How corrupt is the DOJ? This corrupt...


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How corrupt is the DOJ? This corrupt...

31 May 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The Department of Justice under the Biden Administration has become nothing but a tool of the regime.
Actually, the Justice Department under both Obama and Trump was already a corrupt organization, and by the regime, I don’t mean the elected officials in office, but the permanent government that has come to be characterized as the “Deep State.”
The Deep State isn’t a cabal, per se. They aren’t gathering a (now marijuana) smoke-filled room plotting the downfall of America. Rather, they are a bunch of high-level bureaucrats who believe that they have the wisdom and the power to run the country, all the way down to what you are allowed and not allowed to say.
They are America’s nomenklatura. The Elite run things regardless of who is in power, although they work hard to make sure that Democrats are in power since that party is happier to expand the money and power the nomenklatura have.
The DOJ is at the top of the heap because they control the levers of coercive power, although you may have noticed that even the IRS and EPA now have heavily armed agents to bully citizens.

You may have noticed a pattern of late from the DOJ. They seem determined to defend Hunter Biden and other Democrats while viciously going after anybody who is conservative or who challenges the Leftist agenda. The most obvious examples of this were of course related to the attacks on President Trump, who endured an unrelenting series of bogus investigations and attacks that included everything from investigations that were predicated on lies and of course watching his aides be destroyed through illegal means, such as lying to the FISA Court.
The Durham Report outlined many of these dangerous breaches of law, but of course, nobody is going to pay a price for the damage they have done either to the people involved, the country, or the rule of law. Instead, they are celebrated in the MSM.

However, the coincidence between the announcement of Justice’s run for Senate and the filing of the lawsuit is quite notable and fits into a longstanding pattern of indisputable abuses of power, and interference in investigations that would harm Democrats. A few weeks ago the DOJ fired all the IRS agents involved in the investigation into Hunter Biden–which in any normal world would raise eyebrows.
In this one, it earns the agents accusations of being traitors to America hurled at them
We have moved into a realm where there isn’t a system of justice in the United States, but a system of preference. If you are on the right team you can get away with nearly anything, and on the wrong team, you can be investigated for fake crimes. Parents of kids being abused in schools are labeled potential domestic terrorists, Catholics are labeled a danger to the country, and the FBI can refuse to abide by subpoenas and the MSM cheers it on.

FBI Director Wray will earn his contempt of Congress “punishment,” but that will turn out to be empty words. Nothing will happen to him, and the media will blow it off as Republican extremism.
The game is rigged. The only way to fight back is to put the fear of God in the bureaucrats. Fire them. They can sue, of course, because they are civil servants. But whatever penalties a president would wind up paying–and cases of malfeasance can be developed as the court cases move along–are minuscule compared to the damage these people do while in power.
Failing such a bold move, transfer them to some job where they do nothing. Nothing is better than doing actual harm. Humiliate them by putting them in a closet. A Deputy Undersecretary whose office is suddenly a closet will be a warning to others.
Is this foolproof? Obviously not. And will the Left use it against Republicans? Obviously yes. But there are so few Republicans in the Deep State that this hardly matters.
The system is broken. If Hunter Biden were named Trump he would be in jail for life. But his name is Biden, so he lives in the White House with his dad.
At this point, there is little point in trying to reform these agencies while the current crop of leaders is employed in government.
So fire them all.


If anyone thought that Trump was the target of the deep state. Well, Trump was just first in line. The line is long of targets of the Maoist Marxist Democrats and we conservative are all in it.
Its sad, but decent, rational people have rightly concluded that the FBI functions as a Stasi like organization against political opponents and the DOJ uses power in the mode of FSB and their kangaroo courts.
Congress can accumulate all the credible evidence imaginable against Biden but the FBI and DOJ controlled by Merrick Garland and Wray will never do anything but protect the family. There no longer exists equal justice under law in the USA.
Consider that Trump is being prosecuted in a concocted case by a Soros puppet and Biden will never be held accountable for his pervasive corruption. This is happening with the full cooperation of the corporate Quisling MSM who are propagandists for the “great globalist reset”.
I continue to refer to the Turner Diaries, because every time I post these articles written by others, I see the prophetic allegories within that restricted and censored novel.
Thread up. :)

Every day it seems our nation gets to be more and more like the old USSR. Our liberal news media is like the Communist Party of the Soviet Union official propaganda newspaper, Pravda our FBI is like the Russian KGB.

