How Corporations Fake Job Availability and Avoid Hiring Americans to Hire Immigrant Work Visa Labor


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Watch this video on a seminar on how to 'not find a qualified and interested US worker'.

Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
And they do every damned day. That is why I have ZERO cash in the markets. Eventually we will reach a point where the Wall Street banks and the corporations can no longer keep all the plates spinning.
I prefer to gamble at a Casino than invest in Wall Street.....both are fixed, but at least you are entertained at the casino when being fleeced..
It goes beyond faking job availability and avoiding hiring American citizens.
There are corporations that do hire Americans, but they then intentionally make life so difficult for them that they either quit or get fired. Using this "inability to retain American workers", they show a "need" to fill those jobs with L-1/L-2/H-1B visa holders. Once they have their visa workers, they have a compliant workforce who won't make waves owing to the fact that they're continued stay in this country is entirely dependent on the whim of the corporation.
I almost feel sorry for the visa holders, being effectively indentured servants to those corporations. They can be treated like crap but can't say squat about it unless they want a one-way ticket home.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
And they do every damned day. That is why I have ZERO cash in the markets. Eventually we will reach a point where the Wall Street banks and the corporations can no longer keep all the plates spinning.
The plates will keep spinning as long as the government and Fed allow it.

Thanks to an unlimited central government, in cahoots with big business, the fleecing of America will continue.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
Guess what?

You know who has a great deal more power than corporations? The federal government and the Fed. All one needs do, is look at them to identify the source of the problem.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
And they do every damned day. That is why I have ZERO cash in the markets. Eventually we will reach a point where the Wall Street banks and the corporations can no longer keep all the plates spinning.

Your right there will come a day and we're most likely at it, when Capitalists will burn themselves out.
Where oh where are they going to find buyers for their services or products, the poorer they make us, the less of their services or products will we consume, I should say BE ABLE to consume.
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Interesting thread. I've been wondering how all these illegal immigrants get jobs but we never hear complaints about the people who employ them illegally. It's not just the immigrants' fault this happens. Not that I like the answer, but at least I've got a clue now.
The plates will keep spinning as long as the government and Fed allow it.

Thanks to an unlimited central government, in cahoots with big business, the fleecing of America will continue.
Not true, dude.

It all ends when the Saudis and OPEC decide to no longer accept payment only in US dollars and that is a short time ahead for us today.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
Guess what?

You know who has a great deal more power than corporations? The federal government and the Fed. All one needs do, is look at them to identify the source of the problem.

Yep. It wasnt the big corporations that got free QE for $4 trillion, it was the banks.

The corporations then borrow that cash from them for lower interest rates than anyone else can get.
Corporations are extremely powerful and can manipulate whatever they choose, particularly the NYSE.
And they do every damned day. That is why I have ZERO cash in the markets. Eventually we will reach a point where the Wall Street banks and the corporations can no longer keep all the plates spinning.
The plates will keep spinning as long as the government and Fed allow it.

Thanks to an unlimited central government, in cahoots with big business, the fleecing of America will continue.
Bullshit...Politicians need contributions to run for office.
The plates will keep spinning as long as the government and Fed allow it.

Thanks to an unlimited central government, in cahoots with big business, the fleecing of America will continue.
Not true, dude.

It all ends when the Saudis and OPEC decide to no longer accept payment only in US dollars and that is a short time ahead for us today.

I wonder if that contract is up soon and that is why we are befriending Iran. SA is in a real bind, all they have is oil and with the low oil prices you can bet they are hurting. Iran is so much further progressed in all areas, and not as dependent on oil.
It goes beyond faking job availability and avoiding hiring American citizens.
There are corporations that do hire Americans, but they then intentionally make life so difficult for them that they either quit or get fired. Using this "inability to retain American workers", they show a "need" to fill those jobs with L-1/L-2/H-1B visa holders. Once they have their visa workers, they have a compliant workforce who won't make waves owing to the fact that they're continued stay in this country is entirely dependent on the whim of the corporation.
I almost feel sorry for the visa holders, being effectively indentured servants to those corporations. They can be treated like crap but can't say squat about it unless they want a one-way ticket home.

There's not much difference, really, between American and visa workers. The visa worker get sent back to their homeland, Americans get a one-way ticket to bankruptcy, both are enslaved just different destinations. Corporations are invincible.

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