A Heads-up For Governor Perry


Sep 23, 2010
I read Judi McLeod’s piece as a heads-up to Governor Rick Perry.

“White House Senior adviser Valerie Jarrett sent Perry a response letter today telling him ‘the president would welcome a meeting with you.’ (Daily Mail)

‘In addition, he asked me to invite you to join him for a meeting to discuss the situation on the border with faith leaders and local elected officials in Dallas on Wednesday,’ Jarrett said.

Surely Perry realizes that the “faith leaders” of the day are not the solution but a big part of the problem of comprehensive illegal immigration.

Perry Polka: It’s not shaking Obama’s hand but forcing it that counts
By Judi McLeod July 9, 2014

Perry Polka:* It?s not shaking Obama?s hand but forcing it that counts

Allowing Taqiyya the Liar to decide who attends the meeting is the same as conservatives sitting on a talk show panel when they are outnumbered by the moderator and the the other panelists. Governor Perry should not meet with Taqiyya the Liar on Valerie Jarrett’s terms. When you meet with a man who lies about everything you better have witnesses on your side of the table because the minute you leave the meeting the lies will start flowing like Niagra Falls.

Taqiyya’s “faith leaders” sure as hell are not Perry’s friends nor are they impartial. In addition to repeating Taqiyya’s touchy-feely garbage faith leaders will be angling for a feast at the public trough. There is no other reason for their presence.

I do not know if Perry can insist on two or three journalists like Laura Ingraham attending the sit-down. If not, Taqiyya’s media stooges will spin it to look like Perry is all for open-borders and illegal immigration.

Finally, if Perry fails to get equal representation he should refuse to meet the liar. The only alternative I can see is to show up, then walk out and announce the game was rigged.
Perry is sporting the cutest little butthurt face here.


Perhaps he realizes he shouldn't have shown up, being that the kook right base regards it as an unforgivable sin to even speak with Obama.
Ted Cruz is only partially right on this one:

Cruz Knocks Obama’s $3.7B Border Request as ‘Social Services Bill’
Kelsey Harkness / July 10, 2014

Cruz Knocks Obama's $3.7B Border Request as 'Social Services'

It is a Lawyer’s Bill. Consider this:

Use 75,000 as a working number. Assume each kid will be represented by a different lawyer. That’s 75,000 lawyers dipping into the $3.7 billion fund Taqiyya the Liar is asking for. Of course, lawyers specializing in immigration cases will represent more than one kid. No matter. Lawyers’ fees will eat up at least half of that $3.7 billion. God only knows how many ACLU lawyers are lining up to cash-in on the kids.

Incidentally, my radar went wild every time I heard a talking head say those kids won’t show up for immigration hearings. That is pure media misdirection. Lawyers need clients to make money. Most of those kids will show up because their “free” lawyers can bill the government for enormous fees by dragging out deportation hearings for years —— even decades.
Allowing Taqiyya the Liar to decide who attends the meeting is the same as conservatives sitting on a talk show panel when they are outnumbered by the moderator and the the other panelists. Governor Perry should not meet with Taqiyya the Liar on Valerie Jarrett’s terms. When you meet with a man who lies about everything you better have witnesses on your side of the table because the minute you leave the meeting the lies will start flowing like Niagra Falls.

Taqiyya’s “faith leaders” sure as hell are not Perry’s friends nor are they impartial. In addition to repeating Taqiyya’s touchy-feely garbage faith leaders will be angling for a feast at the public trough. There is no other reason for their presence.

I claim bragging Rights.

Full explanation and photos in this most informative article:

The impression intended would be that President Obama just met with a bunch of religious organizational heads, perhaps priests, pastors and ministers. Along with “faith based” advocates who are helping to deal with the immediate needs of the illegal aliens, unaccompanied minors, and the larger “border crisis”.

You would be wrong.

To avoid my calling our President of The United States a liar, I will instead say President Obama is being intentionally obtuse, perhaps even deceitful.


So that’s who President Obama calls “faith leaders“. But there’s a problem, none of them are religion based organizations. None of them have churches. None of them have congregations or parishioners’.

They are the heads of government funded non-profits. Remember ACORN? Same/Same.

They are taxpayer funded corporations who exist almost exclusively on government grants. Despite the words “Baptist” and “Catholic”, these are NOT religious “faith based” groups. The name Baptist and Catholic is only to give the appearance of “religion” and add a dose of “charity” to the appearances.

The Obama Dallas Immigration Visit – The Curious Case of Obama’s “Faith Leaders” and Obama’s “Faith-Based Groups”…
Posted on July 18, 2014 by sundance

The Obama Dallas Immigration Visit ? The Curious Case of Obama?s ?Faith Leaders? and Obama?s ?Faith-Based Groups?? | The Last Refuge

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