Honest FBI agents step forward: Want to testify against their deep state masters

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Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Honest FBI Agents Step Forward: Want to Testify Against Their Deep State Masters

Several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation want Congress to subpoena them so they can rat out fired Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Like we said, the deep state is tanking, the deep state infiltrates the thought of the sheep victims who feed them lies and they believe, they use msm to manipulate the thoughts of their sheep and this is one reason why we see so many morons in the world today including out little ole Americans who are tech. Anti American they're just to off the charts to realize they hate America.

They are better known as communist lovers


Little to most LIBTARDS realize but much information is actually leaked by PATRIOTIC FIB AGENTS who don't want to see our nation going down............
Crazy Joe is involved. That tells me something right there. It is amazing how one's patriotism is defined by who your political enemies are. Perhaps you are the one who wants to see the nation go down.
It is a good feeling to know that the FBI, CIA, and other agencies are identifying the anonymous posters aiding and abetting the Trump Criminal State through propaganda and criminal libel.
Honest FBI Agents Step Forward: Want to Testify Against Their Deep State Masters

Several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation want Congress to subpoena them so they can rat out fired Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Like we said, the deep state is tanking, the deep state infiltrates the thought of the sheep victims who feed them lies and they believe, they use msm to manipulate the thoughts of their sheep and this is one reason why we see so many morons in the world today including out little ole Americans who are tech. Anti American they're just to off the charts to realize they hate America.

They are better known as communist lovers


Little to most LIBTARDS realize but much information is actually leaked by PATRIOTIC FIB AGENTS who don't want to see our nation going down............
As a card carrying member of the Deep State, I say Bullshit
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The HERO of losers say bs on this one too, It's hard to face truth when facts are put before you and those WEAK minds follow their MSM BS lies because victims are always gullible

It is a good feeling to know that the FBI, CIA, and other agencies are identifying the anonymous posters aiding and abetting the Trump Criminal State through propaganda and criminal libel.

Who made this statement:
"If that f-ing bastard gets in we'll all hang from nooses."
^ She is right. It's all coming out in the wash, not wiped with a cloth....
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Crazy Joe is involved. That tells me something right there. It is amazing how one's patriotism is defined by who your political enemies are. Perhaps you are the one who wants to see the nation go down.

If you weren't such a blind ass you'd realize it is ppl who think like you. Brainwashing works wonders when democratic cults want you to vote for them, problem most of you dumbasses believe it all and fall fo fit .they know you won't go past what they tell you or their controlled media tells you. They know you fools see it all as your TRUTH BIBLE .

SUCKERrrrrrrr. lmao
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The HERO of losers say bs on this one too, It's hard to face truth when facts are put before you and those WEAK minds follow their MSM BS lies because victims are always gullible

We can't seem to come up with 20 billion to build a wall, but Obama was able to come up with 150 billion to gift to Iran...huh.

Yep and they know the public ( the sheep) are to fkn out of it to even remember more than half of this bs Obama has pulled.
Crazy Joe is involved. That tells me something right there. It is amazing how one's patriotism is defined by who your political enemies are. Perhaps you are the one who wants to see the nation go down.

If you weren't such a blind ass you'd realize it is ppl who think like you. Brainwashing works wonders when democratic cults want you to vote for them, problem most of you dumbasses believe it all and fall fo fit .they know you won't go past what they tell you or their controlled media tells you. They know you fools see it all as your TRUTH BIBLE .

SUCKERrrrrrrr. lmao

Things are getting so, so exposed expect for the looney left to create false flag to come so they can create the " distraction scenario " think possible JFK style funny he was out for the same thing as Trump and todays pathetic liberals don't even want what they wanted then . Those were the days of " REAL LIBERALS". today they are fake ass sickening communist who think they are liberals.
It is a good feeling to know that the FBI, CIA, and other agencies are identifying the anonymous posters aiding and abetting the Trump Criminal State through propaganda and criminal libel.
The commies have a name for people like you, Jake. "Useful idiot".
Honest FBI Agents Step Forward: Want to Testify Against Their Deep State Masters

Several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation want Congress to subpoena them so they can rat out fired Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Like we said, the deep state is tanking, the deep state infiltrates the thought of the sheep victims who feed them lies and they believe, they use msm to manipulate the thoughts of their sheep and this is one reason why we see so many morons in the world today including out little ole Americans who are tech. Anti American they're just to off the charts to realize they hate America.

They are better known as communist lovers


Little to most LIBTARDS realize but much information is actually leaked by PATRIOTIC FIB AGENTS who don't want to see our nation going down............
When can we expect the DiGenova subpoenas to be issued? I imagine their testimony will clear
Trump by suppertime and we can all relax about foreign-influenced elections and get great again, right? :>)
Awww you just can't handle the CRIMINAL BASTARDS your so in love with being draggged down. You as pathetic as an abused WIFE WHO STAYS WITH THE VERY HUSBAND THAT BEATS HER ASS AND PUNCHES HER IN THE FACE DAILY... that's your low IQ stupidity levels.


Rank-and-File FBI Agents Eager to Blow Whistle on Comey, Holder, Lynch
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The HERO of losers say bs on this one too, It's hard to face truth when facts are put before you and those WEAK minds follow their MSM BS lies because victims are always gullible

We can't seem to come up with 20 billion to build a wall, but Obama was able to come up with 150 billion to gift to Iran...huh.

There own money, honey

The HERO of losers say bs on this one too, It's hard to face truth when facts are put before you and those WEAK minds follow their MSM BS lies because victims are always gullible

We can't seem to come up with 20 billion to build a wall, but Obama was able to come up with 150 billion to gift to Iran...huh.

There own money, honey

Right. Funny though that we were actually imposing even more sanctions on Iran while our president was secretly laundering planeloads of money going to them. Then lied about why he had to launder it first, dear...
Honest FBI Agents Step Forward: Want to Testify Against Their Deep State Masters

Several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation want Congress to subpoena them so they can rat out fired Director James Comey and former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

Like we said, the deep state is tanking, the deep state infiltrates the thought of the sheep victims who feed them lies and they believe, they use msm to manipulate the thoughts of their sheep and this is one reason why we see so many morons in the world today including out little ole Americans who are tech. Anti American they're just to off the charts to realize they hate America.

They are better known as communist lovers


Little to most LIBTARDS realize but much information is actually leaked by PATRIOTIC FIB AGENTS who don't want to see our nation going down............
Tell us, why would someone WAIT to be subpoened?
No 'secret' about the Iran money, Ram. It belonged to them. It was part of the Iran accord that there frozen assets be returned to them.

The only laundering going on is the brain washing of the Alt Right by the Russo-Trump operatives.
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