This trend is becoming old fast. I feel it started when Obama brought corrupt Chicago style politics to the Swamp but it could go back all the way to the Clintons.
Wow; you should do something about all of that.

Maybe write your congressman.

He was perfect Faux "News" in the fact that he never mentioned Jew, Zionism, or Zionist Fascism, which is 100% of what is called DEEP STATE...

These attempts to claim the corruption isn't about Zionist Fascism is like failing to identify LAND NEAR THE POLES as the true cause of Earth climate change.

If you do not correctly diagnose the problem, you will not solve it. Donald Trump's failure to understand Judaism was his downfall. His supporters seem just as lost.
I feel it started when Obama

Same shit. W was perfect. There was no corruption under the W Administration, and we know this because Chris Wray was an attorney for W...

And W appointed life long left wing Zionist Fascist Charles Schumer recommended Mike Mukasey as AG to fire 7 US Attorneys for doing their jobs.... except they were prosecuting Zionist Fascists... and Faux "News" cheered and made Mukasey a "conservative commentator."
Same shit. W was perfect. There was no corruption under the W Administration, and we know this because Chris Wray was an attorney for W...

And W appointed life long left wing Zionist Fascist Charles Schumer recommended Mike Mukasey as AG to fire 7 US Attorneys for doing their jobs.... except they were prosecuting Zionist Fascists... and Faux "News" cheered and made Mukasey a "conservative commentator."
W signed the Patriot Act into law.

You can tell right off by the name that if anything it will make life for real patriots more difficult and that is exactly what it has done.


Wray offer to see Biden bribery allegation file not enough, Comer says​

31 May 2023 ~~ By Steven Nelson

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said no deal Wednesday after FBI Director Christopher Wray offered to let him privately review an informant file alleging President Biden was involved in a bribery scheme while vice president.
Comer (R-Ky.) said after his early-afternoon call with Wray that the FBI chief confirmed the existence of an FD-1023 informant file from June 2020 accusing Biden of corruption and offered Comer and committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) “in camera review” of the document.
The FBI had refused to share the document ahead of a Tuesday deadline following a May 3 subpoena from Comer, which the chairman said he would enforce with contempt proceedings against Wray.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who also was on the call, chimed in, “While the FBI has apparently leaked classified information to the news media in recent weeks, jeopardizing its own human sources, it continues to treat Congress like second-class citizens by refusing to provide a specific unclassified record.”
He added: “Director Wray confirmed what my whistleblowers have told me pursuant to legally protected disclosures: the FBI-generated document is real, but the bureau has yet to provide it to Congress in defiance of a legitimate congressional subpoena. This failure comes with consequences.”
Meanwhile, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby denied Wednesday that Biden is a crook in response to a question from The Post about a recent Harvard-Harris poll that found 53% of the public — including a quarter of Democrats — believe “Joe Biden was involved with his son in an illegal influence peddling scheme.”
“Wow,” Kirby exhaled after hearing the question at a press briefing, as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre exclaimed, “Jesus!”
“The president has spoken to this. And there’s nothing to these claims,” Kirby ultimately responded.

Everyone is watching this standoff, hope Comer and Grassley stand their ground and insist this paper is introduced as evidence in their investigation.
Never mind seeing it behind closed doors, the American people have every right to know who and what they are voting for, FBI is not a political influencer, or are they?
Does anyone really believe the FBI/Stasi director Wray will allow Congress to read the full document file either in a Congressional atmosphere or at the FBI in a SCIF?
You know the Maoist Democrat handlers of the Bai Dung administration are concerned when they bring Adm., John Kirby out in civvies and make Jean-Pierre stand off to the side. Kirby is very good at lying for Brain Dead Joey Xi. They don’t want to take the risk of JPK saying something really stupid. In her case, anytime that her lips are moving, the risk factor goes to Defcon-2.

