How do teenagers get shot in gun free Britain?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Okay, they allow the rich to have a very few, select types of hunting shot gun......but even with that limited selection, how do teenagers keep getting guns to shoot other gun free Britain? When they banned and confiscated guns, did they forget to take guns away from teenagers? Teenagers who can't legally own any all, no matter what type they are? And what keeps these teenagers with guns in Britain from walking into a school, a mall, a theater, a church and shooting people?

Two teenagers charged with south London murder of 18-year-old

Two teenagers have been charged with the murder of an 18-year-old who was stabbed to death in London during a weekend which saw three men killed in separate attacks in less than 24 hours.

In a second incident in a different part of London just minutes later, a 19-year-old man was fatally shot in Plumstead.


On Saturday afternoon a man in his 30s was stabbed to death in Tower Hamlets, east London, and three men were also stabbed in a separate attack in Clapham, south-west London.
What does that have to do with the firearm problem in the US?

They don't have a 2nd Amendment.

(It's BECAUSE of Britain we have a 2nd)
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????
How? At a rate about 1/1000th the rate they get shot in gun nutville USA.... are confusing things.....Britain had a delayed social destruction because of World War 2.......the welfare state hadn't destroyed their nuclear families the way our Great Society of the 1960s did. In the U.S....what did we see first? The rise in knife crime by teenagers in the urban areas....then that escalated to gun crime through the 1990s. What is Britain seeing now....major knife crime by young males, raised in homes without fathers, where single, teenage girls are raising young males from multiple men, without husbands and fathers.........they are at the knife stage of violent crime....while the British police are now stating they can't control the flood of illegal guns into the country.

They have also imported violent 3rd world immigrants who do not value British societal norms...

And the British are attacking and reducing their police forces to pay for the welfare state...

You are a moron, thinking that crime is a static problem......Britain is learning this good and hard and it is going to find out it can get worse....
Okay, they allow the rich to have a very few, select types of hunting shot gun......but even with that limited selection, how do teenagers keep getting guns to shoot other gun free Britain? When they banned and confiscated guns, did they forget to take guns away from teenagers? Teenagers who can't legally own any all, no matter what type they are? And what keeps these teenagers with guns in Britain from walking into a school, a mall, a theater, a church and shooting people?

Once again the NRA schill gets it wrong, a shotgun in the UK can be bought for around £500 (around $600) Rifles, including AK47s and M16s can also be bought legally over here so long as they are converted to single shot only, or semi-auto if chambered to .22 cal. and yes, you can legally buy hand guns so long as the barrels are a minimum of 12" long. Also children CAN own firearms (last time I checked, there were around 3,500 shotgun certificates for children who are 15 years old) There is no minimum age but children must be supervised by adults when using their guns.
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

They had less shootings before they banned and confiscated guns were not the reason they had less shootings. Their criminals did not murder each other or innocent people. That has now changed......see the book, "Life at the Bottom," that details the destruction created by the welfare state in Britain.......if you think they are going to keep the same rate as crime as they had in the are a fool.
Okay, they allow the rich to have a very few, select types of hunting shot gun......but even with that limited selection, how do teenagers keep getting guns to shoot other gun free Britain? When they banned and confiscated guns, did they forget to take guns away from teenagers? Teenagers who can't legally own any all, no matter what type they are? And what keeps these teenagers with guns in Britain from walking into a school, a mall, a theater, a church and shooting people?

Once again the NRA schill gets it wrong, a shotgun in the UK can be bought for around £500 (around $600) Rifles, including AK47s and M16s can also be bought legally over here so long as they are converted to single shot only, or semi-auto if chambered to .22 cal. and yes, you can legally buy hand guns so long as the barrels are a minimum of 12" long. Also children CAN own firearms (last time I checked, there were around 3,500 shotgun certificates for children who are 15 years old) There is no minimum age but children must be supervised by adults when using their guns.

