House Repubs in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Even as Republicans praised the legislation, the full extent of concessions Mr. McCarthy had made to appease the hard-right rebels was not yet fully known. Details were trickling out in the hours before the scheduled vote, and some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.

Many of the concessions — such as allowing the party’s right wing a critical bloc of seats on the panel that decides which bills can be considered on the House floor and which amendments may be offered — were not included in the package that passed on Monday, but instead were approved in closed-door negotiations with a handshake agreement.

A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years.

Why it matters: The document contains concessions — not included in the rules package passed on Monday night — that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made to rebellious Freedom Caucus members to secure the speaker's gavel.

  • Those members have threatened to kill McCarthy’s speakership as swiftly as they acquiesced to it if he reneges on their handshake agreements.
Driving the news: The existence of a "secret three-page addendum" containing "the most controversial concessions" that McCarthy made in order to get elected was first reported by Punchbowl News on Monday and confirmed to Axios by multiple GOP aides and members.
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document

Secrecy and deceit, they're off and running. How bizarre is it to have a 'secret addendum?' Not as bizarre as having the Crazy being in charge.
Even as Republicans praised the legislation, the full extent of concessions Mr. McCarthy had made to appease the hard-right rebels was not yet fully known. Details were trickling out in the hours before the scheduled vote, and some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.

Many of the concessions — such as allowing the party’s right wing a critical bloc of seats on the panel that decides which bills can be considered on the House floor and which amendments may be offered — were not included in the package that passed on Monday, but instead were approved in closed-door negotiations with a handshake agreement.

A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years.

Why it matters: The document contains concessions — not included in the rules package passed on Monday night — that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made to rebellious Freedom Caucus members to secure the speaker's gavel.

  • Those members have threatened to kill McCarthy’s speakership as swiftly as they acquiesced to it if he reneges on their handshake agreements.
Driving the news: The existence of a "secret three-page addendum" containing "the most controversial concessions" that McCarthy made in order to get elected was first reported by Punchbowl News on Monday and confirmed to Axios by multiple GOP aides and members.
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document

Secrecy and deceit, they're off and running. How bizarre is it to have a 'secret addendum?' Not as bizarre as having the Crazy being in charge.
A speaker made concessions for his votes? WHOA!!! Thats crazy!!! Someone call DC police!!! :laugh:
Even as Republicans praised the legislation, the full extent of concessions Mr. McCarthy had made to appease the hard-right rebels was not yet fully known. Details were trickling out in the hours before the scheduled vote, and some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.

Many of the concessions — such as allowing the party’s right wing a critical bloc of seats on the panel that decides which bills can be considered on the House floor and which amendments may be offered — were not included in the package that passed on Monday, but instead were approved in closed-door negotiations with a handshake agreement.

A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years.

Why it matters: The document contains concessions — not included in the rules package passed on Monday night — that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made to rebellious Freedom Caucus members to secure the speaker's gavel.

  • Those members have threatened to kill McCarthy’s speakership as swiftly as they acquiesced to it if he reneges on their handshake agreements.
Driving the news: The existence of a "secret three-page addendum" containing "the most controversial concessions" that McCarthy made in order to get elected was first reported by Punchbowl News on Monday and confirmed to Axios by multiple GOP aides and members.
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document

Secrecy and deceit, they're off and running. How bizarre is it to have a 'secret addendum?' Not as bizarre as having the Crazy being in charge.
Kevin won't honor his handshake.
A speaker made concessions for his votes? WHOA!!! Thats crazy!!! Someone call DC police!!! :laugh:
Not surprisingly, your post misses the point. The new rules adopted by the House yesterday did not include a 3 page addendum containing rules McCarty and the Crazies agree on but not made available to the rest of the House. So the issue isn't the closed door negotiations that got Kev the gavel, it's that most House members still don't know what was agreed to.
Not surprisingly, your post misses the point. The new rules adopted by the House yesterday did not include a 3 page addendum containing rules McCarty and the Crazies agree on but not made available to the rest of the House. So the issue isn't the closed door negotiations that got Kev the gavel, it's that most House members still don't know what was agreed to.
Crazies? Is that what you call Americans who refuse to concede to demmunism? That would make sense.
Even as Republicans praised the legislation, the full extent of concessions Mr. McCarthy had made to appease the hard-right rebels was not yet fully known. Details were trickling out in the hours before the scheduled vote, and some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.

Many of the concessions — such as allowing the party’s right wing a critical bloc of seats on the panel that decides which bills can be considered on the House floor and which amendments may be offered — were not included in the package that passed on Monday, but instead were approved in closed-door negotiations with a handshake agreement.

A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years.

Why it matters: The document contains concessions — not included in the rules package passed on Monday night — that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made to rebellious Freedom Caucus members to secure the speaker's gavel.

