How Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels" costs the federal government $114,987,504,000 for 2023...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Thanks to Joe's desire AND guarantee to :"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

The oil companies taking Joe at his guarantee said "folks, we're sorry but if we are going to be put out of business, then we need to make as much as we can NOW"!
FACT: Gas prices :

These higher energy prices seep into almost every major part of the economy. They drive up the costs for electricity, transportation, shipping, logistics, air travel, agriculture, fertilizer and the production of other commodities.

Social Security COLA Estimate Set at 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

So Joe's commitment to destroy fossil fuel industry meant oil companies raised their prices. Plain and simple.
Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels, ...ok Joe here are the immediate consequences:

Just to repeat.. Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels" costs the federal government MORE than $114,987,504,000 for 2023 in Social Security payments.
Up 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

Oh and by the way these other 6,000 more items will cost more because of Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"!

2 billion tires made every year from 300 million barrels of oil.
94% of roads in America use Asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.

Now Joe has said he wanted to "unify" the country and the Biased favorable to Biden encouraged and reported like this headline:

Why there's hope Joe Biden's quest to unify America will work​

If Biden had ONLY guaranteed THIS statement that he never made...
"We need to work with the fossil fuels industry to reduce Co2 emissions and the US government will be helping as we consider the fossil fuel industry a totally important building block of our economy"!
Folks... why not work with the fossil fuel industry to reduce Co2 emissions?
Emissions in the USA..
So why doesn't Joe figure out that destroying such a Major IMPACT on our economy is stupid?
Probably because he is a politician first, then an American second.
Thanks to Joe's desire AND guarantee to :"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

The oil companies taking Joe at his guarantee said "folks, we're sorry but if we are going to be put out of business, then we need to make as much as we can NOW"!
FACT: Gas prices :
View attachment 752505

These higher energy prices seep into almost every major part of the economy. They drive up the costs for electricity, transportation, shipping, logistics, air travel, agriculture, fertilizer and the production of other commodities.

Social Security COLA Estimate Set at 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

So Joe's commitment to destroy fossil fuel industry meant oil companies raised their prices. Plain and simple.
Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels, ...ok Joe here are the immediate consequences:
View attachment 752506
Just to repeat.. Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels" costs the federal government MORE than $114,987,504,000 for 2023 in Social Security payments.
Up 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

Oh and by the way these other 6,000 more items will cost more because of Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"!

2 billion tires made every year from 300 million barrels of oil.
94% of roads in America use Asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.

View attachment 752508

This clearly indicates that it can't be just a change from petro based fuels to electric, it has to be a drastic change in lifestyle that eliminates the need for individuals owning vehicles.

The solution isn't popular and so won't get much air time, but there's no way of creeping up on the solution with EV's.
Trump hurt the oil industry the most during his term as president, thankfully it is recovering now under Biden.

No source. Where did you get this?
Plus I don't disagree that NON-Federal land has increased exploration BECAUSE of this FACT.

Biden Shrinks U.S. Land Open for New Oil and Gas Drilling

  • Interior will sell oil and gas leases with new terms this year
  • Higher royalty rates and new environmental protections imposed
President Joe Biden’s administration is dramatically curtailing U.S. public land available for new oil and gas development as it restarts leasing with new environmental protections.
No source. Where did you get this?
Plus I don't disagree that NON-Federal land has increased exploration BECAUSE of this FACT.

Biden Shrinks U.S. Land Open for New Oil and Gas Drilling

  • Interior will sell oil and gas leases with new terms this year
  • Higher royalty rates and new environmental protections imposed
President Joe Biden’s administration is dramatically curtailing U.S. public land available for new oil and gas development as it restarts leasing with new environmental protections.
Is the US producing oil in 2022?

The second half of 2022 saw production levels right at the record level of 2019, and production did increase by half a million barrels per day during that period.Jan 6, 2023

2022 Saw The Second Highest Oil Production In U.S. History​

this is all part of xiden and the demafasict war on the working class.
Thanks to Joe's desire AND guarantee to :"I want you to look into my eyes, I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

The oil companies taking Joe at his guarantee said "folks, we're sorry but if we are going to be put out of business, then we need to make as much as we can NOW"!
FACT: Gas prices :
View attachment 752505

These higher energy prices seep into almost every major part of the economy. They drive up the costs for electricity, transportation, shipping, logistics, air travel, agriculture, fertilizer and the production of other commodities.

