Hospitals Opt Out Of Obamacare


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
IF you could get health insurance through Obamacare, you take your insurance card to the doctor or hospital and they tell you they don't take it. Now what?

Americans who sign up for insurance on the state exchanges may not have access to the nation's top hospitals, reports.

The Obama Administration has been claiming that insurance companies will be competing for your dollars under the Affordable Care Act, but apparently they haven't surveyed the nation's top hospitals.

Americans who sign up for Obamacare will be getting a big surprise if they expect to access premium health care that may have been previously covered under their personal policies. Most of the top hospitals will accept insurance from just one or two companies operating under Obamacare.

Full Story Here:
Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare - US News and World Report
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The way democrats will solve the problem is to have the government take over the hospitals.
Interestingly we have seen a few cash only clinics spring up in my state. Making money too. It's not worth the headache dealing with all the red tape. It greatly reduces overhead and creates services priced competitively with other providers even after someone's insurance kicks in.
This underscores what many of us have said all along: ObamaCare is Not Health Care.

Health Care is provided by medical professionals, not Insurance...and ObamaCare discourages and punishes supply.

The way democrats will solve the problem is to have the government take over the hospitals.

All part of the master plan the conspiracy theorist in me says. Make a law so difficult for the private sector to follow the government will have no choice but to come in and take it over. If more government doesn't work according to liberals it means you didn't use enough government.
Interestingly we have seen a few cash only clinics spring up in my state. Making money too. It's not worth the headache dealing with all the red tape. It greatly reduces overhead and creates services priced competitively with other providers even after someone's insurance kicks in.

That's why doctors are moving into concierge services. Pay a yearly fee and all your medical needs are taken care of. Some doctors have pooled services. Pay a yearly fee and get care from any doctor in the pool regardless of specialty. Torrance, California has a huge provider network, including a major hospital and several urgent care clinics. You just have to be a resident of Torrance to be able to join. Doctors are forming their own networks.

Of course a person STILL has to pay the outrageous premiums as protection money to the government to stay clear of penalties.
hospitals should be able to opt out of taking obamacare just like some hospitals &&doctors dont take certain insurance. Whats the difference.
Americans shouldn't be forced to have Obama care. Its a dumb plan that has too many holes in it.

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