Hope Moms for Liberty stays around

Is racism more centered in conservatism or liberalism?

Bing AI "Racism is not inherently tied to any political ideology, be it conservatism or liberalism. Both ideologies encompass a wide range of views and beliefs, and individuals within each can vary greatly in their attitudes towards race and racism. It’s important to note that racism is a societal issue that transcends political boundaries. It’s also crucial to remember that political beliefs are complex and multifaceted, and cannot be accurately or fairly reduced to a single aspect such as views on race. It’s always best to consider individuals’ beliefs and actions on their own merits rather than making assumptions based on their political affiliations."
There will always be control freaks.

the looney left wingers hate them with a passion.
All Moms for Liberty members have been identified and are under surveillance. On the ground action committees smear them in their communities. One Mom tried suicide but failed.

the looney left wingers hate them with a passion.
Moms for Liberty (an ironic name if ever there was one) opposes Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story being allowed in school libraries.

One of their complaints about the book is that it has Norman Rockwell's The Problem We All Live With in it.

The tolerant Right.



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