House Republicans Cave and Remove Steve King From ALL Committee Assignments


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
House Republican leaders are still gutless, spineless fools.

The Democrats, who know how to wield power and protect their own, also know that one gets less loyalty from the caucus members if it is demonstrated that the party leadership will throw any of them under the bus in a split second like the GOP does. This is why the Dimocrats can get legislation they like passed even when not in the majority.

Steve King was giving an interview, and made the following comment:

At the same time, he said, he supports immigrants who enter the country legally and fully assimilate because what matters more than race is “the culture of America” based on values brought to the United States by whites from Europe.

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive?” Mr. King said. “Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Now the relevant question is, what did the word 'THAT' refer to, the whole list of items or just the phrase 'Western Civilization?

Kings comments on race have always been consistent, he is about culture and not race, asserting that all men are created by God and loved by God. The Marxist media claims he is a racist for opposing illegal immigration and once having a Confederate flag on his desk.

The RINO leadership in the House is so deathly afraid of being labeled racists, they jump the gun and and throw anyone whose words can be tweisted into racism under the bus and then join the Marxist medias gleeful victory dance.

“Steve’s remarks are beneath the dignity of the Party of Lincoln and the United States of America. His comments call into question whether he will treat all Americans equally, without regard for race and ethnicity,” McCarthy said in a statement.

“House Republicans are clear: We are all in this together, as fellow citizens equal before God and the law. As Congressman King’s fellow citizens, let us hope and pray earnestly that this action will lead to greater reflection and ultimately change on his part,” McCarthy added.​

Yeah, and Lincoln, who believed in White Supremacy, would have been kicked out of the Republican Party long ago, truth be told.

This is why very few people have any confidence in the GOP leaders as they are posturing, back stabbing, degenerate fools and they demonstrate this time after time. Meanwhile Democrats have probable child molesters in their party and they dont give a flying fart about it.
Yeah, and Lincoln, who believed in White Supremacy, would have been kicked out of the Republican Party long ago, truth be told.

Except Lincoln freed the slaves, gave them the vote and citizenship.

You leave those parts out.

Frankly, I'd be happy to have Steven King front and center in the GOP. It reminds everyone what your party is really about.

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