How come USMB Republicans refuse to learn anything about Trump?

I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?
Republicans applaud men who shoot black children.
It really bothers Republicans that Clinton's a womanizer but here they are voting for a womanizer.

It bothered Republicans that Clinton smoked pot but not that bush did cocaine.

They don't like abortion but didn't care Gw got his girlfriend an illegal abortion in the 60s.

And Pants Suit takes money from countries that murder homosexuals while claiming to be supportive of gay rights, a flip flop from the position she held 8 years ago.

Welcome to politics, you poor, dumb son of a bitch.
It was the conservatives who passed citizens united stupid. We told you this could happen stupid. You do know team trumps being funded by Putin, right?

So if you want to stop it vote hillary and her appointee will undo citizens united stupid cock sucker
Really? You think it's OK for her to take money because she CAN? You are such a hypocrite.

What do you mean by "take money"?
What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.
It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.

So that would be "Doctor Sealy"? Somehow I'm doubting that...
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

There were millions of Republicans that time and time again warned and gave tons of links about Donald Trump. The problem is the Republican party is no longer the party of Lincoln or Reagan. It is now the Trump party, stuffed full of anger, ignorance, bigotry, misogyny, and extremism. This party was hijacked by the very same people you're asking about, many of whom are on USMB.

They're half-brained dumbass's that have had their veins filled with 25 years--3 or more daily hours of Reich wing hyperbole, half truths, misconceptions and enough conspiracy theories to fill the capital building from floor to ceiling. You see it every single day on this board. They REFUSE to read anything other than the Drudge report. They make certain they only listen to people that agree with them. They never glance at the opposite side of something they haven't slopped up, that was spoon fed to them by a Reich wing talk show host. If they disagree, then it's a lie or a conspiracy theory. They ONLY watch FOX News--the entire rest of the media is a shut & sealed door, that they'll never switch too, because they may hear something they don't like or won't agree with. THIS IS WHAT YOU'RE DEALING WITH.

And there are several interesting links that are now coming into full view.
A neuroscientist explains what may be wrong with Trump supporters’ brains
Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump
Donald Trump broke the conservative media

And believe me--this is the funniest. It's a Republican and his efforts to disclose Trump.
All Along I Thought Trump Wasn’t a Conservative/Republican, But Now I Realize I’m Not

To put it simply. You're actually dealing with very stupid people that are absolutely convinced they're smart--and they believe they know more than the GOP house that investigated Benghazi (8 times.) They know more than FBI Comey, and will come up with a zillion conspiracy theories as to why Hillary Clinton should be in jail--LOL


Last edited:
If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.

So that would be "Doctor Sealy"? Somehow I'm doubting that...

I would be willing to wager that is not true in any way. The way you argue and the weakness of your arguments is not indicative of a man who has been masters prepared.
What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
What do you really think Donald Trumps chances are of winning?

Republican Voters Wish They'd Picked A Different Nominee

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

I have a business bachelors from Eastern Michigan University and a business masters from the University of Phoenix. Interestingly my brother has a masters from MSU and he's a VP of a fortune 500 and he agrees with me on a lot of political stuff I say/think. What is your background?
I've posted all these issues about Trump and links. But the USMB Republicans just say I've don't want to know. We all know Hillary Clinton. Republicans have been going after her for 30 years with the only success being they smeared her name.

But these issues about Trump? Many have video. You can watch him. The most recent being raising his office rates on his own offices 5X because now that he's getting donations, he can legally funnel the money to his bank accounts. That's called scamming your supporters. Are you guys OK with that? He figured out a way to legally swindle his supporters and is doing it. Think he will raise the rent even more?

Trump raising own rent to profit from presidential run: Kaine

Can you be any more ignorant?

I want to talk about Trump's ties to Russia.

The half billion he owes China.

The employees he's stiffed.

His wanting to spread around nuclear weapons.

His not knowing what the nuclear triad is.

His nephew's sick baby he cut medical care for.

His many affairs.

His bribing Texas Attorney General.

His bribing Florida's Attorney General.

The Trump charity money he illegally used to pay the bribe.

His Nov 28th Court Date.

His Trump U case not going away.

His 3500 lawsuits.

His 169 federal lawsuits.

His racism.

His attack on a Gold Star family.

His saying a flat chested woman can't be a 10.

His flip flops.

His lies.

His using campaign money to buy books.

His raising Trump office rent 5 times to scam his supporters out of their contributions.

And you keep going on and on about emails for which she has already been exonerated. At some point, it becomes double jeopardy. Endless investigations going nowhere costing millions and millions of dollars in tax payer money.

What a question. Do I strike you as someone who likes causing pain to himself?
It's scary isn't it, the race card may have been played once too often with Trump being the one fighting back...

It's no wonder the status quo (hillary owners) are doing their best to crucify Trump...


trump has had 40 years of showing his racism... time to accept it.

Sorry, you're response has a lot more to do with partisan gullibility than reality... I'm actually quite surprised that you lack any hope of balanced judgement.

Try to explain the 26% of poor Blacks living in Democratic Party ghettos in inner cities across America over the past 50 years. Ultimate racism of the Democratic Party from my perspective, creating and maintaining the suffering of Blacks, poor whites and other minorities in America.

i gave you links showing exactly what i said in another thread & i don't believe you ever replied to it. i have no partisan gullibility, lumps. i am center left & don't belong to any party. i remember trump going back years. he's a bigot & a sexist.

Well, you're a left wing partisan whether you accept it or not. There is no doubt on your left wing news gullibility or one-sided judgement when it comes to Hillary and BJ Bill vs Trump.

