How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Harry, he be a player.

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?

How Did Harry Reid Get Rich? - Betsy Woodruff - National Review Online

Try this thought experiment. Imagine that someone grows up in poverty, works his way through law school by holding the night shift as a Capitol Hill policeman, and spends all but two years of his career as a public servant. Now imagine that this person’s current salary — and he’s at the top of his game — is $193,400. You probably wouldn’t expect him to have millions in stocks, bonds, and real estate.

But, surprise, he does, if he’s our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to When Harry Reid entered the Nevada legislature in 1982, his net worth was listed as between $1 million and $1.5 million “or more,” according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. So, since inquiring minds inquire, let’s try to figure out how Reid’s career in public service ended up being so lucrative. He hasn’t released his tax returns, which makes this an imperfect science, but looking at a few of his investments helps to show how he amassed his wealth.
Uninformed sources, people close to the Senator, told me in strictest confidence, that he did a lot of business with the Mafia and made his fortune by helping them dispose of bodies, loan shark, etc. He's also a "person of interest" in connection with the kidnap and murder of local prostitutes, but that was on his own time and not in his official capacity
Reid was born in Searchlight, Nevada, the third of the four sons of Inez Orena (née Jaynes), a laundress, and Harry Vincent Reid, a miner. His paternal grandmother was an English immigrant from Darlston, Staffordshire. Reid's boyhood home had no indoor toilet, hot water or telephone.[1] Searchlight had no high school, so Reid boarded with relatives 40 miles away in Henderson, Nevada, to attend Basic High School[1] where he played football, and was an amateur boxer. While at Basic High he met future Nevada governor Mike O'Callaghan, who was a teacher there. Reid attended Southern Utah University and graduated from Utah State University where he double majored in political science and history. Reid also minored in economics from the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. He then went to George Washington University Law School earning a J.D. while working for the United States Capitol Police.

It couldn't possibly be kickbacks from casinos....could it? Maybe something more nefarious. The man is a POS. I use "man" loosely in his case.
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Uninformed sources, people close to the Senator, told me in strictest confidence, that he did a lot of business with the Mafia and made his fortune by helping them dispose of bodies, loan shark, etc. He's also a "person of interest" in connection with the kidnap and murder of local prostitutes, but that was on his own time and not in his official capacity

An informed insider told me he was in Dealy plaza one day in November. The Huffy post has collaborating evidence from another unnamed insider.
Reid was born in Searchlight, Nevada, the third of the four sons of Inez Orena (née Jaynes), a laundress, and Harry Vincent Reid, a miner. His paternal grandmother was an English immigrant from Darlston, Staffordshire. Reid's boyhood home had no indoor toilet, hot water or telephone.[1] Searchlight had no high school, so Reid boarded with relatives 40 miles away in Henderson, Nevada, to attend Basic High School[1] where he played football, and was an amateur boxer. While at Basic High he met future Nevada governor Mike O'Callaghan, who was a teacher there. Reid attended Southern Utah University and graduated from Utah State University where he double majored in political science and history. Reid also minored in economics from the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business. He then went to George Washington University Law School earning a J.D. while working for the United States Capitol Police.

It couldn't possibly be kickbacks from casinos....could it? Maybe something more nefarious. The man is a POS. I use "man" loosely in his case.

The only way I see dirty Harry winning an election is through cheating. To think anything else is to think very poorly about those living in Arizona. Mark my words, Obama shutting Yucca Mountain is going to come back to bite us, but paying back Reid was obviously more important then our safety.

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