Social Security COLA Estimate Set at 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

So Joe's commitment to destroy fossil fuel industry meant oil companies raised their prices. Plain and simple.
Biden wants to get rid of fossil fuels, ...ok Joe here are the immediate consequences:
View attachment 752506
Just to repeat.. Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels" costs the federal government MORE than $114,987,504,000 for 2023 in Social Security payments.
Up 8.6% for 2023 as Inflation Rises in May 2022.

Oh and by the way these other 6,000 more items will cost more because of Biden's "guarantee to rid fossil fuels"!

2 billion tires made every year from 300 million barrels of oil.
94% of roads in America use Asphalt which use 1.4 Billion barrels of oil.

View attachment 752508

He was talking to a small crowd of environmentalist. Ever heard of pandering to the crowd. You know like Building the
Wall and having Mexico pay for it?

Under Joe Biden the USA is now more energy independent than in this entire century.

He was talking to a small crowd of environmentalist. Ever heard of pandering to the crowd. You know like Building the
Wall and having Mexico pay for it?

Under Joe Biden the USA is now more energy independent than in this entire century.

Nope, this engineer lost a few marbles and redundantly reiterates his redundancy. The US has record exports of oil and gas products and is making bank and they hate it......
Is the US producing oil in 2022?

The second half of 2022 saw production levels right at the record level of 2019, and production did increase by half a million barrels per day during that period.Jan 6, 2023

2022 Saw The Second Highest Oil Production In U.S. History

From your link: Although monthly numbers continued to recover into 2021, the annual average still came in slightly below 2020’s number at 11.25 million bpd. But there was a decent bounce in 2022 to reach 11.85 million bpd.

BUT as I've pointed out

Drilling Down on Federal Leasing Facts​

  • Early Interference: The administration discouraged production of natural gas and oil starting with its first moments in power. On Day One, the President signed an executive order to impose a temporary moratorium on oil and gas leasing activity in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR); withdrew offshore areas in Arctic waters and the Bering Sea from oil and gas drilling; and revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Obstacles Escalate: Days later, the administration acted to indefinitely pause all new oil and gas lease sales on federal lands and offshore waters, immediately restricting the industry’s opportunities to explore and invest in new areas.
  • Unhelpful Rhetoric: Even where the administration hasn’t blocked federal leases, it has been an unwilling partner, openly admitting the sales are not aligned with their policies.
From your link: Although monthly numbers continued to recover into 2021, the annual average still came in slightly below 2020’s number at 11.25 million bpd. But there was a decent bounce in 2022 to reach 11.85 million bpd.

BUT as I've pointed out

Drilling Down on Federal Leasing Facts​

  • Early Interference: The administration discouraged production of natural gas and oil starting with its first moments in power. On Day One, the President signed an executive order to impose a temporary moratorium on oil and gas leasing activity in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR); withdrew offshore areas in Arctic waters and the Bering Sea from oil and gas drilling; and revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Obstacles Escalate: Days later, the administration acted to indefinitely pause all new oil and gas lease sales on federal lands and offshore waters, immediately restricting the industry’s opportunities to explore and invest in new areas.
  • Unhelpful Rhetoric: Even where the administration hasn’t blocked federal leases, it has been an unwilling partner, openly admitting the sales are not aligned with their policies.

By the numbers: Oil industry awash in permits, leases while pushing for more drilling​

As war rages in Ukraine and debate over drilling on American public lands is once again in the news, a new dashboard from the Center for Western Priorities highlights the hypocrisy of the oil industry’s push to throw even more public lands open to drilling. Combined, the oil and gas industry holds leases to more than 25 million acres of publicly-owned minerals, roughly half of which sit unused. Companies now hold more than 9,000 approved, but unused, drilling permits on national public lands, all of which could be put to use today. Further, oil production on public lands is near all time highs, despite industry claims that the Biden administration has suppressed domestic production.

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