Homosexual behavior and the AIDS rate

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Since the gay activists are trying to insinuate that conservatism and or areas populated heavily by "conservatives" are somehow connected to higher rates of suicides, lets see them get out this study from the CDC which states that the AIDS rates is 50 times higher in homosexuals. The argument can be made then that homosexual behavior is tied to higher rates:

AIDS Rate 50 Times Higher in Homosexual Men: Center for Disease Control | LifeSiteNews.com

A Snapshot

- MSM account for nearly half of the more than one million people living with HIV in the U.S. (48%, or an estimated 532,000 total persons).

- MSM account for more than half of all new HIV infections in the U.S. each year (53%, or an estimated 28,700 infections).

- While CDC estimates that MSM account for just 4 percent of the U.S. male population aged 13 and older, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the U.S. is more than 44 times that of other men (range: 522–989 per 100,000 MSM vs. 12 per 100,000 other men).

- MSM are the only risk group in the U.S. in which new HIV infections are increasing. While new infections have declined among both heterosexuals and injection drug users, the annual number of new HIV infections among MSM has been steadily increasing since the early 1990s.
AIDS is still a scourge...
CDC: Too Many Americans Underestimate HIV Risk
June 02, 2011 - The United States has warned that far too many Americans underestimate their risk for HIV or mistakenly believe the virus that causes AIDS is no longer a serious health threat.
A statement was issued Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 30 years after the first report of the mysterious and deadly disease. It calls for increased AIDS awareness and prevention efforts.

CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden says more than 1.1 million people in the United States have HIV and that many are living longer thanks to new treatments. But he warns there still is no cure for HIV and that most new infections occur in people under the age of 30. The CDC also warns that some groups continue to see higher rates of HIV infection than the general public.

It says gay and bisexual men, about 2 percent of the U.S. population, account for about half of all new HIV cases. African-Americans and Latinos also have higher rates of HIV infection than the general population. Dr. Frieden says reducing HIV rates is critical, and that treating new HIV infections is expected to cost the U.S. more than $200 billion over the next decade.

To date, over 230,000 African Americans have died of AIDS - nearly 40 percent of total deaths - and of the more than 1 million people living with HIV in the United States of America today, almost half are black.1 And yet, as a racial group, African Americans represent just 13 percent of the US population.2 The estimated lifetime risk of becoming infected with HIV is 1 in 16 for black males, and 1 in 30 for black females, a far higher risk than for white males (1 in 104) and white females (1 in 588).3
HIV and AIDS among African Americans

I blame Bass and all the other brothers on the down-low

Fuckin' faggots ;)
AIDS is still a scourge...
CDC: Too Many Americans Underestimate HIV Risk
June 02, 2011 - The United States has warned that far too many Americans underestimate their risk for HIV or mistakenly believe the virus that causes AIDS is no longer a serious health threat.
A statement was issued Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, 30 years after the first report of the mysterious and deadly disease. It calls for increased AIDS awareness and prevention efforts.

CDC Director Dr. Thomas Frieden says more than 1.1 million people in the United States have HIV and that many are living longer thanks to new treatments. But he warns there still is no cure for HIV and that most new infections occur in people under the age of 30. The CDC also warns that some groups continue to see higher rates of HIV infection than the general public.

It says gay and bisexual men, about 2 percent of the U.S. population, account for about half of all new HIV cases. African-Americans and Latinos also have higher rates of HIV infection than the general population. Dr. Frieden says reducing HIV rates is critical, and that treating new HIV infections is expected to cost the U.S. more than $200 billion over the next decade.


A scourge? I dunno if I'd go that far. It's a terrible diagnosis to get, no question, but it still affects a LOT fewer people than any number of other potentially-fatal diseases, and unlike them, it's pretty easy to prevent.

And despite all the years of doomsday scenarios to the contrary, it DOES appear to discriminate rather a lot.
Many people who are infected are diagnosed too late...
8 June`11 - Many with HIV don't know they have it
Some states with the biggest epidemics of HIV also have large numbers of infected people who aren't diagnosed until they're on the brink of AIDS, a USA TODAY analysis has found. Experts at the Centers for Disease and Control and Prevention (CDC) have long estimated that 20% of people infected with HIV don't know it. One-third are diagnosed so late in the course of their infection that they develop AIDS within one year. The new analysis found that the states with the biggest epidemics and the greatest number of late diagnoses are Florida, New York, Texas, Georgia and New Jersey. "There are tens of thousands of people in the U.S. who are diagnosed late, sometimes too late to save their lives, and certainly too late to help them avoid transmission to others," says Jim Curran, dean of Emory University's Rollins School of Public Health in Atlanta.


The AIDSVu Map offers the first publicly available view of the impact of HIV in the U.S. by state and county.

The issue has taken on new urgency in light of a study released last month by the National Institutes of Health showing that HIV therapy cuts by 96% the risk that an infected person will pass HIV to a sexual partner. The testing gap persists 30 years after the first cases of what would become HIV/AIDS were reported by the CDC on June 5, 1981, two decades after the creation of the first HIV test and 15 years after the introduction of effective therapy. Health officials say people fail to get tested for many reasons, from tight HIV prevention budgets to a lack of awareness of personal risk. The USA TODAY analysis relied on CDC data supplied by Emory University's AIDSVu project, an effort designed to make HIV visible to the public by presenting state- and county-level infection rates on a user-friendly map. (AIDSVu.org). "AIDSVu reinforces the reality of AIDS in your own community," Curran says.