  • Those members have threatened to kill McCarthy’s speakership as swiftly as they acquiesced to it if he reneges on their handshake agreements.
Driving the news: The existence of a "secret three-page addendum" containing "the most controversial concessions" that McCarthy made in order to get elected was first reported by Punchbowl News on Monday and confirmed to Axios by multiple GOP aides and members.
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document

Secrecy and deceit, they're off and running. How bizarre is it to have a 'secret addendum?' Not as bizarre as having the Crazy being in charge.
Talk about a cluster fuck! That is today's republican party.
Not surprisingly, your post misses the point. The new rules adopted by the House yesterday did not include a 3 page addendum containing rules McCarty and the Crazies agree on but not made available to the rest of the House. So the issue isn't the closed door negotiations that got Kev the gavel, it's that most House members still don't know what was agreed to.
So, once again the people we elect continue to vote for something they know nothing about. Between them and us, who is more stupid? We win that honor.
Not surprisingly, your post misses the point. The new rules adopted by the House yesterday did not include a 3 page addendum containing rules McCarty and the Crazies agree on but not made available to the rest of the House. So the issue isn't the closed door negotiations that got Kev the gavel, it's that most House members still don't know what was agreed to.
Maybe they are being kept secret so dems cant defend against their plans? What exactly are you asking for? Do you want to know Congresses secrets? Wouldnt we all!
Maybe they are being kept secret so dems cant defend against their plans? What exactly are you asking for? Do you want to know Congresses secrets? Wouldnt we all!
I suppose if I were a House Repub, or a Dem for that matter, I'd expect not to be asked to vote of the House rules when there is a 3 page addendum that includes secret concessions to the Crazies that McCarthy is withholding from view.
Do I really have to state the obvious? If Pelosi did such a thing you guys would be apoplectic over it. And rightly so.
some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.
You have to pass it to see whats in it--sound familiar? Hypocrite.
Not surprisingly, your post misses the point. The new rules adopted by the House yesterday did not include a 3 page addendum containing rules McCarty and the Crazies agree on but not made available to the rest of the House. So the issue isn't the closed door negotiations that got Kev the gavel, it's that most House members still don't know what was agreed to.
Dems never made any deals with the squad eh? Better replace that glass house with Lexan.
I suppose if I were a House Repub, or a Dem for that matter, I'd expect not to be asked to vote of the House rules when there is a 3 page addendum that includes secret concessions to the Crazies that McCarthy is withholding from view.
Do I really have to state the obvious? If Pelosi did such a thing you guys would be apoplectic over it. And rightly so.
I dont believe they asked for anything crazy that we as conservatives wouldnt already want. They want investigations into the enemy. Thats usually pretty popular with the base, regardless of which party it is.
Even as Republicans praised the legislation, the full extent of concessions Mr. McCarthy had made to appease the hard-right rebels was not yet fully known. Details were trickling out in the hours before the scheduled vote, and some lawmakers expressed doubt that they would ever know the entirety of what the speaker had privately promised.

Many of the concessions — such as allowing the party’s right wing a critical bloc of seats on the panel that decides which bills can be considered on the House floor and which amendments may be offered — were not included in the package that passed on Monday, but instead were approved in closed-door negotiations with a handshake agreement.

A private document that only some House Republicans have seen and others refuse to talk about could play an outsized role in the governance of the chamber over the next two years.

Why it matters: The document contains concessions — not included in the rules package passed on Monday night — that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) made to rebellious Freedom Caucus members to secure the speaker's gavel.

  • Those members have threatened to kill McCarthy’s speakership as swiftly as they acquiesced to it if he reneges on their handshake agreements.
Driving the news: The existence of a "secret three-page addendum" containing "the most controversial concessions" that McCarthy made in order to get elected was first reported by Punchbowl News on Monday and confirmed to Axios by multiple GOP aides and members.
House Republicans in the dark on McCarthy’s shadow document

Secrecy and deceit, they're off and running. How bizarre is it to have a 'secret addendum?' Not as bizarre as having the Crazy being in charge.
The Republicans decided to make their party documents none of the business of the fucking asshole Democrats. Stop being a pussy and crying about it. If it concerns the Party of Moon Bats under the House Rules they will be notified appropriately.

That is nothing compared to the dishonest closed door shit Pelosi and her band of Moon Bat butt pirates pulled when the Democrats had the majority in the House.
Congressman having secrets is authoritarianism? Since when? Closed door meetings is all Congress has ever done. :cuckoo:


1. the habit of conduct, thought, and speech expressing total submission to rigid principles and rules.
2. the principles and views of the rule maker. — authoritarian, n., adj.


1. the habit of conduct, thought, and speech expressing total submission to rigid principles and rules.
2. the principles and views of the rule maker. — authoritarian, n., adj.
That sounds an awful lot like what the dems have been doing behind closed doors to people on the right for several years now.

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