes his smart and readable study with a charged epilogue in which he writes that, as evinced by its policies towards Palestinians, Israel itself risks remaking itself in the image of the old apartheid state. (June)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bogus book :lol:

Israel is not occupying Palestinian territory under international law.

And, the US continued conducting business with South Africa even during sanctions. South Africa - Relations with the United States


Marcello Pera, Former President of the Italian Senate

The State of Israel was founded in the wake of Unite Nations Resolution 181, pass in 1947.

The basis for his post is bogus. Resolution 181 was never implemented.

Repeating the same mistake doesn't make it correct, it shows your defeat.

United Nations
The question of Palestine was brought before the UN General Assembly...An 11-member Special Committee on Palestine was formed at the first special session of the Assembly. The majority of the committee members that Palestine be partitioned into a Jewish state and an Arab state.

At a second session, the UN General Assembly on 29 November 1947 adopted Resolution 181 approving...the Plan of Partition. The Plan included the creation of... the Jewish state no later than 1 October 1948.
The basis for his post is bogus. Resolution 181 was never implemented.
Wait./ For the sake of argument, let's let him have it.

Then it also established the Arab state of Palestine, which means he's just refuted his earlier claims.

Can't have it both ways...

Non-binding UN resolution, dimwit. :lol:

There is no rule in international law prohibiting Israelis from residing on sovereign Israeli land.


Owned? Lol! You sound like a ten year old! And I doubt you could claim ownership of a bag of shit.
The basis for his post is bogus. Resolution 181 was never implemented.
Wait./ For the sake of argument, let's let him have it.

Then it also established the Arab state of Palestine, which means he's just refuted his earlier claims.

Can't have it both ways...

Arabs rejected statehood, dimwit.:lol:


So your precious resolution was never implemented? Then why bring it up?

You can't have it both ways
Wait./ For the sake of argument, let's let him have it.

Then it also established the Arab state of Palestine, which means he's just refuted his earlier claims.

Can't have it both ways...

Arabs rejected statehood, dimwit.:lol:


So your precious resolution was never implemented? Then why bring it up?

You can't have it both ways

So, resolution 181 was implemented for the Jews and Israeli statehod, shit-for-brains.

Arabs rejected statehood, dimwit.:lol:


So your precious resolution was never implemented? Then why bring it up?

You can't have it both ways

So, resolution 181 was implemented for the Jews and Israeli statehod, shit-for-brains.

That same plan established the Arab state of Palestine, which Israel is occupying in violation of international law.

You can't have it both ways
So your precious resolution was never implemented? Then why bring it up?

You can't have it both ways

So, resolution 181 was implemented for the Jews and Israeli statehod, shit-for-brains.

That same plan established the Arab state of Palestine, which Israel is occupying in violation of international law.

You can't have it both ways

Arabs voided their statehood under 181 by going to war with Israel, a violation of international law and the UN Charter.

You're way out of your depth, as usual.

So, resolution 181 was implemented for the Jews and Israeli statehod, shit-for-brains.

That same plan established the Arab state of Palestine, which Israel is occupying in violation of international law.

You can't have it both ways

Arabs voided their statehood under 181 by going to war with Israel, a violation of international law and the UN Charter.

You're way out of your depth, as usual.

So America voided its statehood every time it went to war?
I mean, hell, America's wars were all wars of aggression, the Arabs were merely trying to protect the Palestinians who were being beaten and forced from their homes.
That same plan established the Arab state of Palestine, which Israel is occupying in violation of international law.

You can't have it both ways

Arabs voided their statehood under 181 by going to war with Israel, a violation of international law and the UN Charter.

You're way out of your depth, as usual.

So America voided its statehood every time it went to war?
I mean, hell, America's wars were all wars of aggression, the Arabs were merely trying to protect the Palestinians who were being beaten and forced from their homes.

You lost. Now, walk away.

President Harry Truman, 1949...
On October 24, 1948, the President stated that when a permanent government was elected in Israel, it would promptly be given de jure recognition. Elections for such a government were held on January 25th. The votes have now been counted and this government has been officially informed of the results. The United States Government is therefore pleased to extend de jure recognition to the Government of Israel as of this date.
Press Release

Non-binding UN resolution, dimwit. :lol:

There is no rule in international law prohibiting Israelis from residing on sovereign Israeli land.


Owned? Lol! You sound like a ten year old! And I doubt you could claim ownership of a bag of shit.

I can claim to be able to out-debate you in my sleep, dimwit. :lol:
Non-binding UN resolution, dimwit. :lol:

There is no rule in international law prohibiting Israelis from residing on sovereign Israeli land.


Owned? Lol! You sound like a ten year old! And I doubt you could claim ownership of a bag of shit.

I can claim to be able to out-debate you in my sleep, dimwit. :lol:
You could also claim to be intelligent, or a martian, or a 600-year-old elf. That doesn't mean any of it's anywhere close to being true.
Let me get this straight, a liberal jew hating newspaper is writing a story on a suppose interrogation, which was supposedly videotaped, yet they don't have the video tape and are writing on what a 3rd party Jew hater is claiming! Great journalism.

If you are going to try to defame an entire country, then you better well have the evidence, because then mental midgets believe whatever you say!

The boy, small and frail, is struggling to stay awake. His head lolls to the side, at one point slumping on to his chest. "Lift up your head! Lift it up!" shouts one of his interrogators, slapping him. But the boy by now is past caring, for he has been awake for at least 12 hours since he was separated at gunpoint from his parents at two that morning. "I wish you'd let me go," the boy whimpers, "just so I can get some sleep."

During the nearly six-hour video, 14-year-old Palestinian Islam Tamimi, exhausted and scared, is steadily broken to the point where he starts to incriminate men from his village and weave fantastic tales that he believes his tormentors want to hear.

This rarely seen footage seen by The Independent offers a glimpse into an Israeli interrogation, almost a rite of passage that hundreds of Palestinian children accused of throwing stones undergo every year.

How Israel takes its revenge on boys who throw stones - Middle East, World - The Independent
The boy, small and frail, is struggling to stay awake. His head lolls to the side, at one point slumping on to his chest. "Lift up your head! Lift it up!" shouts one of his interrogators, slapping him. But the boy by now is past caring, for he has been awake for at least 12 hours since he was separated at gunpoint from his parents at two that morning. "I wish you'd let me go," the boy whimpers, "just so I can get some sleep."

During the nearly six-hour video, 14-year-old Palestinian Islam Tamimi, exhausted and scared, is steadily broken to the point where he starts to incriminate men from his village and weave fantastic tales that he believes his tormentors want to hear.

This rarely seen footage seen by The Independent offers a glimpse into an Israeli interrogation, almost a rite of passage that hundreds of Palestinian children accused of throwing stones undergo every year.

How Israel takes its revenge on boys who throw stones - Middle East, World - The Independent

OH BOO FUCKING HOO..... Maybe the littl bastard ought to look at what HIS peolple are doing to the Irealis!

Fuck this BS thread!​

Jose likes the boys, if you know what I mean

Jos is female!

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