How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.
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CEO's don't get questioned like this! In Interviews, Romney Demands Apology From Obama - In several network interviews, Mr. Romney said Mr. Obama “absolutely” owes him an apology for an adviser’s comment that the Republican candidate might have committed a felony by lying about his role at the private equity firm.


what a wuss


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.
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Romney truly is a whiny little baby.

Man, Romney whines as easily as Speaker Boner weeps. Shit, I never saw Romney whine this much when he was Governor. He must really taste the White House badly. Like George W. Bush, he is trying to rehabilitate his poor old dad.

Romney's poor old dad lost his race to be the first Mormon in the White House after he said his support for the Vietnam War had been due to a "brainwashing" :eusa_clap:

Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,”
Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

In recent days, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Texas Gov. Rick Perry have been sharply criticizing Romney's actions while heading Bain Capital, a private equity firm that bought and sold companies to turn a profit. In many cases, workers lost jobs after Bain purchased their companies.

In the days leading up to the Jan. 21 GOP primary in South Carolina, Perry has been describing Romney as a "vulture capitalist." In a state where unemployment has exceeded 9 percent for more than three years, Perry has been calling attention to closed factories, saying Bain cut jobs during Romney's years there.
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How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

I have no pity for mittens. He ran a nasty primary along with his opponents, and beat them to death with money and his attack ads. not that they were any decent people who were hard to attack. he played the game, and now is up against a person who doesn't have to worry about supporting him after the election.

I am sure the hardest battles are yet to come.
JAN CRAWFORD: Governor Romney, the Obama campaign is saying that you either committed a felony by lying to the SEC or you are lying to the American people about when you left Bain capital. What do you say to that?

GOV. MITT ROMNEY: Well, I think this kind of statement from the Obama team is really shocking, it's, it's ridiculous, and it's beneath the dignity of the presidency. Look we just had a report come out that millions of Americans remain unemployed. We have 8.2 percent unemployment. That's the 41st straight month we're above eight percent and the president's campaign comes out with these ridiculous charges that obviously every fact checker that looked at it has said it's absurd. And yet they keep on pushing it. I simply - I simply think the president has to recognize that this should be a campaign about the direction of the country, and these personal attacks have to stop.

CRAWFORD: But you say it's ridiculous. But why is there this discrepancy? You said you left Bain in 1999 yet Bain is listing you as CEO up until 2002, so why were you listed as CEO until 2002?
GOV. ROMNEY: The documents show that there's a difference between ownership, which is I owned shares in Bain, but I did not manage Bain. I left as everyone knows to go out and run the Olympics in February of 1999. I was full-time running the Olympics. I had no role whatsoever in the management of Bain after I went off to the Olympics. And that's been demonstrated by people who work at Bain, by all of the documents, but I still retained an ownership interest, I had the capacity if I were not on leave, if I were actually wanting to run the business to do so, but I did not. I left. And that's been demonstrated time and time again.

CRAWFORD: Even if you weren't making these daily managerial decisions, though, doesn't the buck stop with you?

GOV. ROMNEY: Actually when you leave an enterprise, when you have other people who are managing the enterprise, who take responsibility for all the investment decisions, who decide who's going to get hired and fired, who decide compensation decisions, they're the managers, they're the people running the business. I left the business and went off to run the Olympics, did that full time and after three years, when the Olympics were over, we arranged my departure officially from a retirement standpoint.

CRAWFORD: So not once. You don't remember a board meeting, you don't remember talking about whether or not there should be outsourcing jobs overseas? Do you remember any involvement with Bain Capital from 1999 on?

GOV. ROMNEY: Jan I had no involvement with the management of Bain Capital after February of 1999. If I had, I would have brought that up at other places where it would have been beneficial to me. But look, I left Bain in February of 1999 as everyone knows I went out and ran the Olympic games. It was a fulltime job. I'm happy that Bain went on, on its own, and did a number of terrific things. Built a very large enterprise, larger than when I left it. But you know the truth is I left in February of 1999 as has been demonstrated time and time again. I was an owner, and being a shareholder doesn't mean that you're running the business. The people who are running it are the ones who run it today and by the way they've been on the air. A number of them are Obama supporters, by the way, actually one fellow who ran for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts, a Democrat, is a Bain Partner. He's been on the air saying the same thing. Mitt left in February of 1999, had no involvement whatsoever with management beyond that point.

Romney interview with CBS News: Full transcript - CBS News
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Romney truly is a whiny little baby.

Man, Romney whines as easily as Speaker Boner weeps. Shit, I never saw Romney whine this much when he was Governor. He must really taste the White House badly. Like George W. Bush, he is trying to rehabilitate his poor old dad.

Romney's poor old dad lost his race to be the first Mormon in the White House after he said his support for the Vietnam War had been due to a "brainwashing" :eusa_clap:

Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whining like a bitch is bad? It works great sometimes! ; )
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.

How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

I have no pity for mittens. He ran a nasty primary along with his opponents, and beat them to death with money and his attack ads. not that they were any decent people who were hard to attack. he played the game, and now is up against a person who doesn't have to worry about supporting him after the election.

I am sure the hardest battles are yet to come.

Willard Mitt Romney Whining Bitch and his wealthy friends will soon make this little story about his Bain days look silly.

Willard - Willlard Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia benefited from very nasty campaigns in the GOP primaries.


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.
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How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

Dante Takes A Dump
[ame=]Horny donkey - YouTube[/ame]
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.


Don't take my word for things, listen to Republicans...


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.


It is...Can't say Romney is totally truthful as he did only leave, not retire, but Obama is the biggest whiny bitch in the history of the republic. :eusa_shifty:
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Is that all ya got? Really lefties , is Bain all you have? Wouldn't you rather have a successful businessman in the White House than a terrorist loving former dope smoking community activist who never met a payroll or never had a real job for that matter?
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.


Don't take my word for things, listen to Republicans...


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

LOL I don't need anyone to tell me you are a pathetic Hypocrite who supports a president who has spent 3.5 years whining, and blaming the last guy, and crying that the Opposition wont just lay down and give him what he whats.

That's plain for everyone to see.
How can Romney Occupy Oval Office When He Whines Like a Bitch: Romney: Obama owes me an apology. What?

No role whatsoever at Bain after what date? Romney doing damage control? No more tax returns?

What kind of president would whine like a female dog - bitch - when somebody says something about his role in private equity firms? Romney's reckless and absurd whining is making America look weak. The whole world is watching and laughing. Can anyone imagine Romney facing off against Putin and other world leaders? :rofl:

How can you, a supporter of the whiner and chief say that with a straight face.


Don't take my word for things, listen to Republicans...


Mitt Romney‘s Bain Capital “looted” a company in Gaffney, S.C., and got “rich off failures and sticking it to someone else,” Gov. Rick Perry of Texas charged this morning as he began a swing through South Carolina.

Signaling that he will join Newt Gingrich and other Republican presidential rivals in sharply criticizing Mr. Romney’s earlier career as a corporate takeover artist, Mr. Perry mocked Mr. Romney’s recent statement that there were times he had worried about losing his job, pointing out that Mr. Romney had grown up wealthy and privileged.

“I mean, he actually said this,” Mr. Perry told more than 100 diners at a breakfast gathering here.

Romney's bane is Bain, or so it appears. He is snarling and nipping like a scared dog, yes.
Romney truly is a whiny little baby.

I wonder what the over /under would be on your Whiner in Chief...
You know blaming everything he comes across during his Presidency
that is not going well on the prior administration.
I don't think any President in history did this as much as Obama.... :eusa_boohoo:

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