How About "Thank You For Participating" Oscars?

Not necessary. Just award 50% of all Oscars to blacks guaranteed.

The movie "Race" hasn't even come out yet I don't think. But the actor playing Jesse Owens....the Oscars just need to go ahead and set an Oscar aside for him. They can still "vote" but it's not a public election. Vote...then shred the votes...and award the "winner".

Problem solved.
Reverend Al. What a joke he is. Calling Al Sharpton a Reverend is like calling Jeffrey Dahmer a Chef.
This is easily solved. Just create a new award called the "Affirmative Action Oscar". Pick 3 black actors every year and just give them the award. No need to evaluate talent. The regular Oscars will go to white/latino/asian actors who worked hard and earned the award based on talent. Everybody wins.

Hollywood, Ferguson, Baltimore, and anywhere there is contention.


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