House Lawmakers Make Formal Request to Open Leak Probe, Issue Subpoenas


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
House Lawmakers Make Formal Request to Open Leak Probe, Issue Subpoenas

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, has sent a "member to member" letter to Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., the top Democrat on the panel, to take him up on his offer to potentially subpoena witnesses tied to intelligence leaks.

This sets in concrete a move to formalize an inquiry into the leaks.

House lawmakers had signaled Wednesday that they planned to launch their own investigation into recent national security leaks -- and use subpoena power to call witnesses.
The move comes after some Republicans complained that Attorney General Eric Holder has not assigned a special prosecutor to the case, instead relying on two of his U.S. attorneys for the job.

Read more: House lawmakers make formal request to open leak probe, issue subpoenas | Fox News

I believe most Americans would feel better about this process that having two of Holder's attorneys investigate the leaks.
Good. I'm tired of politicians selling out national security to score cheap political points.

And like you, Jackson, I have no faith that this DoJ would investigate impartially. They're loyal to Obama, not justice.

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