How Fox News covers Melania vs how they covered Michelle Obama



So you think getting your hair made over and a pretty dress makes you educated, intelligent or a good person? I judge a person by what is in them and I saw little of redeeming value inside Michael Obama.
No, actually being educated and working in the legal field makes you educated and intelligent. Doing things for others makes you a good person. That is Michelle.

Dropping out of college and working as a model/escort did not make Melania educated or a good person.
Neither does serving as a billionaires arm candy.
It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.
Melania's model-like refusal to put any kind of expression into her face (it causes wrinkles) makes her look like a robot. Michelle is an actual living human.

Melania doesn't always squint like that, those are selective pictures. Even when she squints like that, she is still 100 times better looking than Moochele.
It is sad that people calling themselves "Americans" feel the need to debase and insult a learned lady, Michelle Obama, who is known to be a gracious and kind woman of class. She married a learned, gracious, kind, and classy man. Melania married a man who is at her low level.
I don't give a flying-fuck how educated someone is...if they're clearly racists.

How have been Barack or Michelle Obama "clearly racist"? Are you aware that a popular, well-known white, heterosexual man traveled, with his younger son, on Barack Obama's campaign trail?
I guess Obama has a white friend or two....when they need them.

No......i was just reading Barry and Moochie's writings in college and afterwards. Then I observed their words and their actions over a decade of public service.

It was crystal clear to anyone willing to open their eyes.

Why Fox is shameless propaganda

is cnn different?....

Good cop, bad cop.
They all get paid by the same drug commercials.

One thing I'll say is that Fox has been 100% right in defending Trump
against the witch hunt, not that I don't remember them trashing Obama all the time and before that cheering Bush's wars.
You are one sick individual.

The fact that Melania is a gold digger has never been questioned

And how exactly is this important?
Michele Obama began a campaign to address child obesity. But gee... only a few years prior she was a board member of a snack food company. But okay, maybe she realizes that company contributed to the problem in a big way and now she wants to do something to pay back. And at first she did. She spoke clearly about the problem of sugary drinks and snacks for children. But then the sugar lobbyist in Washington would have none of that. So what did she do? She sold out and changed her message completely and never, not once did she utter the word sugar again.
Which is worse?
Why are conservatives so outraged over healthy eating?
I think Michelle Obama lobbying for the misnamed Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, which replaced whole milk in school lunches with low fat milk that has had most of it's nutrition stripped out so that companies can use that nutritious milk fat to make other profitable products is outrageous.

The bottom line is that they remove most of the nutrition from the milk and sell it to school districts for the same price as whole milk. So basically, they get to sell the same product twice. That's a fucking rip-off.

And it also allowed companies to sell fake meat to school districts by replacing part of the meat with cheap meat "fillers" made from mega-processed soy protein isolates.

There is nothing healthy about it.
It allowed schools to replace Pepsi with milk
And of course you are lying, as usual.

If you have to constantly lie to justify your political positions to yourself and others, wouldn't it be much easier and wiser to simply change your opinion regarding political issues rather than fruitlessly try to change the immutable truth?

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The fact that Melania is a gold digger has never been questioned

And how exactly is this important?
Michele Obama began a campaign to address child obesity. But gee... only a few years prior she was a board member of a snack food company. But okay, maybe she realizes that company contributed to the problem in a big way and now she wants to do something to pay back. And at first she did. She spoke clearly about the problem of sugary drinks and snacks for children. But then the sugar lobbyist in Washington would have none of that. So what did she do? She sold out and changed her message completely and never, not once did she utter the word sugar again.
Which is worse?
Why are conservatives so outraged over healthy eating?
I think Michelle Obama lobbying for the misnamed Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, which replaced whole milk in school lunches with low fat milk that has had most of it's nutrition stripped out so that companies can use that nutritious milk fat to make other profitable products is outrageous.

The bottom line is that they remove most of the nutrition from the milk and sell it to school districts for the same price as whole milk. So basically, they get to sell the same product twice. That's a fucking rip-off.

And it also allowed companies to sell fake meat to school districts by replacing part of the meat with cheap meat "fillers" made from mega-processed soy protein isolates.

There is nothing healthy about it.
It allowed schools to replace Pepsi with milk
And of course you are lying, as usual.

If you have to constantly lie to justify your political positions to yourself and others, wouldn't it be much easier and wiser to simply change your opinion regarding political issues rather than fruitlessly try to change the immutable truth?

He doesn’t care. He has been doing it for years!

Why Fox is shameless propaganda

You think Melania has been treated better by the main stream media than Michelle was? about someone wearing partisan blinders! That's stupid even for you, Winger! I have nothing against Michelle Obama. I think she did an admirable job as First Lady. The main stream media treated her like she a darker skinned Mother Theresa...a veritable "living saint"! So please spare me the histrionics about how badly Michelle Obama was treated by Fox!

You seem to be conflating yourself with "main stream media". PICK one.
No, actually being educated and working in the legal field makes you educated and intelligent. Doing things for others makes you a good person. That is Michelle.

Dropping out of college and working as a model/escort did not make Melania educated or a good person.
Neither does serving as a billionaires arm candy.

Given how judgmental you are, I don't think you're in a position to decide who has good moral character.

Why Fox is shameless propaganda

is cnn different?....

Is this board?