Sorry I didn't respond to this thread you speak of, if it's the one I'm thinking of I simply got fed up with topic changes and zero hope of resolution on any one of them. Just vote for Hillary, there's nothing I can do that will have any effect on that, such is life.

My basic perspective on this election is that you have a choice between a candidate that (hopefully) represents promising futures for the working class vs. a bought off and corrupt candidate representing more of the same, the status quo and a guaranteed future of a powerless declining middle class.

oh good god lumps, look in the freakin mirror.

No problem, I always do... Democrats.. pretty well never..

It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
It's going to come down to the debates.

Hillary's been ducking questions for the better part of a year. Harder to do that in a debate with someone who isn't shy about going after opponents.

If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

I have a business bachelors from Eastern Michigan University and a business masters from the University of Phoenix. Interestingly my brother has a masters from MSU and he's a VP of a fortune 500 and he agrees with me on a lot of political stuff I say/think. What is your background?

I have a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Funny, I've never heard an MBA referred to as a "business masters". What is a "business bachelors"? I've also never heard someone refer to a bachelors degree in that fashion.
Last edited:
What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.

So that would be "Doctor Sealy"? Somehow I'm doubting that...

I would be willing to wager that is not true in any way. The way you argue and the weakness of your arguments is not indicative of a man who has been masters prepared.

Interesting. Show me a post in which the way I argue isn't indicative of someone with an advanced degree.
If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters
If you think he's going to rattle her or win people over with that Republican bullshit you are wrong.

He's got to win over an awful lot of people he's lost.

17 tools ran for the Republican presidential nomination this year. A majority of GOP voters now say that they wish they’d picked one of the 16 who weren’t Donald Trump. But they can’t decide which one!!! So even still they don’t agree Don was the best choice but still can’t pick a better choice. That’s how flawed the GOP is people!!!

Dissatisfaction with Trump within his own party. Republican voters say 54% to 35% that Donald Trump wasn’t/was the best option in this year’s pool of candidates. In June these republicans were evenly split 44-44%.

Meanwhile, a majority of Democratic voters are still satisfied with their nominee. 55% say Clinton was their party’s best option, with 37% saying she was not.

What difference does it make if a large percentage of GOP voters don't think Trump was the best option among Republican candidates? The choice is between Trump and Hillary Clinton. You think they're going to vote for Hillary? Dream on...
Here's why I know you are stupid.

Polls Show Clinton Has An Edge With White College-Educated Voters

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

I have a business bachelors from Eastern Michigan University and a business masters from the University of Phoenix. Interestingly my brother has a masters from MSU and he's a VP of a fortune 500 and he agrees with me on a lot of political stuff I say/think. What is your background?

I have a degree in History from the University of Massachusetts and an MBA from Boston University. Funny, I've never heard an MBA referred to as a "business masters".
Because it was a masters in organizational management. Don't bother looking it up they don't offer that program anymore. But they did.

NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.

So that would be "Doctor Sealy"? Somehow I'm doubting that...

I would be willing to wager that is not true in any way. The way you argue and the weakness of your arguments is not indicative of a man who has been masters prepared.

Interesting. Show me a post in which the way I argue isn't indicative of someone with an advanced degree.
Well you've been a right wing tool on here since 2012. If you have an advance degree perhaps you are a rich Republican who believes the GOP takes care of guys like you. I agree they do. But they don't take care of the blue collar dopes voting GOP.

Plus you probably don't make a lot your just a social con. How much do you make? Then why you so angry? And why weren't you angry in 2007?
And no Republican better make fun of my Phoenix Masters. Not when you have Trump EDU to defend.

Do we really have to make fun of it? You already appear to doubt it's worth.
I've defended it passionately and I've made fun of it too. Would I have paid for it? Hell no. But when your companies paying what the fuck right?

So you've supposedly got an advanced degree that you basically think sucks...but we're supposed to be impressed by that? Amusing, Sealy...
NPR? I'm smart enough to know when someone's giving me information from a biased source, Sealy. I'm curious...what's your educational background? College degrees?

Obviously higher than yours.

So that would be "Doctor Sealy"? Somehow I'm doubting that...

I would be willing to wager that is not true in any way. The way you argue and the weakness of your arguments is not indicative of a man who has been masters prepared.

Interesting. Show me a post in which the way I argue isn't indicative of someone with an advanced degree.
Well you've been a right wing tool on here since 2012. If you have an advance degree perhaps you are a rich Republican who believes the GOP takes care of guys like you. I agree they do. But they don't take care of the blue collar dopes voting GOP.

Plus you probably don't make a lot your just a social con. How much do you make? Then why you so angry? And why weren't you angry in 2007?

I've been retired and living in Florida for a decade. I'm not angry at all. Life is good. I wasn't angry in 2007 because I saw that collapse coming a mile away. Didn't you?

So I take it you can't come up with a post of mine that has an argument that an MBA recipient shouldn't have made? Hence the questions?
And no Republican better make fun of my Phoenix Masters. Not when you have Trump EDU to defend.

Do we really have to make fun of it? You already appear to doubt it's worth.
I've defended it passionately and I've made fun of it too. Would I have paid for it? Hell no. But when your companies paying what the fuck right?

So you've supposedly got an advanced degree that you basically think sucks...but we're supposed to be impressed by that? Amusing, Sealy...
I don't even know how or why it came up. Getting a masters is a lot of work but only retards can't do it. Just be prepared to do a shit load of work.

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