How has the Trump presidency negatively affected your quality of life?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.
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Oh don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll be here and complain about their hurt feelings.
If anything they'll complain that now they have a job and their quality of life has diminished because they have to get up and go to work now.
Watching the TDS sufferers has caused both amusement and angst. I am sad the media has the power it does and that most people blindly believe whatever echoes their worldview, which has been a problem for awhile but I didn’t pay as much attention as I am now.

Otherwise life isn’t too much different than it was under Obama. We’re saving a bit on taxes ($70,000 yearly so NOT rich) and that’s about it.
I guess the biggest impacts that have impacted my family direction "POLITICALLY" in the past 30 years or so,
that A.) An Indian immigrant bully broke my nose, who shouldn't have been let in.
that B.) My parents got social security, and medicare.

Other than that everything else was "Slight"
So why are Lefty heads blowing up daily?
If peoples lives aren’t negatively affected why the resistance, the craze and outrage?
Come on Lefties....make a case.
I voted for Trump. And even I have noticed a negative effect on one very important area. That would be in the divide between the Left, and the Right. While there has always been friction; I didn't want to believe that it was an unmendable divide. But alas...
Since the mass shooting of Republican leadership at a friendly ball game, to the gunning down of country music fans, and the endless rioting, and ever increasing violence from the Left; I've come to accept that there will likely never be a truly United America for my son's to inherit. And sadly it's entirely likely that the violence will continue to escalate. Possibly to civil war proportions. This November's midterms are the last thing the Leftists have to hold out hope for. And when they don't win them... They'll have absolutely nothing but hate, and desperation. And as we all know; men are at their most dangerous When they have nothing to lose.
I’d like to direct this question to the anti Trump folks with U.S. citizenship status for obvious reasons.
Given the amount of over the top outrage we’ve witnessed over a two year period one would think the haters will be able to post a laundry list of things here.....BUT I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess there will be very little participation from the Left in this one.

Hah! I bought 2 100-rd boxes of CCI Mini-Mags at the Walmart last week! (Something that could not be done for the past 6 years) I'm glad Obama's gone! What a prick!
It's hard to have a quality life when you have gas 24/7.

The left has since Nov 9 2016
The only thing I can think of is my lefty friends and family members are even more crazy than they were under Big Ears. Some appear almost suicidal.
I think no one is replying on the correct side of politics because the the negative effects of rumputin are so obvious as to not need enumerating. Enjoy the blindness.
The leader of our nation is a pervert.
Thus perversion is now accepted.
Lowers the quality of life across the board.


No, I didn't think you would.

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