About 236,400 of the 1.1 million people infected with HIV have not been diagnosed, the CDC says. People who don't know they have HIV are believed to transmit the virus to half of the 56,000 people who become infected each year. Since 2006, the CDC has recommended routine HIV testing in medical settings, says Kevin Fenton, the CDC's director of HIV/AIDS prevention. He says late diagnoses have declined 5% from 2001 to 2007. "It's not where we'd like to be, but we're moving in the right direction." The calculations are based on statistics from 37 states with sufficient HIV-infection data to estimate late diagnoses. California, the most populous state, was not included.

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USA and UK,and other part of European countries, AIDS and HIV affected young men gay above all other group of people. Particularly in the UK and USA, the percentage of young gay men who have been infected with HIV and AIDS is greater than other number of individuals such as childeren and heterosexual. furthermore, there are effective measures to prevent young gay men and with any group or community from contacting with HIV, AIDS and sTI's.first is by being aware about HIV and AIDS, by providing health teachings,accurate and up-to-date information in a more comprehensive way.
Actually, I haven't heard as much about AIDS as I did years ago. I was shocked as hell when ole Rock Hudson died from it, and totally surprised about Magic Johnson, but I really haven't heard stories of several people dying from AIDS as of lately. Maybe there are just no publishings on it, or I'm not paying attention.
But I'd like to think the disease is fading, that people are more aware and taking precautions.
I personally do not know anyone who has AIDS or died from it.
There are definitely several other terrible diseases I hear about more than AIDS.
Actually, I haven't heard as much about AIDS as I did years ago. I was shocked as hell when ole Rock Hudson died from it, and totally surprised about Magic Johnson, but I really haven't heard stories of several people dying from AIDS as of lately. Maybe there are just no publishings on it, or I'm not paying attention.
But I'd like to think the disease is fading, that people are more aware and taking precautions.
I personally do not know anyone who has AIDS or died from it.
There are definitely several other terrible diseases I hear about more than AIDS.

Due to advances in medical treatments, AIDS has gone from a death sentance to being a managable chronic illness. The downside to its treatability is that the prevention push that was done by groups such as GMHC have lost thier prime motivator, which was a horrible death from AIDS.

You have some parts of the gay culture starting a slide back to the bathhouse days, and this leads to increased rates of infection. The prime concern of this would be the evolution of a new HIV strain that is not responsive to the current crop of drugs, which could bring us all back to the bad old days of the 80's and 90's.
USA and UK,and other part of European countries, AIDS and HIV affected young men gay above all other group of people. Particularly in the UK and USA, the percentage of young gay men who have been infected with HIV and AIDS is greater than other number of individuals such as childeren and heterosexual. furthermore, there are effective measures to prevent young gay men and with any group or community from contacting with HIV, AIDS and sTI's.first is by being aware about HIV and AIDS, by providing health teachings,accurate and up-to-date information in a more comprehensive way.

Do get your facts right before you post!

In the UK, heterosexual sex accounts for around 45% of all diagnosed HIV infections. This is closely followed by sex between men, which accounts for around 44% of infections.

United Kingdom Statistics by Transmission Route
Mebbe it'll work for other viruses...
Scientists Disarm AIDS Virus’ Attack on Immune System
September 21, 2011 - Scientists say they have found a way to disarm the AIDS virus in research that could lead to a vaccine. Researchers have discovered that if they eliminate a cholesterol membrane surrounding the virus, HIV cannot disrupt communication among disease-fighting cells and the immune system returns to normal.
Scientists have discovered that HIV needs cholesterol, which it picks up from the first immune cells it infects, to keep the virus' outer membrane fluid. That allows it to communicate with - and disrupt - the body's immune system. The long-term effect of this disrupted communication is to destroy the body’s normal defense against the AIDS virus, which is responsible for 1.8 million deaths each year. But researchers say they can prevent HIV from damaging the immune system, if they remove the cholesterol from the virus’ outer membrane.

David Graham is a molecular biologist at The Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. “By stealing cholesterol from the envelope of the virus, we can neutralize the subversion," said Graham. "We’ve broken the code; we can shut down the type of interference that HIV is having on the immune system.” The cholesterol used by HIV, Graham notes, is not the same cholesterol that circulates in blood and causes coronary artery disease. He says the AIDS virus incorporates cholesterol into its membrane from plasmacytoid dendritic cells or pDCs - the first immune cells to recognize the virus. The pDC cells normally signal the adaptive part of the immune system - T cells - to form a more specific, long-lasting response.

But through its newly-acquired cholesterol membrane, Graham says HIV reprograms the immune system - starting with the first responder cells - so they become hyperactive. “These cells are just saying, 'No way. We’re not shutting off," he said. "We are going to keep responding.' And that causes the cells of the adaptive immune system to start shutting down.” The T-cells do not respond properly, and the virus can spread. Graham says this might explain why scientists have so far been unsuccessful in developing an AIDS vaccine. Many candidate vaccines attempt to bolster the T-cells, which have been weakened by what the virus does to the pDC cells.

Graham, along with his colleagues at several European universities, found a way to disable HIV’s cholesterol membrane so it cannot corrupt the first-responder cells, clearing the way for T-cells to fight the HIV infection, or pathogen, more effectively. “The immune system now treated it more like a regular pathogen that you would encounter, and we would have normal immune responses that would result in protection," said Graham. So far, research has been conducted only in the laboratory. But Graham says he hopes studies in animals and humans will eventually lead to an AIDS vaccine. The research, funded by Britain’s Wellcome Trust and the U.S. National Institutes of Health, is described in an article published in the journal Blood.


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