How Can Republicans Win Again?

William Joyce

Chemotherapy for PC
Jan 23, 2004
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?

Obviously you didn't get the memo. We are white, irrelevant people.

Bush the chimp will soon be gone.. relax, the whole wide world will love you again.. relax, you will have a reduction in yer taxes,, relax you will have health care just like congress,,, or so says thebrockguy. so just relax all is well in the universe bush the chimp will soon be gone. :eusa_whistle:
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?

They need to reach out to hispanics that are already citizens. Hispanics have fairly traditional values.
How can Republicans win again?

Simple. Wait for Obama to enact some of his "encouragements". If he does, he won't make it a second term.

If he sits back and does literally NOTHING, he probably WILL be granted a second term. It's how Clinton got 8 years.
Simple. Wait for Obama to enact some of his "encouragements". If he does, he won't make it a second term.

If he sits back and does literally NOTHING, he probably WILL be granted a second term. It's how Clinton got 8 years.

I was thinking about this today as well. Obama may not do anything radical in his first term. He may wait until term 2.
they can win by picking bobby jindal for the 2012 race.. he is the only one that has a chance of touching obama at this point.. read about it in my blog
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they can win by picking bobby jindal for the 2012 race.. he is the only one that has a chance of touching obama at this point.. read about it in my blog

No way is Bobby going to be the icon of republicanism in the next 4 years. Can't see it happening and I'm hoping that it wont.
Return to the stances of conservatism... and follow thru on them... smaller government, removing entitlements everywhere.. fiscal accountability and budget wise spending.. national security.. call upon and educate on what the country was set up to be government wise... nail the liberals for their nanny-state approach
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?
america is not gonna be majority non-white anythime soon, whites are 70% in this country, it'll be a while for that to be flipped
They need to reach out to hispanics that are already citizens. Hispanics have fairly traditional values.

Republicans don't need to "reach out" to this group or that group. Everyone laments at how divided this nation is and yet the political advice is always to carve up the electorate by special interests. If Republicans want to win elections then they need to simply exercise a little common sense leadership.
They should get back to constitutional principles and simplify the way things work in Washington.
They are going to have to get focused again on the issues they care most about. Small gov't, stronger economy, and smaller platform. We need less, not more government.
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?

Yeah... I suggest the GOP stop entertaining ideas from gutless, panty waists that cry about having to appease the IDIOTS!

Stand on the bed rock principleson which this nation was founded and knock the stupid off of ALL OF those who try to contest it. And stop trying to OUT LEFT THE LEFT.

My God, this is freakin' surreal... it's like a twilight zone episode, but ya can't change the channel...
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?

All the Republicans have to do is wait for the Democrats to blow it out their asses, again, and they'll be back.

Then the Republicans will blow it out their asses, and the Democrats will get another shot to blow it out their asses.

See a trend?
Yeah... I suggest the GOP stop entertaining ideas from gutless, panty waists that cry about having to appease the IDIOTS!

Stand on the bed rock principleson which this nation was founded and knock the stupid off of ALL OF those who try to contest it. And stop trying to OUT LEFT THE LEFT.

My God, this is freakin' surreal... it's like a twilight zone episode, but ya can't change the channel...

You are right. Stand upon the priciples on which this nation was founded.: Atheism, reason, and the desire to escape religious fundamentalism and it's use as a means by which to control the masses. The founding fathers were progressive deists, who would be considered atheists today.
You are right. Stand upon the priciples on which this nation was founded.: Atheism, reason, and the desire to escape religious fundamentalism and it's use as a means by which to control the masses. The founding fathers were progressive deists, who would be considered atheists today.

Those are not the principles on which this country was founded. GMAFB. It was founded on escaping religious PERSECUTION, and only a select few of the founding fathers were deists.
1. They can't. They are 90 percent white and minorities won't join. America is about to become minority white, so, bye-bye Republicans for good.

2. They can, if they reach out to minorities and support issues they want, like amnesty for illegals and affirmative action.

3. They can, if they reach out to whites more explicitly by opposing illegal aliens and affirmative action.

Your idea?

Of course they will win again. One constant in Amercian politics since Teddy Rosevelt's day is that the party in power will ALWAYS cock it up, eventually, and get thrown out.

The best bet for a quick Republican turnaround is to court Hispanic immigrants HEAVILY because on most all social issues, Hispanics are not only Republican but HARD RIGHT Republican. The only reason they don't vote Rep is Republican have been downright hateful and racist, at times, on the immigration front. All they are doing is shunning a HUGE voting block that sits, socially, right in the mainstream of their party!
Of course they will win again. One constant in Amercian politics since Teddy Rosevelt's day is that the party in power will ALWAYS cock it up, eventually, and get thrown out.

The best bet for a quick Republican turnaround is to court Hispanic immigrants HEAVILY because on most all social issues, Hispanics are not only Republican but HARD RIGHT Republican. The only reason they don't vote Rep is Republican have been downright hateful and racist, at times, on the immigration front. All they are doing is shunning a HUGE voting block that sits, socially, right in the mainstream of their party!

I disagree on your latter statement. Cubans vote Republican, Mexican-Americans are firmly entrenched in the Democratic machine around here.

You can't court their vote without rolling over for illegal immigrants and illegal immigrants are going to vote for whoever promises the most handouts.
Those are not the principles on which this country was founded. GMAFB. It was founded on escaping religious PERSECUTION, and only a select few of the founding fathers were deists.

The majority were Deists, in fact the primary leaders ( George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Ethan Allen, James Madison, and James Monroe) were Deists and their contention was that religious fundamentalism led to persecution. Thomas Jefferson said "In every country and every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty." They went out of their way to make it crystal clear that America was not a country founded upon Christian or any other religious beliefs.

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