How I Went From Far-Left Socialist to Conservative Republican

What something "sounds like" to a current day leftist, is about as relevant as a rock in the bottom of a pond. I have no interest in the thoughts of raving lunatics, who are also too dumb to realize that THEY are "fully indoctrinated" DUPES, as proven by the idiocies that they support (tran loons et al perverts, defunding police, hating America, illegal immigration + covid spreading, CRT insanity, ad infinitum, ad nauseum)
You've been absolutely miserable so long you think that's how it's supposed to be. We only go around once in this life and you have wasted it thinking you are a victim.
Both Parties have their Patriots. The extremes on both sides are completely out of touch with America and frankly aren't what they voted for. They often receive such policies nonetheless.

However, out of all of the quirks in your political system which I have been exposed, nothing shocked me more than seeing the Establishment across all sectors work tirelessly to destroy a man who put America First. These efforts will probably go down in history as the period in which America lost the global war on influence and projection of strength which Western citizens relied on.

There might be a great deal of details as to the "why" which we aren't privy to today, still, none of it makes sense to me at this moment in time.
Correct. I sense it is just a POWER thing. Those on the Democrat side, are so obsessed with keeping power in their hands, and so terrified of losing it, that they will promote anything, as long as it is the opposite of a Republican position.

This is what America has sunk to, What is good for the American people is hardly even a consideration any more. All that matters to Democrats is getting into political office , and staying there. Country is coming apart at the seams because of this.

Looks like we will be seeing Biden's America LAST stance for quite a while. 2022 election cant get here fast enough, I wonder if there will be any legitimacy to it, how much democracy, and how much Democrat theft.
It was, an is one of the most important concepts that ever existed in this country. America-hater leftist fools, ridicule of it, is a declaration of their idiocy.

Trump is a con man without scruples... your kinda guy.
I have long wondered what "conservatives" think that they are "conserving." What I have seen of them is an exaltation of gross racism, gross misogyny, gross homophobia, gross ethnic discrimination, gross religious bias, and a desire to impose a social caste system on the U.S. They need to explain specifically what it is that they stand for.
FALSE! Where is there any "gross racism" on the part of conservatives ? None. It is the left that is whole hog for racism in 2021. Examples are multiple >> Affirmative Action racial discrimination, Biden's American Rescue Plan (being shot to pieces in the courts due to it's racism, CRT racist lunacy). Liberals have the idea that it is OK to malign and discriminate as long as minorities are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

Misogyny ? I don't see it among conservatives, who have many women in Congress, on the US Supreme Court, police chiefs, etc. No worse example of misogyny that the treatment of women by Muslims in America, and liberals support for that - ex. New Jersey Judge Joseph Charles acceptance of Koran 4:34 (wife beating), as a defense in a restraining order case. And when has the liberal org NOW, ever spoken out against all this massive Koran misogyny ? Not a peep.

Homophobia ? There is no phobia attached to homosexuality. Homosexuality is a mental disorder, that sex perverts suffer from. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There is no connection here.
And you need to be more careful about throwing the word "phobia" around recklessly, to fit whatever you think is somehow politically helpful to you. There are some of us - myself included (agoraphobia) who actually suffer from REAL phobias, and your phony use of the word, is immensely offensive to us. You have no idea.

Ethnic discrimination ? That is what YOU do, with Affirmative Action, Biden's ARP, and CRT. What incredible hypocrisy (and idiocy) to try to attribute this to conservatives. Amazing.

Gross religious bias ? I seem to recall a baker being forced to go against his religion to sell a wedding cake to a gay (aka "queer") couple. Wasn't conservatives who were guilty of that. Let the leftist Christian-haters tell us about religious bias.

Social caste system ? Trump attained the highest median wage in US history. He also attained the lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and people without a high school diploma. Created 10 million jobs in 4 months, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest ever.

I don't need to explain what conservatives stand for -I just did.
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FALSE! Where is there any "gross racism" on the part of conservatives ? None. It is the left that is whole hog for racism in 2021. Examples are multiple >> Affirmative Action racial discrimination, Biden's American Rescue Plan (being shot to pieces in the courts due to it's racism, CRT racist lunacy). Liberals have the idea that it is OK to malign and discriminate as long as minorities are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

Misogyny ? I don't see it among conservatives, who have many women in Congress, on the US Supreme Court, police chiefs, etc. No worse example of misogyny that the treatment of women by Muslims in America, and liberals support for that - ex. New Jersey Judge Joseph Charles acceptance of Koran 4:34 (wife beating), as a defense in a restraining order case. And when has the liberal org NOW, ever spoken out against all this massive Koran misogyny ? Not a peep.

