How can the GOP Become Competitive in NY without compromising its principles?

True. Although I knew how much of an upstate weasel Pataki was, he was far better than Daddy Cuomo.

The Dems know how to "Read the room", selling "moderates" in Red States that vote Dem line on things the Dem leadership deems important.

We need to do the same thing. Deep cities may be a pipe dream, but the suburbs are for the taking sometimes.
The Dems know how to "Read the room", selling "moderates" in Red States that vote Dem line on things the Dem leadership deems important.

We need to do the same thing. Deep cities may be a pipe dream, but the suburbs are for the taking sometimes.
Yep. And alot of times, carry more clout than the cities do. The towns of Amherst, Cheektowaga and West Seneca carry more weight than the craphole city.
In places like New York it would be damned hard for conservatives to take power because that would require law and order, personal responsibility, being ambitious, being smart and strong and working hard, it would mean criminals pay for their crimes, it would mean the states society would have to be better and so on.

When there is a problem in new York most of them don't want real action, they want the illusion of action. A problem comes up, they just want a new law and some fancy words, they don't want to actually solve the problem because that isn't fast and it isn't easy. Solving problems takes time and work, slapping a band aid on a problem and ignoring it is much easier.

New York also has a smug problem. They don't want things like personal responsibility, ethics, morals, and will. Those are fuddy duddy concepts. They want to be progressive, trendy, up to date people. Anything else isnt what being a liberal big city person is, they consider other concepts to be red state rural ideas.

But if you want a good society then it requires things like responsibility, ambition, family, faith, morals, standards, values, and a strong will. You need law and order and people who want that.
I've long advocated for NYC to break away from the rest of the state.

Same with PA and Philly. Electoral college votes should be split, if there's a mass population within a certain square mileage, they should get their own electoral college votes, while the rest of the state retains theirs. Dems would never win the presidency again, most swing state's EC votes would be split, and it wouldn't matter how many 'mail in' ballots the left manufactures in their districts, it would be meaningless. Then all of those red areas that get their voices trampled every election would actually have a voice for a change.
the GOP has been in a constant slide and compromise for more than 50 yrs,,

each yrs they are further left than the yr before,,

so being new york is living like 3rd worlders I can see some of them going to the GOP,,

I also don't trust the voting outcomes in these hard blue districts, they're as corrupt as the day is long, they'll make sure they stay blue no matter what they have to do to keep it that way.

How can the GOP Become Competitive in NY without compromising its principles?​

Why ask? They have not been concerned by compromising their principles in many places across the country, including the House and Senate, even in the White House, in many years.

You voting blue in your local and state races whitey? Please do.
You Democrats support terrorists, illegal invaders, spending on worthless welfare programs, not to mention weakening the military to complete ineffectiveness, and sexual freaks like homos, shemales and pedophiles, all of which need to be kept far away from children.

That’s the Catholic Church, not Democrats
What is the principle of spouting family value principles while supporting a man who fucks porn stars and playboy models while his new wife was at home raising his baby?
You voting blue in your local and state races whitey? Please do.
Locally blue or red does not have much effect, except for Sheriff, but even that, or maybe especially that is a situation, where you have best be voting the man, not the party. In state representative and Governor, I just happen to tend to vote for more Republican. I a dead set against any remote discussion of a state income tax, so that knocks out quite few Dems, right off the bat. The most successful politician in Memphis are Democrat. Memphis truly sucks, big dog style, so I certainly do not want the state turning out like Memphis. This does not mean I am happy with who I vote for, all the time, but you never know, what somebody will actually do, until they get in there and do it, do ya?
Popular vote should be used.
You know, majority rules!:icon_sjung:

Same with PA and Philly. Electoral college votes should be split, if there's a mass population within a certain square mileage, they should get their own electoral college votes, while the rest of the state retains theirs. Dems would never win the presidency again, most swing state's EC votes would be split, and it wouldn't matter how many 'mail in' ballots the left manufactures in their districts, it would be meaningless. Then all of those red areas that get their voices trampled every election would actually have a voice for a change.
Denial is one of the most specific traits for the blind followers of P01135809.
Biden won 81,283,098 votes
"P01135809" trump won 74,222,958
2016 election.
Clinton 65,844,610 million votes
"P01135809" trump’s 62,979,636 million votes
Loser! LOL


That was the past, keep implementing your 'policies' unfettered, and you'll never be voted for again. The cheating will have to be top notch for you to even come close. I'm rooting for you, I hope you have veto proof majority and force everything you want on the American tax payer, with no where to dump blame when it all comes crashing down. 🤡

So the 26th Congressional District remains in the Communists' hands as Weasel #2 Tim Kennedy won over Gary Dickson in a special election to replace Weasel #1 Brian Higgins. That being said, how can the GOP ever be competitive again without warp speeding to the Left in shithole states like NY again?
If you compromise your principles, you didn't have any principles to begin with. Hamas is teaching us that lesson.
Guess what, dipshit.

I'm not a Democrat.

I'm a Never Trumper who became an Independent after Trump was elected after a lifetime as a Republican.

I see you are unable to defend the fact the organization formerly known as the Republican Party has no principles any more.

So shove those red herrings back up your ass where they came from.
Hmm, interesting, you just have that stench of a Democrat.
Your continued reply of cheating is such a lame excuse.
Because P01135809, you know the twice Impeached person and disgraced individual, keeps telling you the lie, means that is what it is a LIE!

That was the past, keep implementing your 'policies' unfettered, and you'll never be voted for again. The cheating will have to be top notch for you to even come close. I'm rooting for you, I hope you have veto proof majority and force everything you want on the American tax payer, with no where to dump blame when it all comes crashing down. 🤡

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