How is Newt in any way better than Obama?


Feb 14, 2011
Please tell me how Newt is better than Obama. Please give me details about any important area in which Obama doesn't trump/neutralize whatever advantage the GOP might have brought to the arena.

Militarily, economically, energy ideas, healthcare ideas, ethically, etc.

The only reason I can see to vote for Newt is Supreme Court justices. But I don't think that my vote for Newt will help.

I suspect that he'll have the same effect on the nation that Sharron Angle had on Nevada - heightening the enthusiasm of liberal voters to get out the vote and making the independents break left in a big way.

Please someone try to sell me on Newt. With specifics. Not with "Anybody but Obama". Newt is polarizing. The "Oh God, not Newt" vote could easily beat the "Anybody but Obama" vote. So please give me specifics about how Newt beats Obama in any category.

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Newt over Obama...
Newt - More experience.
Newt - More intelligence.
Newt - Proven effective leadership.
Newt - Assrapes members of the media, every time they cross the line.
How is Newt in any way better than Obama?

Well...for starters...

He isn't black.
Amelia.. why don't you start by telling us why obama is better than Newt. I'm all ears.
Amelia.. why don't you start by telling us why obama is better than Newt. I'm all ears.

Obama on jobs.... Oh, wait....

Obama on the economy.... Oh, wait.....

Obama on wars.... Oh, wait......

Obama on employment.... Oh, wait....

Obama on foreclosures..... Oh, wait....

Obama on a booming housing market... Oh, wait....
Amelia.. why don't you start by telling us why obama is better than Newt. I'm all ears.

Obama on jobs.... Oh, wait....

Obama on the economy.... Oh, wait.....

Obama on wars.... Oh, wait......

Obama on employment.... Oh, wait....

Obama on foreclosures..... Oh, wait....

Obama on a booming housing market... Oh, wait....

I'll pick Newt over obama because of his platform on American energy. obama doesn't want us to have any and Newt does. Newt believes in Americans and obummer doesn't.
Newt over Obama...
Newt - More experience.
Newt - More intelligence.
Newt - Proven effective leadership.
Newt - Assrapes members of the media, every time they cross the line.

Experience? Obama won a State wide office and has 4 years as CIC. Newt...never won a state-wide office and has 0 years as CIC. Advantage Obama

More Intelligence? Really debateable but I'll call it a push.

Proven, effective leadership? So much so his own rank and file kicked him out of the Congress? Obama got Healthcare legislation passed. Now I know you're not for it. But Presidents have tried this for decades going back to who, Truman? Obama did it. Advantage, Obama.

As for your "ass rape"'s sad.
Newt over Obama...
Newt - More experience.
Newt - More intelligence.
Newt - Proven effective leadership.
Newt - Assrapes members of the media, every time they cross the line.

Experience? Obama won a State wide office and has 4 years as CIC. Newt...never won a state-wide office and has 0 years as CIC. Advantage Obama

More Intelligence? Really debateable but I'll call it a push.

Proven, effective leadership? So much so his own rank and file kicked him out of the Congress? Obama got Healthcare legislation passed. Now I know you're not for it. But Presidents have tried this for decades going back to who, Truman? Obama did it. Advantage, Obama.

As for your "ass rape"'s sad.

boought and paid for through bribes. I'm glad Republicans didn't vote for it,,
Newt over Obama...
Newt - More experience.
Newt - More intelligence.
Newt - Proven effective leadership.
Newt - Assrapes members of the media, every time they cross the line.

"Your new front-runner is one of your old front runners, Newt Gingrich. I would like to take a moment to revel: I cannot personally tell you how pleased I am to see old Newt rise to the top after listening to all of your nauseating, sickening lectures on the evils of government and the importance of family values.

Now, you guys have to deal with a $1.6 million Freddie Mac consultant (who says he wasn't a lobbyist) who has been married three times. Hope you, at least, enjoy the Super Bowl. It could be your last hurrah for a while.

PS -- As my former boss once said, I feel your pain. That's why I didn't mention Rick Perry."

Amelia.. why don't you start by telling us why obama is better than Newt. I'm all ears.

Obama has more recent experience than Newt.

Obama is a good family man.

He has more self-control than Newt.

If unemployment numbers drop a little more then people will perceive the economy to be improving under his watch.

On specific issues, I couldn't say how he is better than Newt but I think about the lobbyist issue and the healthcare mandate issue - things we should have been able to nail Obama on - and Newt is vulnerable there.

Newt is the one who has to make the case that he's better than guy in office now. So what case can he make that Obama's people can't put up a clip to show that Newt lives in a glass house on that issue?
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How is Newt better than Obama? Here are 10 off the top of my head...

1) He accepts responsibility for his mistakes. Obama blames Bush, Congress, YOU, anyone but him.
2) He will overturn Obamacare and reform entitlements.
3) He will cut spending and balance the budget. He has experience in this area.
4) He has experience that Obama can't fake - life experience as well. He's a man. Obama is a child,
5) He likes to fuck around - that is a resume enhancement for "independents and moderates".
6) He does "disgust" better than any one, just ask CNN's John King.
7) He's passionate! Obama is a lifeless robot, reading a script that someone wrote for him
8) He's fat. I like fat people, they are jolly. Obama is emaciated- looks like a crackhead.
9) His wife is an albino- bring on the race jokes motherfuckers!
10) Newt is an American original.

My first choice is Romney, but I'll take Newt over Obama any day :cool:

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