Keep telling yourself that........ our anti-gunners here tell us that guns don't exist in Britain.....
Okay, they allow the rich to have a very few, select types of hunting shot gun......but even with that limited selection, how do teenagers keep getting guns to shoot other gun free Britain? When they banned and confiscated guns, did they forget to take guns away from teenagers? Teenagers who can't legally own any all, no matter what type they are? And what keeps these teenagers with guns in Britain from walking into a school, a mall, a theater, a church and shooting people?

Once again the NRA schill gets it wrong, a shotgun in the UK can be bought for around £500 (around $600) Rifles, including AK47s and M16s can also be bought legally over here so long as they are converted to single shot only, or semi-auto if chambered to .22 cal. and yes, you can legally buy hand guns so long as the barrels are a minimum of 12" long. Also children CAN own firearms (last time I checked, there were around 3,500 shotgun certificates for children who are 15 years old) There is no minimum age but children must be supervised by adults when using their guns.

Keep telling yourself that........ our anti-gunners here tell us that guns don't exist in Britain.....

Then take it up with our "anti-gunners" and stop spamming Europe threads with your BS agenda.
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
Okay, they allow the rich to have a very few, select types of hunting shot gun......but even with that limited selection, how do teenagers keep getting guns to shoot other gun free Britain? When they banned and confiscated guns, did they forget to take guns away from teenagers? Teenagers who can't legally own any all, no matter what type they are? And what keeps these teenagers with guns in Britain from walking into a school, a mall, a theater, a church and shooting people?

Once again the NRA schill gets it wrong, a shotgun in the UK can be bought for around £500 (around $600) Rifles, including AK47s and M16s can also be bought legally over here so long as they are converted to single shot only, or semi-auto if chambered to .22 cal. and yes, you can legally buy hand guns so long as the barrels are a minimum of 12" long. Also children CAN own firearms (last time I checked, there were around 3,500 shotgun certificates for children who are 15 years old) There is no minimum age but children must be supervised by adults when using their guns.

Keep telling yourself that........ our anti-gunners here tell us that guns don't exist in Britain.....

Then take it up with our "anti-gunners" and stop spamming Europe threads with your BS agenda.

Not spamming anything, you asshat.....I am pointing out that criminals don't care about gun laws, even on your tiny island......a place where illegal guns are flooding into your your young males are killing each other....
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate

And that rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

That you keep pushing the idea shows you don't know anything about the issue. Gun murder in Britain was low when they allowed their people to own spiked after they banned guns, and then returned to the same level as before....showing that guns were not the driver of their murder rate. Now, again.....fatherless homes, the welfare state, and attacks on the police are driving up their violence.......
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate

And that rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

That you keep pushing the idea shows you don't know anything about the issue. Gun murder in Britain was low when they allowed their people to own spiked after they banned guns, and then returned to the same level as before....showing that guns were not the driver of their murder rate. Now, again.....fatherless homes, the welfare state, and attacks on the police are driving up their violence.......
we've been over this before..blah blah blah
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate

And that rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

That you keep pushing the idea shows you don't know anything about the issue. Gun murder in Britain was low when they allowed their people to own spiked after they banned guns, and then returned to the same level as before....showing that guns were not the driver of their murder rate. Now, again.....fatherless homes, the welfare state, and attacks on the police are driving up their violence.......
we've been over this before..blah blah blah

And you still don't understand the issue....blah, blah, blah....
1. once again BULLSHIT--it's not gun free--it's gun controlled
2. they've many times LESS shootings
I guess LESS shootings is bad..........?????!!!!!!!!!!??????????

Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate

And that rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

That you keep pushing the idea shows you don't know anything about the issue. Gun murder in Britain was low when they allowed their people to own spiked after they banned guns, and then returned to the same level as before....showing that guns were not the driver of their murder rate. Now, again.....fatherless homes, the welfare state, and attacks on the police are driving up their violence.......
we've been over this before..blah blah blah

And you still don't understand the issue....blah, blah, blah....
Yes we do. The issue is your NRA sponsored gun agenda that you are trying to foist onto other countries so that US gun manufacturers can increase their profits.
Here....the truth......

