How do I naturally deworm my puppy?


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Then what are you looking for ?


I guess. What a pity though. We're on the wonderful brink of bringing home a baby black and tan.

We're really worried about the food. Grain based.

I know Diamond. I know Nutrience. Hells bells I know a Hagen personally from the old days. They would never ever make horrid dog food. They are animal people beyond.
LoudMcCloud, I think the problem is that you named your thread:

"How do I naturally deworm my puppy?"

...which gave people the mistaken impression that you were looking for advice. Had I realized that you were not looking for advice, but rather feel like you are an expert on this topic, I would have steered clear of this thread.
So where do we go with food?

Not sure if this belongs in this thread, tinydancer, but I feed my dogs Canine Caviar Lamb & Pearl Millet. They've done very well on it, including one dog who came to me with severe allergies and skin problems that cleared up on this food.

Pearl millet is a grain, but Canine Caviar makes grain-free foods also, if you prefer. I've just never jumped on the anti-grain bandwagon, nor have I had a need to. My dogs are doing very well.

Canine Caviar is very expensive, though. : (
I know tons of people who deworm naturally.

If you have a headache, would you take a pill, or a natural remedy?
Most people would take a pill. Don't risk the health of little Fancy - give her something which has been shown to work over decades. Don't experiment with her! It could do more harm than good.
Piperazine, the standard treatment for roundworms, is harmless to dogs. Its active ingredient only affects invertebrates. So unless your dog doesn't have a skeleton, you're wasting your time messing around with 'natural' remedies.

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