How did Pinocchio spend his Christmas eve


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Scuttlebutt has it that his Nose was probably dabbed
with ruby red rouge and his schnoz did grow as he
made small talk most the night at Biden's inviting at
his White House.The topic of Disney or the New Disney
came up.And as expected Pinocchio's nose started to glow.
He looked embarassed and kept shaking his head.Like how could
that happen.The best ever Entertainment vehicle the country
has ever known,now a mere side show for Bratty parents and their
kids.Even the snacks seemed tainted.Like too sugary and sticky.
Like hands could be the wiser.And mouths not have a clue.
So Pinocchio decided to retire early and skipped the mandatory
WH Photo shoots.Since the place looked more like a bad bedtime version
of a Christmas Carol with fake eveything.Especially the Snowflakes.
There was a few large goose hanging around,waddling and quacking
about MAGA this and Maga that!
Just thought y'all would like to know.
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