Homophobia ? There is no phobia attached to homosexuality. Homosexuality is a mental disorder, that sex perverts suffer from. A phobia is an irrational fear of something. There is no connection here.
And you need to be more careful about throwing the word "phobia" around recklessly, to fit whatever you think is somehow politically helpful to you. There are some of us - myself included (agoraphobia) who actually suffer from REAL phobias, and your phony use of the word, is immensely offensive to us. You have no idea.

Ethnic discrimination ? That is what YOU do, with Affirmative Action, Biden's ARP, and CRT. What incredible hypocrisy (and idiocy) to try to attribute this to conservatives. Amazing.

Gross religious bias ? I seem to recall a baker being forced to go against his religion to sell a wedding cake to a gay (aka "queer") couple. Wasn't conservatives were were guilty of that. Let the leftist Christian haters tell us about religious bias.

Social caste system ? Trump attained the highest median wage in US history. He also attained the lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, the disabled, and people without a high school diploma.

I don't need to explain what conservatives stand for -I just did.

Agoraphobia? PTSD... is the cause.
It's politics WWE style. Doesn't mean the policies enacted weren't good for America and the Western World. They were poiicies which were very popular, helping return your Middle Class while stifling America largest competitors.

There is a reason Trump received the second most votes ever. Losing only to the historic results of President Biden.
Losing to the historic THEFT of Joe Biden, and his fraud manipulating, running dogs.
I am interested in tales like OPs. My brother as young man was popular and fairly satisfied with his life. Then he became a truck driver and rode around the country listening to talk radio for thirty years. By the time he died 2 years ago he was utterly friendless because no one wanted to hear his non-stop griping. His long-time girlfriend just grabbed everything of value and split. I had to pay for his cremation even though I hadn't spoken to him in years because there was no one else. He embraced extreme right wing politics and never had another happy moment in his life. I still wonder why anyone would do that to themselves.
Biggest gripers in America - black Democrats (all the while that they are given top preference in Affirmative Action, for jobs, job promotions, business loans, college admissions, open admissions, watered down college courses, college financial aid, etc. etc.

And their gripes of police brutality (resulting in riots) have repeatedly been FALSE. Maybe he talked a bit too much, but how many buildings did your brother burn down ?
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Biggest gripers in America - black Democrats (all the while that they are given top preference in Affirmative Action, for jobs, job promotions, business loans, college admissions, open admissions, watered down college courses, college financial aid, etc. etc.

And their gripes of police brutality (resulting in riots) have repeatedly been FALSE. Maybe he talked a bit too much, but how many buildings did your brother burn down ?

Has someone else getting an education been a negative for you?
Biggest gripers in America - black Democrats (all the while that they are given top preference in Affirmative Action, for jobs, job promotions, business loans, college admissions, open admissions, watered down college courses, college financial aid, etc. etc.

And their gripes of police brutality (resulting in riots) have repeatedly been FALSE. Maybe he talked a bit too much, but how many buildings did your brother burn down ?
You are a lying sack of shit. If you were ever a leftist it was for an entirely selfish reason like maybe you might get some cool hippy chicks.
Sounds like you allowed yourself to become old, bitter and easily frightened, the target audience for right wing bullshit. Now that you are fully indoctrinated are you happy or does your fear and loathing get in the way?
No, he sounds more like the old joke: A conservative is a liberal who has been mugged". Or Churchill's quote: "A young person who isn't a liberal has no heart, and an older person who isn't a conservative has no brain".
So you grew old and became a war loving curmudgeon. No one really cares outside of the kids you chase off your lawn.
You OUGHT to care because this OP (and Post # 25) is good education for you. And free of charge.
Also, the kids on my "lawn" come to my front porch, and listen to me play the guitar, the mandolin, the violin, and the harmonica. :biggrin:

Trump is a stupid, combative braggart with terrible manners and gross insecurities. Worship him if you like.
Other than the stupid part I agree with you, but his actions were far better for Americans and the working class than either Hillary's or Biden's.
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