Honestly, What is so Bad About Hillary Being President?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
McCain's running mate was his downfall. As was the Liberal hate media.
I supported Hillary over Obama in 2008 for two reasons.
Reason 1: I don't like McCain.

Reason 2: I didn't think many people would trust Hillary. I think it's a good thing when the citizens have a healthy scepticism of government. Instead we got Obama (The One), who gave the media a thrill up their leg and neutralized any dissent from the left on issues like the ACA or foreign policy.
McCain's running mate was his downfall. As was the Liberal hate media.
Oh, nonsense. Palin pulled McCain UP in his standing among rank and file Republicans, seriously.
If you want another Habitual Liar.................then I guess nothing.........................

You can have the beast..............I will not vote for her......................Hopefully the rest of the country will deny more of the same of Obama...........
hmmm well for me I think the biggest issue is that she's not going to rectify the global issues we have with Obama - losing global currency, losing global businesses, looking weak to the rest of the world, etc. It's really hard for me to believe that she /could/ do that stuff after she stayed with Bill (its not that I actually condemn Bill for his sex drive, because really other than embarrassing the country I could care less who he's fucking... though not on the Presidential desk please, have a little more respect) but more that instead of coming out and saying [what I personally believe] that they had an open relationship or w/e, she just kind of idk let it go and swept it under the rug. So I mean, either they have an open relationship and she doesn't want to admit it, or she's only staying with him for political clout. Neither of those options speak to me as a person of character.

I have issues with the email thing, even if we want to argue that there wasn't necessarily anything classified in there; for me, personal convenience does not trump national security ever. She shouldn't have done it in the first place, but the way she handled it after is more telling to me. She's a career politician, more akin to a lawyer or used car sales man than anything else.

I don't like her policies, that's a big one too...
I supported her in 08, and will support her in 2016. I support most all of her policy stances, more so than any other candidate on the Democratic side and Repubican candidates....

I believe she will do all that she can do, to be the best president we've ever had....her first female president legacy is important to her and she will work her buns off, to be a good President....for all of us.

" Palin pulled McCain UP in his standing among rank and file Republicans, seriously" may have excited the thirteen members that make up the far reactionary right. Seriously.

She however turned off too many of the electorate, allowing BHO to win.
Ok I'll be honest about it.
I don't think we'd end up any worse by 2024 if Hilary won over anyone else in the race. I'm not impressed by any GOP candidate much either. And honestly....the way things are going....the next president will be a puppet to the military and law enforcement community who will be running the show....because shit is about to hit the fan globally.

So to that....I agree. She won't be "that bad" compared to what any other would be because I think whoever it is will be a puppet/mouth piece basically.

Just my 2 cents because I believe we are in "1937" and a massive global conflict is about to begin. It won't be all out war like WW2....more small conflicts scattered globally and a lot of economic/cyber warfare.

Hilary would be 10000x better than Obama because AT LEAST she would be politically savvy enough to let "the system" call the shots and pretend it's her idea. Whereas Obama just wings it and now is even losing support of his own party.
If HRC or Rubio cannot control the military, then Bucs90 is pretty right on.
I supported her in 08, and will support her in 2016. I support most all of her policy stances, more so than any other candidate on the Democratic side and Repubican candidates....

I believe she will do all that she can do, to be the best president we've ever had....her first female president legacy is important to her and she will work her buns off, to be a good President....for all of us.

I'll cancel that one vote........................

This is a real attempt to find out why so many conservatives hate Hillary or think she would be a catastrophe as President.

I personally break it down to five areas;
1. she does not have the character we need for a President; she is a liar, a hypocrit and a shallow fraud who sifts her perspective with the winds of opinion, such as her stance on Gay marriage and the Confederate battle flag.
2. She has no accomplishments of her own to show off as successes, going from one 'Reset Button' blunder to another 'Libya death' disaster. There is no reason of accomplishment to vote for Hillary, and she has fucked up everything she has ever attempted as far back as her derailed national health care attempt in the early 90's so why chance it?
3. Hillary is a closet Marxist sympathizer. Despite her selling herself off to corporations for their donations, she despises them all. She has completely bought into the Marxist struggle model for gender relations, race relations and her being an economic class struggle Marxist zealot would not surprise me at all.
4. Hillary Clinton is a crook, with likely ties to the drug running coming out of Mena airport in Arkansas during her husbands time as governor of the state.
5. Hillary Clinton is psychopathic. You want to make a dog crazy then chain it to a tree and beat it every time you go out to feed it and the positive reinforcement conflicting with the negative reinforcement will produce a psychotic killing machine. Hilary's marriage to Bill Clinton with his constant womanizing and alleged rapes dogging them both has turned her into a psychotic person who believes the Presidency is hers by right; she has earned it and everyone else needs to get the hell out of her way. Thus we have the sham Democrat debates and the dropping out of 40% of her rivals who claimed that the process has been rigged into a Hillary coronation. I would hate to get between her and the Presidency; IT IS HERS, DAMN IT!

Any specific examples of these sorts of things are what I am interested in as we need some kind of running thread on why Hillary is bat-shit crazy.

Hilary helped her husband silence the women he raped and sexually assaulted. She and her husband have sold access to their political postitions....starting with the Chinese during Bills Presidency and she was selling her position as Secretary of State and her possible future postion as President through the Clinton Foundation....they have stolen money meant for Haitian relief and left those people with nothing....

that is not even mentioning that her policies will be a disaster...
She appears to be a white female Obama. What's not to hate? :dunno:

there is no appearing. SHE IS a white female Obama.

Just as corrupted, just as much wanting to be a dictatoress like Obama wanted to be the world Dictator, she's not likable and lies as much as OBama and imagine having to listen to that screeching every damn day.

my gawd please don't do it.
2aguy, you can squeal all you want, but the overwhelming majority of America knows such lies are lies.
I supported her in 08, and will support her in 2016. I support most all of her policy stances, more so than any other candidate on the Democratic side and Repubican candidates....

I believe she will do all that she can do, to be the best president we've ever had....her first female president legacy is important to her and she will work her buns off, to be a good President....for all of us.


I think there is a site you can register at that will then direct you to someone who can help you get over your fantasies.
If HIllary is elected, we'll continue with the same failed paradigms that we've had since GWB.

It will be business as usual and with a republican house and senate (from 2018 on), not much will get done.

The rich will get richer.

The poor will get poorer.

We'll continue to focus on stupid issues.

It would nothing like what will happen in Bernie Sanders get's elected.

How the democrats can compromise and offer up such a loser when they have someone who really embodies a true concern for the human condition....I'll never understand.

Getting her elected is the same as bringing back Obama or GWB.

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