Zone1 How important is helping others in Christianity?

Does he tell you to help strangers traveling into your land, or does he tell you to build a wall and turn them back to where they came from?
Might also take a look where he advises anyone who does not enter through the proper gate is a thief and a robber. Do not think this is a binary issue. It is an issue where both these verses (and probably more) need to be thoughtfully pondered.

Apparently San Diego County as decided the those who entered the country illegally often have additional legal problems, and therefore the citizens of San Diego County should pay all their legal fees for all their legal problems. Perhaps enter legally before helping oneself to taxpayer money?
But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one.
And this needs to be considered along side, "He who is without sin should cast the first stone."
I agree with the below statement. I find too many Christians are trying to controll others rather than controlling themselves.


Christianity is about Christ. It' the name.

Everything else will follow
if you mean me...i didn't cast the first stone. And nothing says i cannot correct an apostate.
Absolutely not! I didn't mean anyone! Or, anything other than scripture. We have scriptures where Jesus ate with prostitutes and sinner, the cast the first stone verse....and we have verses like Corinthians and ones that tell us to shake the dust off our feet and not throw pearls before swan.

Every person with any other person and in any situation must evaluate the situation in which s/he finds him/herself. It seems we can always find scriptural advice based on similar, yet different situations.

Another poster seemed to say no Christian should associate with President Trump. Not that President Trump would ever associate me, because I am the type of person one can literally bump into and not notice. But say the opportunity presented itself. I see no reason to decline because I am one of those imperfect people myself.
Absolutely not! I didn't mean anyone! Or, anything other than scripture. We have scriptures where Jesus ate with prostitutes and sinner, the cast the first stone verse....and we have verses like Corinthians and ones that tell us to shake the dust off our feet and not throw pearls before swan.

Every person with any other person and in any situation must evaluate the situation in which s/he finds him/herself. It seems we can always find scriptural advice based on similar, yet different situations.

Another poster seemed to say no Christian should associate with President Trump. Not that President Trump would ever associate me, because I am the type of person one can literally bump into and not notice. But say the opportunity presented itself. I see no reason to decline because I am one of those imperfect people myself.
I feel the President of the United States should have a reaonable moral compass. The President makes decisions that effect the lives of millions of people. A reasonable moral compass will make those decisions on the right track
A person with a reasonable moral compass will not make decisions I agree with but I feel their motivation is in the right place. The only Republican candidate who I feel, moral compass is unacceptable to be President is Donald Trump.
a real christian doesnt judge others....go and repent sinner
A real Christian cares about the well being of all people. If you see someone so outrageous and immoral in a position of power that is hurting others you must speak up.

Should a Christian not make judgement on the leadership of Kim Jong Un or Putin.
Should Christian not make judgement on a pastor who is immoral.
You don't throw away the person, but you don't allow someone, so sinful, that they are hurting other people to stay in a position where he is hurting other people.

I accept people who are not like me. I cannot accept the immorality of a person. I see Trump and followers judging groups of people by their religion, their race and where thy came from. They do not look at the morality of the individual, they paint groups of people as unacceptable. THAT IS WRONG.
You don't understand. And you misinterpret. Christians discern good from evil and that is uncomfortable for you. It is easier for you to call good evil and evil good. It's more fun isn't it.
IT DEPENDS ARE YOUR DEFINITION OF EVIL. TRUMP EMBODIES MY DEFINITION OF EVIL. You have a different definition of evil if you don't find Trump evil.
God will determine which one of us is right.
I feel the President of the United States should have a reaonable moral compass. The President makes decisions that effect the lives of millions of people. A reasonable moral compass will make those decisions on the right track
A person with a reasonable moral compass will not make decisions I agree with but I feel their motivation is in the right place. The only Republican candidate who I feel, moral compass is unacceptable to be President is Donald Trump.
I understand. President Trump and I have an entirely different compass when it comes to divorce and remarriage and sex outside of marriage. Would the same have been true for me if I had been wealthy and those who wanted something from me kept throwing temptation my way?

Mr. Trump avoids drugs and alcohol. My reason is that my body cannot handle even over-the-counter medications, with the possible exception of aspirin in dire situations. A thimble of alcohol is all I can handle. (Inherited from my grandmother. My grandfather used to say fondly, "If you want to see my wife drunk, just hand her the bar towel." However, Donald Trump avoids drugs and alcohol in memory of his brother and the hardship it brought both the brother and the family. He has a strong love of family and is committed to them.

He is a hard worker and has a great work ethic. Like all the rest of us, he is confident that he is right.

The reason Donald Trump has my vote is because I am against big government, all the bureaucracies, and all the rules bureaucrats (unelected officials) make that are a burden to the rest of us. On the 2016 campaign trail, he told us what he was going to do--and he did it. I have been disappointed in so many presidents who promised so much and delivered next to nothing. President Trump rates high in that regard.

I look at it this way: Jimmy Carter is a good, ethical man. Even so, this did not make him a good President, but still a good man. Sometimes the nation needs a good President, and in this regard, those who do favor his policies, especially of less rules and less government, have a good candidate. For me, less government, fewer rules is a high priority.
I understand. President Trump and I have an entirely different compass when it comes to divorce and remarriage and sex outside of marriage. Would the same have been true for me if I had been wealthy and those who wanted something from me kept throwing temptation my way?

Mr. Trump avoids drugs and alcohol. My reason is that my body cannot handle even over-the-counter medications, with the possible exception of aspirin in dire situations. A thimble of alcohol is all I can handle. (Inherited from my grandmother. My grandfather used to say fondly, "If you want to see my wife drunk, just hand her the bar towel." However, Donald Trump avoids drugs and alcohol in memory of his brother and the hardship it brought both the brother and the family. He has a strong love of family and is committed to them.

He is a hard worker and has a great work ethic. Like all the rest of us, he is confident that he is right.

The reason Donald Trump has my vote is because I am against big government, all the bureaucracies, and all the rules bureaucrats (unelected officials) make that are a burden to the rest of us. On the 2016 campaign trail, he told us what he was going to do--and he did it. I have been disappointed in so many presidents who promised so much and delivered next to nothing. President Trump rates high in that regard.

I look at it this way: Jimmy Carter is a good, ethical man. Even so, this did not make him a good President, but still a good man. Sometimes the nation needs a good President, and in this regard, those who do favor his policies, especially of less rules and less government, have a good candidate. For me, less government, fewer rules is a high priority.
For me the end does not justify the means.
We will find out on judgement day who is right on morality.
It is way beyond his multiple marriages and affairs that I feel he is immoral. It is because he put's his needs above all else.
If your needs match his, you are OK. If they are not, you are in trouble. he is putting his needs above the country's needs.
His whole focus is how he is being screwed over. he is the victim. Help me, send money.
How about talking more about the country's needs. He trys to destroy anyone who does not agree with him. He is evil.

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