House tea partiers snub GOP in 2014

I'm so glad to see the split.

I am, too, because I think the problem is that the GOP I joined 30 years ago sought to make government better and more efficient.

It didn't seek to treat government like it was the enemy.

Well let's see. We have a government that spies on it's citizens, a government who targets opponents of those in office via the IRS, and then continues to do so after admitting guilt. You have a government that has passed the Patriot Act and the NDAA that basically takes away our due process and right to privacy under the Constitution and......I'm were saying something about the government not being our enemy?

I'm sick to death of the GOP. What exactly have they done for conservatives.....ever?

The closest thing to a conservative was Reagan, the man Dick Cheney said proved that deficits no longer mattered.

If the truth be known, the extremists are not those who run trillion plus deficits and refuse to pass budgets and wage war across the globe. Those would be people like you, so try looking in the mirror pal.
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No one has yet explained how Taxed Enough Already is a bad thing.

Because it’s ignorant, naïve, and reactionary.

It’s simplistic dribble, the stuff of schoolboy politics.

Simply whining about being ‘taxed too much’ offers no solutions to complex, deep-rooted problem that can’t be fixed solely with ‘tax cuts’ and moronic slogans on poster-boards.

Government – Federal, state, and local – have vital services they need to provide citizens and residents, important services that need to be funded by taxes. The indiscriminate cutting of taxes, without taking into account the adverse effect of the loss of these services, as advocated by the TPM, is reckless, irresponsible, and poor governance.
The GOP is dead.
Not a penny for GOP candidates from tea party coiffers.

2014 is yours libs.
You will have the house, the senate and the whitehouse.

The tea party will sit back and watch your insanity screw America.

The American people will vote tea party once they suffer the consequences of voting Liberal.

Your insane radicalism will put reason back in politics come 2020.

You are missing a big point; younger people are not nearly as much about themselves as the baby boomers. They are more concerned with the overall welfare of society. An awful lot of people are tired of seeing greed rule the day. That doesn't mean everyone is becoming a socialist or communist like so many of you nutters insist. It's just a change in the way the average American views our responsibility toward each other and society as a whole.

There is no such thing as responsibility toward one another. Younger people who see what little they have worked for taken from them are getting that message.

Oh, but that is where you are very wrong. The problem is that you will confuse this with the belief that I mean everyone should earn the same amount of money and be guaranteed everything, but that is what happens to those with overly simplistic views of everything.
Despite the wishful thinking on the radical left everyone has to admit that Tea Party people are highly politically motivated. They won't stay home on election day and they won't vote for a democrat under any circumstances. What does that tell you? Tea Party people will continue to elect republicans and they will try to do better in the next election to get a better candidate? What are democrats doing? Holding their noses and voting or staying home and whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government

The Teabaggers are motivated, but so are the people who've seen them try to take food out of the mouths of hungry children...
Despite the wishful thinking on the radical left everyone has to admit that Tea Party people are highly politically motivated. They won't stay home on election day and they won't vote for a democrat under any circumstances. What does that tell you? Tea Party people will continue to elect republicans and they will try to do better in the next election to get a better candidate? What are democrats doing? Holding their noses and voting or staying home and whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the government

The Teabaggers are motivated, but so are the people who've seen them try to take food out of the mouths of hungry children...

The Tea party is the only threat, albeit small, to the establishment.

In a way, it is good for the establishment to have the Tea Party around. That way when food is taken out of peoples mouths as the middle class shrinks to nothing, there is still a punching bag to blame it all on even though the Tea Party has never really held any power at all and never will. It used to be the GOP, but now we have the Tea Party. My guess is that if we did not have the Tea Party or the GOP, they would go after "conservatives" in the DNC. So just sit back and enjoy as the DNC is in full control over everything that moves as they blame others for a government that has gone to hell in a hand basket.

Enjoy America!!
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Poor Jake, you gave us John McCain....Bob Dole....and said be happy. We said fuck you and the hore (freudian?) horse you rode in on.

We mainstream Republicans gave you Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger. They could not have been elected by the far right reactionaries.

