House GOP appropriators block funding for gun violence research

Definitely. Hold them accountable for not getting rid of the existing regulations. Hold them accountable for not protecting gun owners from harassment and abuse in public accommodations. I could go on but you’re not interested.
Every time that research has been funded, the Dems don’t like the results because they are always the same-not in their favor, so why throw money away on it?
House GOP appropriators block funding for gun violence research

“I don’t think at the federal level there’s much that we can do other than appropriate funds.” - Cocaine Mitch

And now they won’t even do that

Hold them accountable in November

The left wastes money so people can come to the conclusion they desire. Mass shootings are a tiny percent of all shootings. The studies don't usually differentiate between murder, self-defense, police shootings or suicides.

We have a right to own a gun. Government is supposed to protect that right, not plot to take it away.

The left refuses to focus on the real problems, which is mostly gangs in Democrat-controlled cities where there is already strict gun control.

Leftists want to take away our right to defend ourselves. Government isn't able to protect us. No politician is competent.

Leave our rights alone. Only reason government has ever taken away guns is to prevent people from fighting tyranny. Have you guys learned nothing from history, especially the Holocaust?

Why in the world do we need to spend money to research "gun violence"??? The government already produces crime statistics each year. What exactly is there to "research" or "study" about gun violence?
I will hold them accountable for saving my precious tax dollars.

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