Decivilization in the 1960s

And figure two, Homicide rates in US and England 1900-2000, shows that in the 1960s the homicide rate in America went through the roof.

After a three-decade free fall that spanned the Great Depression, World War II, and the Cold War, Americans multiplied their homicide rate by more than two and a half, from a low of 4.0 in 1957 to a high of 10.2 in 1980 (U.S. Bureau of Statistics; Fox and Zawitz: 2007). The upsurge included every other category of major crime as well, including rape, assault, robbery, and theft, and lasted (with ups and downs) for three decades. The cities got particularly dangerous, especially New York, which became a symbol of the new criminality. Though the surge in violence affected all the races and both genders, it was most dramatic among black men, whose annual homicide rate had shot up by the mid-1980s to 72 per 100,000.

The rebounding of violence in the 1960s defied every expectation. The decade was a time of unprecedented economic growth, nearly full employment, levels of economic equality for which people today are nostalgic, historic racial progress, and the blossoming of government social programs, not to mention medical advances that made victims more likely to survive being shot or knifed. Social theorists in 1962 would have happily bet that these fortunate conditions would lead to a continuing era of low crime. And they would have lost their shirts.

Together with self-control and societal connectedness, a third ideal came under attack: marriage and family life, which had done so much to domesticate male violence in the preceding decades.

The idea that a man and a woman should devote their energies to a monogamous relationship in which they raise their children in a safe environment became a target of howling ridicule. That life was now the soulless, conformist, consumerist, materialist, ticky-tacky, plastic, white-bread, Ozzie and Harriet suburban wasteland.

Britain has now reached the point where their families have collapsed.........and their rising levels of young male of violence and murder show this...

Also in enforcement on the happened in the U.S. in the 1960s....

As the rationalizations for criminality caught the attention of judges and legislators, they became increasingly reluctant to put miscreants behind bars. Though the civil liberties reform of the era did not lead to nearly as many vicious criminals ‘going free on a technicality’ as the Dirty Harry movies would suggest, law enforcement was indeed retreating as the crime rate was advancing. In the United States from 1962 to 1979, the likelihood that a crime would lead to an arrest dropped from 0.32 to 0.18, the likelihood that an arrest would lead to imprisonment dropped from 0.32 to 0.14, and the likelihood that a crime would lead to imprisonment fell from 0.10 to 0.02, a factor of five.[10]
and still = FOUR TIMES less murder rate

And that rate has nothing to do with their gun control laws.

That you keep pushing the idea shows you don't know anything about the issue. Gun murder in Britain was low when they allowed their people to own spiked after they banned guns, and then returned to the same level as before....showing that guns were not the driver of their murder rate. Now, again.....fatherless homes, the welfare state, and attacks on the police are driving up their violence.......
we've been over this before..blah blah blah

And you still don't understand the issue....blah, blah, blah....
Yes we do. The issue is your NRA sponsored gun agenda that you are trying to foist onto other countries so that US gun manufacturers can increase their profits.

What is it with you nutjobs and the NRA.......? Oh, yeah, they have helped keep asshats like you from banning guns........guns that Americans use 1.1 million times a year to save lives. Guns, in the hands of Americans that haven't increased our gun murder rate, because while more Americans own and carry guns, our gun murder rate went down49%.....something an asshat like you can't explain. You can't explain how it is that you banned guns....but your gun murder rate didn't change, while your violent crime rate keeps going up...while ours went down more people own and carry guns.

You have an want to control other people and when people have guns it drives you nuts....even though they don't use those guns for crime, it still drives you guys are control freaks... and you are willing to allow women to be raped, murdered simply because you can't stand the chaos you think exists, when people own guns....even though nothing in the real world confirms your sickness....

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