"Hottest Ever" Pure fiction for most of the US


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
While there are some ares along the western coast that have had a reasonably warm summer this is not the case with most of the US. IN researching the Daily LOW's for over 354 ground stations including US CRN I found that daily lows were -0.4 to -1.3 deg C on average from the the low 1970-2000 HCN mean. Only areas in Oregon were actually at their mean average temp and those areas equaled their warmest months in the recorded record.

Finding this we computed the mean average temp for the lower 48 and found that we were well below any historical high temp by 1.37 deg C.

Given your reputation for veracity, how about some links? Otherwise, most will consider this just more bullshit from a bullshitter.
Given your reputation for veracity, how about some links? Otherwise, most will consider this just more bullshit from a bullshitter.

Awe.. Poor little libtard got his panties in a knot? I had to do some real work and got interrupted this AM..


SO we find that PM land temperatures have not risen as would be expected with an El Nino. One must ask why have we not seen this?

First, PM temperatures are when we would expect latent heat to become evident. IF the oceans were infact warming the ambient air above the sea and coming inland this effect should be very visible. But it is not. now we must determine why it is not. Lets run through the obvious questions..

What is the convection cycle doing? With land humidity spiking due to increased water vapor and the convection cycle speeding up, LWIR is more rapidly finding a high atmosphere exit. Increases in rain and thunder storms are positive proof for much of the country.

What are the Polar and Equatorial Jet Streams doing? The equatorial jet is diminished indicating that there is no further equatorial region warming taking place. The polar Jets are both enlarged and twice historical average size indicating an increased loss of LWIR and cooling. This wind shear is killing all Atlantic hurricanes and killing all Pacific hurricanes from making any progress into the northern hemisphere. This polar pressure towards the equator has kept the majority of the US lower 48 from seeing any warming. Only Oregon, Washington and California has seen any warmth from the current El Nino.. This has also held in place a high pressure which is directing storms from the southern portions of California, portions Nevada, and Arizona.

Only the Karl Et Al crap adjusted data shows magical warming while the adjusted and pristine records do not. Even the unadjusted US CRN fails to show any warming. Both terrestrial satellite records fail to show any warming and they both show cooling trends along with HARDCUT ver 3 unadjusted and untampered with data from all land based records.

SO what are we to believe? The homogenized, massaged, and adjusted data from GISS and NOAA or the real data?
Oh dear. Poor Billy actually seems to think an El Nino should make the whole USA warmer. He really is that ignorant of the basics.

Historically, El Nino conditions make the Pacific NW warmer, and the eastern USA cooler. That is, exactly what's happening now.

Effects of El Niño on the world weather

Typical El Nino temperature effects for June-Aug. Red is warmer, blue colder.

Oh dear. Poor Billy actually seems to think an El Nino should make the whole USA warmer. He really is that ignorant of the basics.

Historically, El Nino conditions make the Pacific NW warmer, and the eastern USA cooler. That is, exactly what's happening now.

Effects of El Niño on the world weather

Typical El Nino temperature effects for June-Aug. Red is warmer, blue colder.


Opps Wrong again... even your own graph shows little or no warming... Epic FAIL...
You have to add in the ocean because that ate 93% of the warming

Uh huh

That's how it works

Hottest in 136 years....

Using proxies probably the hottest in at least 5,000.




How's the Nigerian Diamond mine working out for you Matty?

All I care about is how climate change effects our present civilization. You seem to think that there was civilization on this planet 500,000 or 50,000,000 years ago...Well, they would of built shit in different places and still would have had to worry about future climate change.
And here's what El Nino will be doing in Sep-Nov. Warm in the Pacific NW, cooler in the east. It's Australia, Indonesia, The Phillipines and India that get hot.

Hottest in 136 years....

Using proxies probably the hottest in at least 5,000.




How's the Nigerian Diamond mine working out for you Matty?

All I care about is how climate change effects our present civilization. You seem to think that there was civilization on this planet 500,000 or 50,000,000 years ago...Well, they would of built shit in different places and still would have had to worry about future climate change.

You think we control the climate...that's hilarious
Hottest in 136 years....

Using proxies probably the hottest in at least 5,000.

Which proxies are you talking about Matthew? I don't know of any that run up to the present day. Are you talking of proxies that are cut off when they start to diverge and have instrumental data grafted on?
Hottest in 136 years....

Using proxies probably the hottest in at least 5,000.

Which proxies are you talking about Matthew? I don't know of any that run up to the present day. Are you talking of proxies that are cut off when they start to diverge and have instrumental data grafted on?


Not proxies, proxy, the one Mann tree ring. See the global warming? it's under his pinkie.

That's how they confident that --- it's ---- the --- HOTTEST SUMMA -- EVAH!!
And here's what El Nino will be doing in Sep-Nov. Warm in the Pacific NW, cooler in the east. It's Australia, Indonesia, The Phillipines and India that get hot.


That's right -- rely on natural cycles to make your case for man-made CC.
Unless it's a real humdinger and Davey Jones spits up some of that "lost heat"..
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And here's what El Nino will be doing in Sep-Nov. Warm in the Pacific NW, cooler in the east. It's Australia, Indonesia, The Phillipines and India that get hot.


That's right -- really on natural cycles to make your case for man-made CC.
Unless it's a real humdinger and Davey Jones spits up some of that "lost heat"..

Speaking of lost heat, We had a hard freeze (28 deg F) last night in the middle of august. This event hasn't happened in over 47 years but it has happened before right before an early winter set in in 1972-73... Much of Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and South Dakota had hard freeze last night... Extremely early in the year for such an event.

What i find rather funny, is the local meteorologists have been watching our night time temps fall the last two weeks and NOAA keeps punting out temperature rise forecasts... The last 7 days have been 5 deg F below their forecasts consistently for all states above 42 deg Latitude..

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