Feel free to find a corresponding video but it seems to me if you were gonna draw up a comparison you'd go where your resources are. Fox Noise has always used race baiting as its bread and butter. You know, obsessing over --- Jeremiah Wright... Henry Louis Gates.... "White House Hip Hop Barbecue"..... "New Black Panthers".... Shirley Sherrod.... even the fake edit of Hillary Clinton at a black church. It's what pays the bills down there.

i asked my question first.....

Actually the OP already demonstrated Fox Noise first. All you did was pose the question. It's still open, go find it if you think it's out there.

so what?.....all you did is pose another that question is still open,so you go find it if you think it's out there....

I didn't pose another question Harry ---- you did. I just said go ahead and make the case if you think there is one.

The OP and his video already made a case. It's clearly laid out and documented. It centers on Fox Noise presumably because the evidence for it is plentiful, but it doesn't mean FNC has a monopoly on it.

Think of that as a score in the top of the first inning. If you think there are runs to be scored in the bottom of that inning, go score them. Don't just sit back and say "we could score if we had a turn at bat" --- TAKE that turn at bat. It's YOUR gig to go find it if you think it's out there, not mine.
It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.
Melania's model-like refusal to put any kind of expression into her face (it causes wrinkles) makes her look like a robot. Michelle is an actual living human.

Melania doesn't always squint like that, those are selective pictures. Even when she squints like that, she is still 100 times better looking than Moochele.

A plastic surgery nightmare

Give her ten years and her face will fall off
It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.
Melania's model-like refusal to put any kind of expression into her face (it causes wrinkles) makes her look like a robot. Michelle is an actual living human.

Melania doesn't always squint like that, those are selective pictures. Even when she squints like that, she is still 100 times better looking than Moochele.

A plastic surgery nightmare

Give her ten years and her face will fall off
Don't forget that moochele will be getting older too, and she is starting off the next ten years 100 times uglier than Melania.
It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.
Melania's model-like refusal to put any kind of expression into her face (it causes wrinkles) makes her look like a robot. Michelle is an actual living human.

Melania doesn't always squint like that, those are selective pictures. Even when she squints like that, she is still 100 times better looking than Moochele.

A plastic surgery nightmare

Give her ten years and her face will fall off
Don't forget that moochele will be getting older too, and she is starting off the next ten years 100 times uglier than Melania.
Let’s check in with Trumps First Lady and see what Melania has in store for us


Those boob jobs and plastic surgeries will catch up with you
It is sad that people calling themselves "Americans" feel the need to debase and insult a learned lady, Michelle Obama, who is known to be a gracious and kind woman of class. She married a learned, gracious, kind, and classy man. Melania married a man who is at her low level.
Trump wanted a trophy wife and Melania was a Gold Digger

A perfect match
Yet she shows more class every day than Moochie does.
It is shocking and disgusting to see the differences between these two first ladies. Not a good idea to have them side by side.
Melania's model-like refusal to put any kind of expression into her face (it causes wrinkles) makes her look like a robot. Michelle is an actual living human.

Melania doesn't always squint like that, those are selective pictures. Even when she squints like that, she is still 100 times better looking than Moochele.

well if you are into sliced & diced, botox & collagen injected, silicone infused plastic females, then all the more power to ya. :113: personally melania was more attractive b4 all the fakeness that she has goin' on now, but you still can't fix ugly, when it comes from within.

michelle is authentic.
is cnn different?....

Is this board?

Feel free to find a corresponding video but it seems to me if you were gonna draw up a comparison you'd go where your resources are. Fox Noise has always used race baiting as its bread and butter. You know, obsessing over --- Jeremiah Wright... Henry Louis Gates.... "White House Hip Hop Barbecue"..... "New Black Panthers".... Shirley Sherrod.... even the fake edit of Hillary Clinton at a black church. It's what pays the bills down there.
i asked my question first.....

Actually the OP already demonstrated Fox Noise first. All you did was pose the question. It's still open, go find it if you think it's out there.
so what?.....all you did is pose another that question is still open,so you go find it if you think it's out there....

I didn't pose another question Harry ---- you did. I just said go ahead and make the case if you think there is one.

The OP and his video already made a case. It's clearly laid out and documented. It centers on Fox Noise presumably because the evidence for it is plentiful, but it doesn't mean FNC has a monopoly on it.

Think of that as a score in the top of the first inning. If you think there are runs to be scored in the bottom of that inning, go score them. Don't just sit back and say "we could score if we had a turn at bat" --- TAKE that turn at bat. It's YOUR gig to go find it if you think it's out there, not mine.
yea you did....who wrote .....Is this board?.........a question in reply to my question about maybe you had better take your own advice....
It is sad that people calling themselves "Americans" feel the need to debase and insult a learned lady, Michelle Obama, who is known to be a gracious and kind woman of class. She married a learned, gracious, kind, and classy man. Melania married a man who is at her low level.
Trump wanted a trophy wife and Melania was a Gold Digger

A perfect match
Yet she shows more class every day than Moochie does.

If you consider porn shots to be classy
Love how Fox attacked Michelle for how much she spent for a gown to visit the Queen and then fawn over every outfit that Melania wears

seems like playtime is a tad jealous....yea sure your not....


i've been married to the same faithful man for 35 years. he's never cheated with a porn star, banging her without a rubber when my son was just 4 months old, & putting us both at risk in getting an STD. there is nothing about melania that i would want.

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