Understand, reactionary TPM, your voice does not count in the long run. You learned that in the elections of 2012, again in the last month, and you will next year.

Now run along, real adult Americans are talking here.

Since you apparently refuse to read my post & discuss issues in a mature manner. . .

Such posts are always read and given the due weight they deserve.

The post was weighted and found wanting.

Until the TPM cut loose the social cons, the racialists, and the shut downs, and THEN reach out honestly to women, Hispanics, and minorities, it will only remain a cyst on the butt of America. Sooner than later, it will spontaneously erupt and disappear.
No one has yet explained how Taxed Enough Already is a bad thing.

Because it’s ignorant, naïve, and reactionary.

It’s simplistic dribble, the stuff of schoolboy politics.

Simply whining about being ‘taxed too much’ offers no solutions to complex, deep-rooted problem that can’t be fixed solely with ‘tax cuts’ and moronic slogans on poster-boards.

Government – Federal, state, and local – have vital services they need to provide citizens and residents, important services that need to be funded by taxes. The indiscriminate cutting of taxes, without taking into account the adverse effect of the loss of these services, as advocated by the TPM, is reckless, irresponsible, and poor governance.

Lol, the TEA Party does much more than "simply whine," lol. The 2010 elections are proof of that. The deep rooted problem is that the gov't overspends by the trillions and instead of accounting for the money spent, prefers to demand more taxes from us. That is in no way naive, it is called fiscal responsibility.
Poor Jake, you gave us John McCain....Bob Dole....and said be happy. We said fuck you and the hore (freudian?) horse you rode in on.

We mainstream Republicans gave you Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger. They could not have been elected by the far right reactionaries.

Understand, reactionary TPM, your voice does not count in the long run. You learned that in the elections of 2012, again in the last month, and you will next year.

Now run along, real adult Americans are talking here.

Why is it that citizens of this country are made to feel as though it is their fault that they don't want the country overrun with illegal aliens? Why are citizens made to feel that it is their fault that they feel as though they are over taxed? Why are they made to feel that they are over regulated, with the government passing over 40,000 new regulations and laws last year alone?

Have you had enough of both of these parties America?
Poor Jake, you gave us John McCain....Bob Dole....and said be happy. We said fuck you and the hore (freudian?) horse you rode in on.

We mainstream Republicans gave you Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, Bush the Elder and Bush the Younger. They could not have been elected by the far right reactionaries.

Understand, reactionary TPM, your voice does not count in the long run. You learned that in the elections of 2012, again in the last month, and you will next year.

Now run along, real adult Americans are talking here.

Okay, let's look at your list here.

Ike- Got the nod because he was a war hero. The "Mainstream" wanted Taft and wanted to go back to Isolationism. And what made Ike great was that he recognized that FDR and Truman were right on the role of government. I don't see any "mainstream" repubilcan making that argument today. They are just trying to be TEA light.

Nixon- do you really want to brag about giving anyone Nixon? here's the thing though. The secret to Nixon's success is that he got all those white folks who were scared by the negroes and the hippies to turn away from the Democratic Party. People like my parents who would later be mislabelled "Reagan Democrats". They were really Nixon Democrats. And they stayed their until Bush the Elder chased them off.

Ford- No one wanted or gave anyone Ford. Nominating him in 1976 was a big mistake.

Reagan- Sorry, Reagan wasn't nominated by the Mainstream. The Mainstream HATED Reagan until he started winning elections for them. Thankfully, Reagan, unlike the TEAtards, was a pragmatist, but he wasn't an "establishment" type.

Bush the Elder- You really want to claim this guy? Bush got the nod because he was Reagan's VP. He pretty much proceeded to screw up the pretty good winning streak the GOP had up to that point.

Bush the Younger- Sorry, Bush the younger wasn't "mainstream", either. He won purely on his ability to plead his case to the religous nutbags who thought the worst thing that happened in the 1990's was that Clinton lied about a blow job. He t hen proceeded to give us wars, recessions and incompetence on an epic scale.

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