White House Speechless After Reporter Asks About Alleged Biden Corruption​


Wray offer to see Biden bribery allegation file not enough, Comer says​

31 May 2023 ~~ By Steven Nelson

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said no deal Wednesday after FBI Director Christopher Wray offered to let him privately review an informant file alleging President Biden was involved in a bribery scheme while vice president.
Comer (R-Ky.) said after his early-afternoon call with Wray that the FBI chief confirmed the existence of an FD-1023 informant file from June 2020 accusing Biden of corruption and offered Comer and committee ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) “in camera review” of the document.
The FBI had refused to share the document ahead of a Tuesday deadline following a May 3 subpoena from Comer, which the chairman said he would enforce with contempt proceedings against Wray.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), who also was on the call, chimed in, “While the FBI has apparently leaked classified information to the news media in recent weeks, jeopardizing its own human sources, it continues to treat Congress like second-class citizens by refusing to provide a specific unclassified record.”
He added: “Director Wray confirmed what my whistleblowers have told me pursuant to legally protected disclosures: the FBI-generated document is real, but the bureau has yet to provide it to Congress in defiance of a legitimate congressional subpoena. This failure comes with consequences.”
Meanwhile, White House National Security Council spokesman John Kirby denied Wednesday that Biden is a crook in response to a question from The Post about a recent Harvard-Harris poll that found 53% of the public — including a quarter of Democrats — believe “Joe Biden was involved with his son in an illegal influence peddling scheme.”
“Wow,” Kirby exhaled after hearing the question at a press briefing, as White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre exclaimed, “Jesus!”
“The president has spoken to this. And there’s nothing to these claims,” Kirby ultimately responded.

Everyone is watching this standoff, hope Comer and Grassley stand their ground and insist this paper is introduced as evidence in their investigation.
Never mind seeing it behind closed doors, the American people have every right to know who and what they are voting for, FBI is not a political influencer, or are they?
Does anyone really believe the FBI/Stasi director Wray will allow Congress to read the full document file either in a Congressional atmosphere or at the FBI in a SCIF?
You know the Maoist Democrat handlers of the Bai Dung administration are concerned when they bring Adm., John Kirby out in civvies and make Jean-Pierre stand off to the side. Kirby is very good at lying for Brain Dead Joey Xi. They don’t want to take the risk of JPK saying something really stupid. In her case, anytime that her lips are moving, the risk factor goes to Defcon-2.

White House Speechless After Reporter Asks About Alleged Biden Corruption​

I am beginning to wonder if Wray is being paid by China.

How corrupt is the DOJ? This corrupt...

31 May 2023 ~~ By David Strom

The Department of Justice under the Biden Administration has become nothing but a tool of the regime.
Actually, the Justice Department under both Obama and Trump was already a corrupt organization, and by the regime, I don’t mean the elected officials in office, but the permanent government that has come to be characterized as the “Deep State.”
The Deep State isn’t a cabal, per se. They aren’t gathering a (now marijuana) smoke-filled room plotting the downfall of America. Rather, they are a bunch of high-level bureaucrats who believe that they have the wisdom and the power to run the country, all the way down to what you are allowed and not allowed to say.
They are America’s nomenklatura. The Elite run things regardless of who is in power, although they work hard to make sure that Democrats are in power since that party is happier to expand the money and power the nomenklatura have.
The DOJ is at the top of the heap because they control the levers of coercive power, although you may have noticed that even the IRS and EPA now have heavily armed agents to bully citizens.

