Hondura's Desperate Voyagers


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Many ask - "Why is this our problem?"

It's because WE are the ones who buy and use the drugs that have turned that country into a battleground. Our stupid War on Drugs has gulped down billions of dollars for nothing. People sniff their white powder or inject poison into their bodies and don't give a damn about the consequences.

Solution? Legalize, control, and tax all of it!

Read more @ Thousands of Children Fleeing Honduras Create Refugee Crisis for Obama - TIME
what kinda countries were these countries before drugs became such a driving force ?? By the way , I use no drugs other than some Budweiser [just sayin] .
Love is the drug, I'm thinking of......

The War on Drugs did the same thing that prohibition did, made smugglers and bootleggers rich and powerful..
The Romans believed that when you outlaw something, you only cause it to be driven underground, making it harder to control..
sure , I agree with that Moonglow but I think that many third world countries have ALWAYS been hell holes even before the drug war .
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Here's another take on this: "Americans desperately long to END the oppressive and intrusive flash mobs of foreign interlopers". Speaking for myself, I am burned out on this issue. All WE want is fairness. Immigrate legally, respect the culture, acclimate to it, and then we are quite hospitable. Enough is enough, the compassion meter is running on empty. The quality of mercy is not strained..? Shakespeare obviously had something to learn from these abusive clingy illegal alien fools.
Many ask - "Why is this our problem?"

It's because WE are the ones who buy and use the drugs that have turned that country into a battleground. Our stupid War on Drugs has gulped down billions of dollars for nothing. People sniff their white powder or inject poison into their bodies and don't give a damn about the consequences.

Solution? Legalize, control, and tax all of it!

Okay --- they make billions of dollars selling drugs to Americans --- so why are they impoverished and illiterate? Couldn't they have done more with all that money they made?

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