Hooray!! According to UNM lib students....no oppression exists in China, NKorea, Russia, MidEast,


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Students want president to condemn 'racist' native-designed seal

The absolute absurdity that shows itself dozens of times every single day from campus liberals is so freakish I can barely read it anymore. I don't even remember what the premise in the link was....Indians or something.

But....UNM safe space libs also added "you can't have oppression without capitalism".

Hmmm. So....no capitalism means NO OPPRESSION????

AWESOME!!! Who knew? Thank you college liberals for educating us on how oppression doesn't exist in China, Russia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Africa, South America, Pakistan and many other places.

Wow. Great news!!!
What a bunch of insecure pussy's. They would never make it in the real world.
What a bunch of insecure pussy's. They would never make it in the real world.

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