You may have noticed a pattern of late from the DOJ. They seem determined to defend Hunter Biden and other Democrats while viciously going after anybody who is conservative or who challenges the Leftist agenda. The most obvious examples of this were of course related to the attacks on President Trump, who endured an unrelenting series of bogus investigations and attacks that included everything from investigations that were predicated on lies and of course watching his aides be destroyed through illegal means, such as lying to the FISA Court.
The Durham Report outlined many of these dangerous breaches of law, but of course, nobody is going to pay a price for the damage they have done either to the people involved, the country, or the rule of law. Instead, they are celebrated in the MSM.

However, the coincidence between the announcement of Justice’s run for Senate and the filing of the lawsuit is quite notable and fits into a longstanding pattern of indisputable abuses of power, and interference in investigations that would harm Democrats. A few weeks ago the DOJ fired all the IRS agents involved in the investigation into Hunter Biden–which in any normal world would raise eyebrows.
In this one, it earns the agents accusations of being traitors to America hurled at them
We have moved into a realm where there isn’t a system of justice in the United States, but a system of preference. If you are on the right team you can get away with nearly anything, and on the wrong team, you can be investigated for fake crimes. Parents of kids being abused in schools are labeled potential domestic terrorists, Catholics are labeled a danger to the country, and the FBI can refuse to abide by subpoenas and the MSM cheers it on.

FBI Director Wray will earn his contempt of Congress “punishment,” but that will turn out to be empty words. Nothing will happen to him, and the media will blow it off as Republican extremism.
The game is rigged. The only way to fight back is to put the fear of God in the bureaucrats. Fire them. They can sue, of course, because they are civil servants. But whatever penalties a president would wind up paying–and cases of malfeasance can be developed as the court cases move along–are minuscule compared to the damage these people do while in power.
Failing such a bold move, transfer them to some job where they do nothing. Nothing is better than doing actual harm. Humiliate them by putting them in a closet. A Deputy Undersecretary whose office is suddenly a closet will be a warning to others.
Is this foolproof? Obviously not. And will the Left use it against Republicans? Obviously yes. But there are so few Republicans in the Deep State that this hardly matters.
The system is broken. If Hunter Biden were named Trump he would be in jail for life. But his name is Biden, so he lives in the White House with his dad.
At this point, there is little point in trying to reform these agencies while the current crop of leaders is employed in government.
So fire them all.


If anyone thought that Trump was the target of the deep state. Well, Trump was just first in line. The line is long of targets of the Maoist Marxist Democrats and we conservative are all in it.
Its sad, but decent, rational people have rightly concluded that the FBI functions as a Stasi like organization against political opponents and the DOJ uses power in the mode of FSB and their kangaroo courts.
Congress can accumulate all the credible evidence imaginable against Biden but the FBI and DOJ controlled by Merrick Garland and Wray will never do anything but protect the family. There no longer exists equal justice under law in the USA.
Consider that Trump is being prosecuted in a concocted case by a Soros puppet and Biden will never be held accountable for his pervasive corruption. This is happening with the full cooperation of the corporate Quisling MSM who are propagandists for the “great globalist reset”.
I continue to refer to the Turner Diaries, because every time I post these articles written by others, I see the prophetic allegories within that restricted and censored novel.

This is garbage.

It's a meathead rant, followed by another meathead rant.
Over half this nation believes what ever they are told with no question. We have a mindless clown as president a useless Congress that gets elected and then do nothing. The new comers learn fast what their job is making their self rich with insider trading and all underhanded deals. If ever caught they will not be held acountable. It would take a bloody revolution to fix this and that won't happen. The country is going the same way as all nation. Kick back and enjoy the ride.
Well 1/2 don't give a shit and 1/2 are asleep. So maybe a wise person just knows things will be ok. The liars are known, they are so easy to understand, and fact check. So maybe get off your ass and just make a great future for your kids thru your hard ass work and their wills to also succeed. thinking you are special is so stupid. Ghanaaghana! You know why attorneys make big bucks when they organize a LLTP. you made it happen. stupid F. /they really just dumb F's driving or flying to work every day. hahahahaha


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